
Version 6 (modified by flavoni, 5 years ago) (diff)


Ensemble setup

This chapter describes how to setup your simulation once you have compiled your configuration at a choosen resolution.

In this chapter we describe how to generate/use ensemble simulation.

1. Prepare ensembles with ins_job -e

To create an ensemble configuration you need to create an ensemble.card file.

NOTE: a template of ensemble.card is given in IPSLCM6/EXPERIMENTS/IPSLCM/dcppAhindcast_CMIP6 for IPSLCM6 model.

When IPSLCM6.1.9-LR is downloaded with ./model IPSLCM6.1.9-LR it will offer the possibility to launch experiments of the decadal type.
To prepare an ensemble of simulations copy the config.card and ensemble.card files from the directory:


into the directory:


Two type of esemble are allowed with this template:

  1. Ens_DATE : allows to configure simulations starting from different restart dates, NON-Periodic.
  1. Ens_PERTURB : allows to configure simulations of differents members from an initial condition which is perturbed, PERIODIC, (it is possible to create different initial state perturbing Sea Surface Temperature with a with noise)

All parameters for ensemble description are in ensemble.card and in config.card.

1.1. Usage

Check that COMP, POST, PARAM and DRIVER directories are present in the experiment folder.
Once ensemble.card and config.card are correctly filled, to create an ensemble simply type:

../../libIGCM/ins_job -e

This will create :

  • all the directories of the ensemble
  • : shell script to submit all jobs (PeriodNb=5 for all simulations)
  • : shell script to clean (if necessary) all simulations after an error, and to re-launch them
  • : shell script to clean (if necessary) last packed period after an error, and to re-launch them

Note: xxx it will be the JobName configured in config.card

NOTE: If a directory exists, ins_job won't modify it, the creation of ensemble it will stopped.

1.2. Config.card

The file config.card is filled as a regular config.card (ins_job without the -e option). It will be used as a template for all simulations that will be created.

The important lines for the ensemble set up are in the [UserChoices] section. Make sure that JobName and ExperimentName are filled with proper values.
The variables DateBegin and DateEnd will be overidden by variables present in ensemble.card.

# This is config.card file for IPSLCM6 configuration
#D-- Compatibility -
#D-- UserChoices -
#----- Short Name of Experiment
#D- Choice of experiment in EXPERIMENTS directory
#-- leap, noleap, 360d
#-- Experiment dates : Beginning and ending
#-- "YYYY-MM-DD"
#-- 1Y, 1M, 5D, 1D Period Length of one trunk of simulation

A section [Ensemble] should also be present. It contains the information that we want to prepare an ensemble simulation with variable EnsembleRun set to y and three unset fields to be filled in the config.card of each member after 'ins_job -e has run.

#D- Ensemble run ? 'y' or 'n'
#D- If 'y', fill in ensemble.card !!

1.3. Ensemble.card

It is possile to choice between 2 type of esnembles in ensemble.card: Date restart ensemble which allows to configure simulations starting from different restart dates: need to fill section [Ens_DATE] Perturb ensemble which allows to generate members from an initial condition which is perturbed by different means: need to fill section[Ens_PERTURB]

The choice between 2 type of ensembles set the variable active to y of section tat you want activate: To activate Date Restart non-Periodic Ensembles:


To activate Perturbed Restart Periodic Ensembles: NOTE : that Period can be also just 1Y (to run non-periodic perturbed ensembles)


1.4. Configure a Date Restart ensemble

The « Date Restart ensemble » is implemented to configure a set of simulations using several restart dates, generally chosen for a particular point (ex : randomly, particular climate oscillation phases, volcanic activity…).

In ensemble.card all configuration items of this ensemble are in [Ens_DATE] section.
The configuration to define restarts dates is non-periodic one, it needs to define a list of desired restarts.
Fill the following options : active, NAME, LENGTH, INITFROM and INITPATH.

