Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of Doc/Setup

09/17/14 12:02:24 (10 years ago)



  • Doc/Setup

    v8 v9  
    540540When IPSLCM5_v5 is downloaded with ./model IPSLCM5_v5 it will offer the possibility to launch experiments of the decadal type. 
    541 To prepare an ensemble of simulations copy the config.card and ensemble.card files from the directory: 
     541To prepare an ensemble of simulations copy the [#Config.card config.card] and [#Ensemble.card ensemble.card] files from the directory: 
    550 Several types of ensemble simulations can be prepared by filling config.card and more importantly ensemble.card. 
     550Several types of ensemble simulations can be prepared by filling [#Config.card config.card] and more importantly [#Ensemble.card ensemble.card]. 
     551All parameters for ensemble description are in [#Ensemble.card ensemble.card] and global simulation template is in the [#Config.card config.card]. 
     553## Usage ## 
     555Check that COMP, POST, PARAM and DRIVER (for IPSLCM5_v5) directories are present in the experiment folder. 
     556Once [#Ensemble.card ensemble.card] and [#Config.card config.card] are correctly filled,  to create an ensemble simply type:  
     557       ins_job -e 
     558This will create all the directories of the ensemble and, a shell file containing all command to submit all jobs (!PeriodNb=60 for all simulations). 
     559The Qclean.month/ are bash files to use clean_month or clean_year script for all simulations.[[BR]][[BR]] 
     560NOTE: If a directory exists, ins_job won't modify it. If only some directories of  the ensemble are presents, it will create the missing ones and complete shell file. 
    552563## Config.card ## 
    554 The file config.card is filled as a regular config.card (ins_job without the -e option). 
     565The file ''config.card'' is filled as a regular ''config.card'' (ins_job without the -e option). 
    556567The important lines for the ensemble set up are in the [!UserChoices] section. Make sure that !JobName and !ExperimentName are filled with proper values.[[BR]] 
    557568The variable !CalendarType should be consistent with the simulations from which you are initialising or else the restart file with the proper date may not exist.[[BR]] 
    558 The variables !DateBegin and !DateEnd will be overriden by variables present in ensemble.card. 
     569The variables !DateBegin and !DateEnd will be overriden by variables present in [#Ensemble.card ensemble.card]. 
    560571#D-- UserChoices - 
    588 A section [Ensemble] should also be present. It contains the information that we want to prepare an ensemble simulation with variable !EnsembleRun set to y and three unset fields to be filled in the config.card of each member after ins_job -e has run. 
     599A section `[Ensemble]` should also be present. It contains the information that we want to prepare an ensemble simulation with variable !EnsembleRun set to y and three unset fields to be filled in the ''config.card'' of each member after ''ins_job -e'' has run. 
    599610## Ensemble.card ## 
    601 There are several sections in ensemble.card: 
    602 [Ens_PARAMETRIC], [Ens_DATE] and [Ens_PERTURB]. 
    604 The choice of ensemble types is done by setting the variable active to y or n. 
     612There are several sections in ''ensemble.card'': 
     613`[Ens_PARAMETRIC]`, `[Ens_DATE]` and `[Ens_PERTURB]`. 
     615The choice of ensemble types is done by setting the variable `active` to ''y'' or ''n''. 
    611 We cover here the third section which allows to generate members from an initial condition which is perturbed by different means.[[BR]] 
     622There are 3 types of ensembles : 
     623-       Parametric ensemble which is not implemented yet. 
     624-       Date restart ensemble which allows to configure several simulations starting from different conditions. 
     625-       Pertub ensemble which allows to generate members from an initial condition which is perturbed by different means. 
     627## Configure a Date Restart ensemble ## 
     629We cover here the section which allows to generate identical simulations excepted the initial restart file. Indeed, the « Date Restart ensemble » was implemented to configure a same simulation using several restart dates, generally choosen for a particular point (ex : randomly, particular climate oscillation phases, volcanic activity…).[[BR]] 
     631In [#Ensemble.card ensemble.card] all configuration items of this ensemble are in `[Ens_DATE]` section.[[BR]] 
     633There are 2 types of possible configurations to define restarts dates : a periodic one (give year start / stop and periodicity) or non periodic one (give a list of disired restarts). The second one is recommanded because it allows more options.[[BR]] 
     635In both cases you must fill the following options : `active`, `NAME`, `LENGTH`, `INITFROM` and `INITPATH`.[[BR]] 
     638# for using date ensemble, 'n' else. 
     641# name of the ensemble (used to create root directory) 
     644# default length of the simulation for non periodic and duration for all periodic (in Year or Month) 
     647# Experiment name to find all restart files (and default one for non-periodic) 
     650# Restart root directory 
     654=== Periodic start dates === 
     656In [#Ensemble.card ensemble.card], it is possible to specify a periodic list of start dates. Restart files will be generated for each member at each date starting from `BEGIN_INIT` to `END_INIT` with a periodicity of `PERIODICITY`, using `BEGIN_RESTART` as first restart. Leave all ''NON_PERIODIC'' options empty (`NONPERIODIC`, `RESTART_NONPERIODIC`, `INITFROM_NONPERIODIC`,  `LENGTH_NONPERIODIC`).[[BR]] 
