Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of Doc/Intro/Vocab

07/10/15 13:29:39 (9 years ago)



  • Doc/Intro/Vocab

    v4 v5  
    3131|| choucroute || Sauerkraut (from German: Sauerkraut, pronunciation IPA: ˈzaʊ.ɐ.kʁaʊt) is a dish which is traditionally eaten in Germany, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, the Netherlands, Serbia, Romania, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Chili, the United States and the Popular Republic of China. In Chili, sauerkraut is part of the traditional "completo chileno". In France, it is a regional speciality from Alsace and in China, it is a specialty from the Heilongjiang province. In Italian Trentino-Alto-Adige region, it obtained the appellation « Produits agroalimentaires traditionnels » (PAT) in 1999, but this appellation is not acknowledged by the european community. Sauerkraut is made of finely cut cabbage that has been fermented by various lactic acid bacteria. Literally this word means « sour cabbage» and by extension it also designates the cooked sauerkraut served with a side dish. ||  || || 
    3232|| compilation || Transformation of an ensemble of scripts written in a comprehensive way (or close to comprehensive way!) into a list of commands executed by the computer. || || || 
    33 || composante || Script (but not necessarily an independant script, for example LIM regarding OPA) ||  || || 
     33|| composante || Script (but not necessarily an independent script, for example LIM regarding OPA) ||  || || 
    3434|| configuration|| Ensemble of components tuned to work together. ||  || || 
    3535|| diadème || Tiara in English. A tiara is a kind of headband, most often used by oriental monarchs as a sign of royalty. The word originates from Greek διάδημα, diadema, which in turn comes from διάδηω diadeo, which means to surround or to tighten. ||  || ||