# for using date ensemble, 'n' else.

# name of the ensemble (used to create root directory)

# default length of the simulation for non periodic and duration for all periodic (in Year or Month)

# Experiment name to find all restart files (and default one for non-periodic)

# Restart root directory

Periodic start dates

In ensemble.card, it is possible to specify a periodic list of start dates. Restart files will be generated for each member at each date starting from BEGIN_INIT to END_INIT with a periodicity of PERIODICITY, using BEGIN_RESTART as first restart. Leave all NON_PERIODIC options empty (NONPERIODIC, RESTART_NONPERIODIC, INITFROM_NONPERIODIC, LENGTH_NONPERIODIC).

The following part of ensemble.card sets 10 years simulations from 1990-01-01 to 2000-01-01 every 2 years each with a restarts starting from 1814-12-31 every 2 years:

# start date of the first periodic simulation 

# start date of the last periodic simulation

# duration between the start of 2 periodic simulations

# date for the first restart (next = first+periodicity). CAUTION of the calendar (use config.card one)!

This will produce simulations starting at the dates : 1990-01-01, 1992-01-01, 1994-01-01, 1996-01-01, 1998-01-01, 2000-01-01. (PERIODICITY can be given in months for shorter periods).

The restart files are taken from BEGIN_RESTART every PERIODICITY step : 1814-12-31, 1816-12-31, 1818-12-31, etc...

The directory in which the start date is retrieved is given by INITPATH and INITFROM.

To restart from experiment v3.historical6 in directory /ccc/store/cont003/dsm/p86denv/dmf_import/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A/PROD/historical fill:

# Restart name 
INITFROM= v3.historical6 

# Restart directory

CAUTION: The variable CalendarType from config.card will be used to determine the next restart date. It should be consistent with the simulations from which you are initialising.

Non-Periodic start dates

In ensemble.card, it is also possible to specify manually all simulations running and restart dates, length, experiment names and directories to get restart files.

First, you need to left empty the periodic attributes BEGIN_INIT, END_INIT, PERIODICITY and BEGIN_RESTART in ensemble.card. Then you can list the start date of all simulations with NONPERIODIC variable, all restart dates with RESTART_NONPERIODIC one, all experiments to get restart files in INITFROM_NONPERIODIC, all simulations restart path using INITPATH_NONPERIODIC and give the length of each simulation (LENGTH_NONPERIODIC).

Here is an example of a configuration :

# list of start dates for all simulations
NONPERIODIC=(18150101 19910101 19990101)

# list of corresponding restart dates
RESTART_NONPERIODIC=(18141230 19901230 19981231)

# simulation name to restart for each simulation. IF empty all simulations will use INITFROM one.
INITFROM_NONPERIODIC=( v3.historical6 v3.historical6 v5.historical1)

# directory of the restart for each simulation. IF empty all simulations will use INITPATH one.
INITPATH_NONPERIODIC= ( path/to/1st path/to/2nd path/to/3rd )

# length of each simulation. If empty all simulations duration will be the default LENGTH option.
WARNING: For list variables, use blank between values (no coma).

This will produce 3 simulations which starting at the dates : 1815-01-01, 1990-01-01 and 1999-01-01using respectively restarts from 1814-12-30, 1990-12-30, 1998-12-31 (note that the calendar should be different from the config.card one) taking into v3.historical6 experiment for the 2 firsts and from v5.historical1 for the last one (INITFROM is ignored when INITFROM_NONPERIODIC is filled). Restarts will be taken respectively in the 3 directories specified with INITPATH_NONPERIODIC (INITPATH is ignored when INITPATH_NONPERIODIC is filled). Simulations length will be 10 years for the 2 firsts and 50 years for the last one. All restart experiments should be in the directory /ccc/store/cont003/dsm/p86denv/dmf_import/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A/PROD/historical.

