Very Important News See also platform-users mailing list archive here : ttp:// [[TOC(heading=Table of contents,inline,depth=1)]] ---- = 5/6/2015 Transfert très haut débit TGCC-IDRIS = {{{ De: Sébastien Denvil Objet: [Platform-users] Transfert très haut débit TGCC-IDRIS Date: 5 juin 2015 11:47:57 UTC+2 Bonjour, pour information, il est maintenant possible d'utiliser un réseau à très haut débit (10 Gbps) pour transférer des fichiers entre le TGCC et l'IDRIS. On obtient à présent un débit de 150 Mo/s, sans cela le débit maximal était de 35 Mo/s. La procédure à suivre pour bénéficier de ce réseau est accessible depuis les liens en bas de ce message. Le réseau des Centres de Calcul Français (CCFR) est un réseau dédié à très haut débit, qui interconnecte les trois centres de calcul nationaux CINES, IDRIS et TGCC. Ce réseau CCFR est mis à la disposition des utilisateurs pour faciliter les transferts de données entre les centres nationaux. Sont raccordées sur ce réseau les machines Curie au TGCC, Ada et Adapp à l'IDRIS. Le CINES sera intégré dans les prochains mois. A l'IDRIS: Au TGCC, intranet CEA uniquement: bonne journée. Sébastien -- }}} = 4/6/2015 : compiler change on Ada-IDRIS = {{{ Dear all, Because of bad results with the compilation environment intel/2013.1, we still advise everyone to go back to the previous one, intel/2013.0, as already stated by Laurent Fairhead on May 5th, 2015. We will put this environment back in the default IPSL environment on ada. More precisely, the file ~rpsl035/.bash_login will be modified to point towards the validated environment including intel/2013.0. This will take effect on Tuesday, June 9th, 2015, at 2 pm. If you followed the recommendations (, you won't have anything to do, otherwise use ~rpsl035/.bash_login as a model to modify your own .bash_login file. libIGCM tag v2.6 will also point towards this file. You have to update to this libIGCM tag. See for more information. Be aware that, even with the environment intel/2013.0, there are still a few errors in some variables with the IPSLCM5A model. We don't support it any more on ada. Please use IPSLCM5_v5 instead, since it has been checked. Have good computations on ada! Don't forget to check your results! }}} = 4/6/2015 : Change in compilation and runtime environment on Curie-TGCC = {{{ In order to fix problems related to NetCDF writing/reading encountered on scratchdir filesytem on Curie machine, we are going to switch compilation and running environment with new NetCDF version netcdf/, nco/4.4.6 and cdo/1.6.7. Except for IPSLCM5A model (see below), the change of NetCDF version (switch from 4.2 to has been validated and the reproducibility of the results has been checked for all of models and configurations available through "model" command in modipsl. We strongly advice you to switch with this new compilation and running environment which will be available from June, 9th, 2 pm. To do that, here are instructions to follow : 1) Environment The ~p86ipsl/.bashrc environment file we recommend you to use will be adapted to use the new environment. 1.1) If you already use this file, as suggested in the documentation (, you don't have to do anything. 1.2) If you use your own configuration file (.bashrc_curie, .bashrc,...), you have to modify it (by adding the load of new modules) : you can see ~p86ipsl/.bashrc as an example. 2) Compilation and running From June, 9th, 2pm, models and configurations dowloaded thanks to the "model" command of modipsl will be adapted to the new environment. For models and configurations extracted before this date, you will have to : - compile (or compile again after a gmake clean) using the new environment (see 1)). - update your libIGCM version in order to use new tag libIGCM_v2.6. Here is information about the update of libIGCM version: Particular case of v6 configurations using XIOS output library : to compile (or compile again) with the new environment, you have to modify following files : - modipsl/modeles/XIOS/arch.env as follows (comment lines ) : #module unload netcdf #module unload hdf5 #module load hdf5/1.8.9_parallel #module load netcdf/4.2_hdf5_parallel - modipsl/modeles/XIOS/arch.path as follows : HDF5_INCDIR="" HDF5_LIBDIR="" HDF5_LIB="" 3) IPSLCM5A : particular case IPSLCM5A model peforms results which are different from NetCDF 4.2 to If you want to keep exactly the same results, don't change anything in your environment and don't update your libIGCM library. If you have any simulations which are running, you have also the possibility to not change anything and to keep the previous environment (beware the automatic change : case 1.1 above) : you have to know there is a risk to obtain corrupted files. A mail will be sent on June, 9th afternoon once all of these changes will be effective. Arnaud }}} = 4/5/2015 : Switchover dods -> esgf = {{{ Dear all, As the dods software is no longer being maintained by its editor unidata, the IPSL dods servers will be shut down soon. The data that was reachable this way is now reachable from the thredds servers of the ESGF nodes. 1/ List of switchovers: IDRIS: -> -> TGCC: -> -> -> -> CINES: Commissioning of to be done later 2/ List of thredds services Thredds allows to browse trees via some catalogs as well as to access files via several protocols whose mapping is as follows: HTTP -> fileServer OpenDAP -> dodsC NetcdfSubset -> ncss WCS -> wcs WMS -> wms NCML -> ncml UDDC -> uddc ISO -> iso 3/ New URLs: From now on, access to the files should be done using URLs of the form: http://{esgf_node_fqdn}/thredds/{service}/{path} Example, replace these URLs: HTTP: OpenDAP with these ones: HTTP: OpenDAP: 4/ Access control: Files put online on 'public' spaces are publicly available. Files put online on 'private' spaces are available to IPSL IP adresses as well as OpenIDs belonging to the IPSL group. 5/ Term: Old dods servers at each site will be de decommissioned on June 15th We remain at your disposal for any further information about the preparation of this switchover. Thank you -- Nicolas Carenton }}}