Changes between Version 9 and Version 10 of Doc/DataAnalyse

11/12/19 16:36:21 (5 years ago)



  • Doc/DataAnalyse

    v9 v10  
    6868Be careful that the THREDDS spaces at TGCC should only includes hard-links of data from your project spaces on WORK. The THREDDS folders were not designed to host deep copies of your files because of high constraints on storage and inodes. 
     70## Observations/Reanalyses ## 
     72Many observational datasets and reanalyses are available thanks to Climserv on /bdd (ERAInterim, ERA5, EOBS, and others). 
     74Have a look at it before downloading data to both save your time and make multiple copies of the same dataset on the disks! 
    7076# Analyse # 
     78Many toolboxes/softwares are available on IPSL servers to do analyses (like CDO, nco, Ferret, Python, R). 
     79Additionnaly, the CliMAF python library and the C-ESM-EP evaluation package are in-house developments available for you to ease your analyses. 
     81## CliMAF: a Climate Model Assessment Framework ## 
     83CliMAF ( is a python library to help you: 
     84- browse and find data in your archives (like CMIP, CORDEX, IPSL model outputs, or observation/reanalyses) 
     85- easily do pretreatments like period or geographical domain selection, regridding, computing climatologies 
     86- either on one dataset or on an ensemble 
     87- plot your results 
     88- gather the plots in a html page  
     89- all this taking advantage of a smart cache that automatically avoids recomputing an existing result 
     91The CliMAF documentation ( has many examples in the form of html versions of jupyter notebooks. See here: 
     95If you are interested in following the CliMAF activity and ask users questions, subscribe to the mailing list: 
     98## The C-ESM-EP: the CliMAF Earth System Model Evaluation Platform ## 
     101From TGCC, the shared space `/ccc/work/cont003/thredds/$LOGIN` is expose at [].