Notice that INITFROM_NONPERIODIC, LENGTH_NONPERIODIC and INITPATH_NONPERIODIC are not mandatory for non-periodic configuration. If you don’t fill one of them or all the INITFROM value and/or LENGTH value and/or INITPATH will be used for all simulations :

# default length of the simulation for non periodic and duration for all periodic (in Year or Month)

# list of start dates for all simulations
NONPERIODIC=(18150101 19910101 19990101)

# list of corresponding restart dates
RESTART_NONPERIODIC=(18141230 19901230 19901231)

# simulation name to restart for each simulation. IF empty all simulations will use INITFROM one.

# length of each simulation. IF left empty all simulations durations will be the default LENGTH option.

# directory of the restart for each simulation. IF empty all simulations will use INITPATH one.

# Restart name 
INITFROM= v3.historical6 

# Restart directory

This will produce 3 simulations starting at the dates : 1815-01-01, 1990-01-01 and 1999-01-01 using respectively restarts from 1814-12-30, 1990-12-30, 1990-12-31.
All of them use v3.historical6 experiment in /ccc/store/cont003/dsm/p86denv/dmf_import/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A/PROD/historical directory to get restart files and their duration is 10 years.

1.5. Configure a Perturbed ensemble

We cover here the section which allows to generate members from an initial condition which is perturbed by different means.

There are two ways to perturb the initial condition:

  • apply some random white noise of defined amplitude to the temperature field of the coupler component (CPL) restart file
  • apply some previously generated 3D temperature perturbation map to the temperature field of the ocean component (OCE) restart file

Each method applies only to the relevant type of ensemble generation available inside [Ens_PERTURB] as will be explained later.

Before detailing the different functionalities available in [Ens_PERTURB] let us discuss the NAME variable.
This variable will be both the global name of the ensemble (ie directory name) and the prefix for each member:

# ensemble name

JobName variable in config.card will be the name of the root directory that would be created containing all config and script files and the ensemble.

Periodic start dates

For this type of perturbed ensembles the following variables are left empty:

# member list (apply list of pattern to initial state)

# member list of names corresponding to each member

# member pattern global name

# member pattern global directory for name
# start dates list
# length list for non periodic simulation (NOTE: use length above if not fill)
# Path of Mask file

In ensemble.card, it is possible to specify a periodic list of start dates.
Restart files will be generated for each member at each date starting from BEGIN_INIT to END_INIT with a periodicity of PERIODICITY.
The variable MEMBER sets the number of members for each start date.

The following part of ensemble.card sets 10 members from 19900101 to 20000101 every 2 years each lasting 10 years:

# member nb (i.e nb of perturb initial restart for each date)
# periodic and member list simulations length
# start date of the first ensemble
# start date of the last ensemble
# timestep between each periodic simulation

This will produce 10 members starting at the dates : 19900101, 19920101, 19940101, 19960101, 19980101, 20000101. (PERIODICITY can be given in months for shorter periods)

Each time the restart file to be perturbed in order to produce each member is taken from the previous day of the start date : 19893112, 19913112, etc...

The directory in which the start date is retrieved is given by INITPATH and INITFROM.
To restart from experiment v3h4BTxx in directory /ccc/store/cont003/gen2211/nguyens/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A/PROD/historical fill:

# Restart name
# Restart directory

The way the perturbed member is generated depends on PERTURB_BIN array. The first two elements are the most important. The first one is the executable to be used to produce the members, the second one is the component from which the restart is perturbed.

In the Periodic Case it is only possible to build the members by applying a randomly generated temperature pattern on the restart file of the coupler. PERTURB_BIN should look like this:

PERTURB_BIN=(AddNoise, CPL, sstoc, O_SSTSST, 0.1)

The list is interpreted as follows:

  • the used executable is AddNoise,
  • the component is the coupler (CPL),
  • the restart file to perturb contains sstoc in its name,
  • the variable to perturb in the restart file is O_SSTSST,
  • the randomly generated perturbation is in [-.05;+0.05] degrees