     658The following part of [#Ensemble.card ensemble.card] sets simulations from 1990-01-01 to 2000-01-01 every 2 years each lasting 10 years with a restarts starting from 1814-12-31 every 2 years: 
     661# start date of the first periodic simulation  
     664# start date of the last periodic simulation 
     667# duration between the start of 2 periodic simulations 
     670# date for the first restart (next = first+periodicity). CAUTION of the calendar (use config.card one)! 
     674This will produce simulations starting at the dates : 1990-01-01, 1992-01-01, 1994-01-01, 1996-01-01, 1998-01-01, 2000-01-01. (`PERIODICITY` can be given in months for shorter periods).[[BR]] 
     676The restart files are taken from `BEGIN_RESTART` every `PEIODICITY` step : 1814-12-31, 1816-12-31, 1818-12-31, etc...[[BR]] 
     678The directory in which the start date is retrieved is given by `INITPATH` and `INITFROM`.[[BR]] 
     680To restart from experiment ''v3.historical6'' in directory ''/ccc/store/cont003/dsm/p86denv/dmf_import/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A/PROD/historical'' fill: 
     683# Restart name  
     684INITFROM= v3.historical6  
     686# Restart directory 
     691=== Non-Periodic start dates === 
     693In [#Ensemble.card ensemble.card], it is also possible to specify manually all simulations running and restart dates, length and experiment names to get restart files.[[BR]] 
     695First, you don’t need to fill the periodic attributes in [#Ensemble.card ensemble.card] (`BEGIN_INIT`, `END_INIT`, `PERIODICITY` and `BEGIN_RESTART`). Then you can list the start date of all simulations with `NONPERIODIC` variable, all restart dates with `RESTART_NONPERIODIC` one, all experiments to get restart files in `INITFROM_NONPERIODIC` and give the length of each simulation (`LENGTH_NONPERIODIC`).[[BR]] 
     697Here is an example of a configuration : 
     700# list of start dates for all simulations 
     701NONPERIODIC=(18150101 19910101 19990101) 
     703# list of corresponding restart dates 
     704RESTART_NONPERIODIC=(18141230 19901230 19981231) 
     706# simulation name to restart for each simulation. IF empty all simulations will use INITFROM one. 
     707INITFROM_NONPERIODIC=( v3.historical6 v3.historical6 v5.historical1) 
     709# lenght of each simulation. IF empty all simulations duration will be the default LENGTH option. 
     710LENGTH_NONPERIODIC=(10Y 10Y 50Y) 
     715<span style="border: solid 1px #000000; padding: 5px; font-weight: bold;"><span style="color: #ff0000">WARNING:</span> For list variables, use blank between values if there are not dates or durations (no coma).</span> 
     719This will produce 3 simulations which starting at the dates : 1815-01-01, 1990-01-01 and 1999-01-01using respectively restarts from 1814-12-30, 1990-12-30, 1998-12-31 (note that the calendar should be different from the [#Config.card config.card] one) taking into ''v3.historical6'' experiment for the 2 firsts and from ''v5.historical1'' for the last one (`INITPATH` is ignored when `INITFROM_NONPERIODIC` is filled). Simulations length will be 10 years for the 2 firsts and 50 years for the last one. All restart experiments should be in the directory ''/ccc/store/cont003/dsm/p86denv/dmf_import/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A/PROD/historical.''[[BR]] 
     721Notice that `INITFROM_NONPERIODIC` and `LENGTH_NONPERIODIC` are not mandatory for non-periodic configuration. If you don’t fill one of them or both the `INITFROM` value and/or `LENGTH` value will be used for all simulations : 
     724# default length of the simulation for non periodic and duration for all periodic (in Year or Month) 
     728# list of start dates for all simulations 
     729NONPERIODIC=(18150101 19910101 19990101) 
     731# list of corresponding restart dates 
     732RESTART_NONPERIODIC=(18141230 19901230 19901231) 
     734# simulation name to restart for each simulation. IF empty all simulations will use INITFROM one. 
     737# length of each simulation. IF left empty all simulations durations will be the default LENGTH option. 
     740# Restart name  
     741INITFROM= v3.historical6  
     743# Restart directory 
     747This will produce 3 simulations starting at the dates : 1815-01-01, 1990-01-01 and 1999-01-01 using respectively restarts from 1814-12-30, 1990-12-30, 1990-12-31.[[BR]] 
     748All of them use ''v3.historical6'' experiment to get restart files and their duration is 10 years. 
     751## Configure a Perturbated ensemble ## 
     753We cover here the section which allows to generate members from an initial condition which is perturbed by different means.[[BR]] 
    613755There are two ways to perturb the initial condition: 
    651 In ensemble.card, it is possible to specify a periodic list of start dates.[[BR]]  
     793In [#Ensemble.card ensemble.card], it is possible to specify a periodic list of start dates.[[BR]]  
    652794Restart files will be generated for each member at each date starting from BEGIN_INIT to END_INIT with a periodicity of PERIODICITY.[[BR]] 
    653795The variable MEMBER sets the number of members for each start date. 
    655 The following part of ensemble.card sets 10 members from 19900101 to 20000101 every 2 years each lasting 10 years: 
     797The following part of [#Ensemble.card ensemble.card] sets 10 members from 19900101 to 20000101 every 2 years each lasting 10 years: 
    657799# member nb (i.e nb of perturb initial restart for each date) 
    849 Once config.card and ensemble.card properly filled the directories containing the jobs to launch the simulations are created by issuing the command: 
     991Once [#Config.card config.card] and [#Ensemble.card ensemble.card] properly filled the directories containing the jobs to launch the simulations are created by issuing the command: 
    851993ins_job -e