Changes between Version 91 and Version 92 of Doc/Setup

11/08/19 10:54:07 (5 years ago)



  • Doc/Setup

    v91 v92  
    124124### The [!UserChoices] section ### 
    126  * !JobName --> simulation name   
    127  * !ExperimentName --> experiment name (following the CMIP6 nomenclature for the IPCC simulations)  
    128  * !SpaceName --> variable indicating the type of a simulation and [wiki:Doc/Running#Theoutputfiles where output will be store]. Choose between :  
    129      * PROD = simulations store on storedir file system, under path IGCM_OUT/!TagName/PROD 
    130      * DEVT = simulations store on storedir file system, under path IGCM_OUT/!TagName/DEVT 
    131      * TEST = special case deactivating pack and storage. Simulations store on scratch file system, under path IGCM_OUT/!TagName/TEST  
    132  * !LongName --> description of your simulation  
    133  * !TagName --> '''do not change this field'''; describes to which configuration family your experiment belongs  
    134  * !ExpType --> '''do not change this field'''; allows you to find the EXPERIMENTS directory in which you are working  
    135  * !CalendarType --> define the type of calendar for a year of simulation. Choose between :  
    136    * 360d = idealized calendar of 12 months of 30 days 
    137    * leap = real calendar of 365 and 366 days 
    138    * noleap = idealized calendar of 365 days 
    139  * !DateBegin --> simulation start date (yyyy-mm-dd) 
    140  * !DateEnd --> simulation end date. It must be the last day "included" in your simulation 
    141  * !PeriodLength --> frequency of the executable run. This parameter can be 1M, 1Y or 10Y (1D or 5D for a test)  
    142  * !JobNumProcTot --> number of processors required by your simulation.  
    143  * ARCHIVE --> optional: path to base directory for output files. By default this is set in libIGCM depending on the machine. This variable is suggested to be used at obelix to change the default output directory which is /home/scratch01/login. 
    144  * !DataProject --> optional: This variable can be added currently only for use at irene if you want to store output on another project space than the one used in the job headers. The main job and all post-processing jobs will store at this project even if the computing hours are taken from another project. Note that by default the storage space is the same as the computing project. For example !DataProject=gen6328. 
    145  * !CompressionLevel --> choose level of compression for netcdf output files  (default = 2)  
     126 * `JobName` = simulation name   
     127 * `ExperimentName` = experiment name (following the CMIP6 nomenclature for the IPCC simulations)  
     128 * `SpaceName` = variable indicating the type of a simulation and [wiki:Doc/Running#Theoutputfiles where output will be store]. Choose between :  
     129     * `PROD` = simulations store on storedir file system, under path IGCM_OUT/!TagName/PROD 
     130     * `DEVT` = simulations store on storedir file system, under path IGCM_OUT/!TagName/DEVT 
     131     * `TEST` = special case deactivating pack and storage. Simulations store on scratch file system, under path IGCM_OUT/!TagName/TEST  
     132 * `LongName` = description of your simulation  
     133 * `TagName` = '''do not change this field'''; describes to which configuration family your experiment belongs  
     134 * `ExpType` = '''do not change this field'''; allows you to find the EXPERIMENTS directory in which you are working  
     135 * `CalendarType`= define the type of calendar for a year of simulation. Choose between :  
     136   * `360d` = idealized calendar of 12 months of 30 days 
     137   * `leap` = real calendar of 365 and 366 days 
     138   * `noleap` = idealized calendar of 365 days 
     139 * `DateBegin` = simulation start date (yyyy-mm-dd) 
     140 * `DateEnd` = simulation end date. It must be the last day "included" in your simulation 
     141 * `PeriodLength` = frequency of the executable run. This parameter can be 1M, 1Y or 10Y (1D or 5D for a test)  
     142 * `JobNumProcTot` = number of processors required by your simulation.  
     143 * `ARCHIVE` = optional: path to base directory for output files. By default this is set in libIGCM depending on the machine. This variable is suggested to be used at obelix to change the default output directory which is /home/scratch01/login. 
     144 * `DataProject` = optional: This variable can be added currently only for use at irene if you want to store output on another project space than the one used in the job headers. The main job and all post-processing jobs will store at this project even if the computing hours are taken from another project. Note that by default the storage space is the same as the computing project. For example !DataProject=gen6328. 
     145 * `CompressionLevel` = choose level of compression for netcdf output files  (default = 2)  
    147147The parameters ''!ExperimentName'' and ''!SpaceName'' are optional. They impact on the path to the storage directory for the simulation output. `SpaceName=TEST` is a specific case which deactivate pack and storage at archive directory which means that the output will be stored only at SCRATCHDIR (at TGCC and at IDRIS).   
    179179#### !UsersChoices Specific to v6.2 #### 
    180  * !EnvFile =  path of the file using for install compilation environment  
    181  * !ResolAtm = resolution of atmosphere model LMDZ (need  to find the executable name)  
    182  * !ResolOce = resolution of ocean model NEMO (need  to find the executable name)  
    183  * !ConfChem = configuration choose for the chemistry atmospheric model INCA (AER, NMHC, etc.) (need to find the executable name)  
    184  * !OptMode = option use for the compilation (debug or prod)(need  to find the executable name).  
     180 * `EnvFile` =  path of the file using for install compilation environment  
     181 * `ResolAtm` = resolution of atmosphere model LMDZ (need  to find the executable name)  
     182 * `ResolOce` = resolution of ocean model NEMO (need  to find the executable name)  
     183 * `ConfChem` = configuration choose for the chemistry atmospheric model INCA (AER, NMHC, etc.) (need to find the executable name)  
     184 * `OptMode` = option use for the compilation (debug or prod)(need  to find the executable name).  