Changes between Version 31 and Version 32 of Doc/Running

11/09/15 14:27:15 (9 years ago)

remove extra camelcase escape


  • Doc/Running

    v31 v32  
    4141### run.card during the simulation ### 
    4242A ''run.card'' file is created as soon as your simulation starts. It contains information about your simulation, in particular the !PeriodState parameter which is:  
    43  * `Start` or `!OnQueue`   if your simulation is queued  
     43 * `Start` or `OnQueue`   if your simulation is queued  
    4444 * `Running`                  if your simulation is being executed  
    4545 * `Completed`              if your simulation was successfully completed  
    5252### Accounting mail ### 
    53 You receive a mail « Simulation Accounting » that indicates the simulation starts fine, how many !periodNb you can use to be efficient and how many computing hours the simulation will consume. For example : 
     53You receive a mail « Simulation Accounting » that indicates the simulation starts fine, how many !PeriodNb you can use to be efficient and how many computing hours the simulation will consume. For example : 
    5555Dear Jessica, 
    259259 * ''' Output ''' : those files are concatenated by type (histmth, histday ...) with the `ncrcat` command in the IGCM_OUT/!TagName/.../!JobName/_comp_/Output/ directories. 
    260260## Time Series ## 
    261 A Time Series is a file which contains a single variable over the whole simulation period (!ChunckJob2D = NONE) or for a shorter period for 2D (!ChunckJob2D = 100Y) or 3D (!ChunckJob3D = 50Y) variables.  
     261A Time Series is a file which contains a single variable over the whole simulation period (ChunckJob2D = NONE) or for a shorter period for 2D (ChunckJob2D = 100Y) or 3D (ChunckJob3D = 50Y) variables.  
    262262 * The write frequency is defined in the ''config.card'' file: !TimeSeriesFrequency=10Y indicates that the time series will be written every 10 years and for 10-year periods. 
    263  * The Time Series are set in the COMP/*.card files by the !TimeSeriesVars2D and !TimeSeriesVars3D options. 
     263 * The Time Series are set in the COMP/*.card files by the TimeSeriesVars2D and TimeSeriesVars3D options. 
    265265Example for lmdz : 
    279279 * Each output file (section [!OutputFiles]) is related to a post processing job: Post_1M_histmth in the example.  
    280280 * Post_1M_histmth is a section (starting by "[Post_1M_histmth]") 
    281  * This section contains the variables : Patches= , !GatherWithInternal = , !TimeSeriesVars2D = , !ChunckJob2D , !TimeSeriesVars3D and !ChunckJob3D. 
     281 * This section contains the variables : Patches= , !GatherWithInternal = , TimeSeriesVars2D = , ChunckJob2D , TimeSeriesVars3D and ChunckJob3D. 
    282282  * Patches= (Patch_20091030_histcom_time_axis) : this is the Patch which will be applied to the output file. The available Patches can be found here: [ libIGCM_post] Different Patches can be applied consecutively.  
    283283  * !GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, aire) These are the variables to be extracted from the initial file and to be stored with the Time Series variable. 
    284   * !TimeSeriesVars2D/3D = those are variable lists of time series to create.  
    285   * !ChunckJob2D/3D = if the simulation is too long you can cut the time series into x-year long chunks (!ChunckJob2D=50Y for example).  
     284  * TimeSeriesVars2D/3D = those are variable lists of time series to create.  
     285  * ChunckJob2D/3D = if the simulation is too long you can cut the time series into x-year long chunks (ChunckJob2D=50Y for example).  
    291291You can add or remove variables to the !TimeSeries lists according to your needs.  
    293 [[NoteBox(note, There are as many time series jobs as there are !ChunckJob3D values. This can result in a number of create_ts jobs (automatically started by the computing sequence).,600px)]] 
     293[[NoteBox(note, There are as many time series jobs as there are ChunckJob3D values. This can result in a number of create_ts jobs (automatically started by the computing sequence).,600px)]] 