!!NOTA!! The perturbation is not applied to grid points located under the sea ice. This condition is "hard-written" in the AddNoise code. Because of a change of the name of the sea ice cover variable from IPSL-CM5A (OIceFrac) and IPSL-CM6 (OIceFrc), a modification of the code has been made by Olivier Marti in June 2016 to allow the code to search for both names

For each member (in our example we have ten) a new restart file for the coupler will be generated using the executable addnoise to add some randomly generated temperature perturbation.
For the year 1990, the corresponding restart file of member 1 will be stored in


Non-Periodic start dates

For this type of perturbed ensembles the following variables are left empty:

# member list (apply list of pattern to initial state)

# member list of names corresponding to each member

# member pattern global name

# member pattern global directory for name
# start dates list
# length list for non periodic simulation (NOTE: use length above if not fill)
# start date of the first ensemble
# start date of the last ensemble
# Path of Mask file

The variable LENGTH must be set to something but is not used, PERIODICITY must be set to NONE:

# periodic and member list simulations length
# timestep between each periodic simulation (NONE for nonperiodic)

To set 10 members for the starting dates 1990 and 1992 for a duration of 10 years, set MEMBER, NONPERIODIC and LENGTH_NONPERIODIC as follows:

# member nb (i.e nb of perturb initial restart for each date)
# start dates list
NONPERIODIC=(19900101 19920101)
# length list for non periodic simulation (NOTE: use length above if not fill)

This results in 20 simulations in total.

The restart files to be perturbed to produce each member are sought in directory INITFROM which PATH is INITPATH.

# Restart name
# Restart directory

This will result in using restarts from experiment v3h4BT00 located in directory /ccc/store/cont003/gen0826/labetoul/dmf_import/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A/PROD/historical.

The perturbation executable must be AddNoise.

PERTURB_BIN=(AddNoise, CPL, sstoc, O_SSTSST, 0.1)

List of members for a single start date

For this type of perturbed ensembles the following variables are left empty:

# member nb (i.e nb of perturb initial restart for each date)
# timestep between each periodic simulation (NONE for nonperiodic)
# start dates list
# length list for non periodic simulation (NOTE: use length above if not fill)

It is important to leave PERIODICITY set to NONE and LENGTH_NONPERIODIC as an empty list: the list of member method only works for a single start date and neither with periodic start dates nor with non periodic start dates.

The variables BEGIN_INIT and END_INIT are set to the same date, only BEGIN_INIT will be used to provide the start date of the simulation for each member.

# start date of the first ensemble
# start date of the last ensemble

The variable LENGTH is the computation time which is the same for all members.

# periodic and member list simulations length

MEMBER_NAMESLIST is the list of names given to each member. It gives the names of the subdirectories from which the Job is submitted for each member as well as the subdirectories in which the results are stored for each member.

PERTU_MAP_LIST (previously named as MEMBER_LIST) is the list of perturbation maps files names prefix to apply to the restart file. It is implied that the files are named

MEMBER_INITFROM is the directory in which the perturbations maps are stored.

MEMBER_INITPATH is the path to this directory.

# member list of names corresponding to each member

# member list (apply list of pattern to initial state)

# member pattern global directory name

# member pattern global directory for name

The variables INITFROM and INITPATH are still used to point to the directory where the restart files including the one to be perturbed are available.

# Restart name

# Restart directory

For the member list perturbation type we use the executable AddPertu3DOCE and set PERTURB_BIN this way:

# perturbation type
PERTURB_BIN=(AddPertu3DOCE, OCE, restart, tn,

The elements of the list mean:

  • the executable to be called to generate the perturbation is AddPertu3DOCE
  • the component is the Ocean (OCE)
  • the restart file to perturb is *restart*.nc
  • the field to perturb in the restart file is tn
  • the meshmask file to tell if the gridcell is land or sea is

The path to the mesh mask file is given in MASKPATH.

# Path of Mask file

Once config.card and ensemble.card properly filled the directories containing the jobs to launch the simulations are created by issuing the command:

ins_job -e # Check and complet job's header