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The ORCHIDEE_OL configurations

Person in charge: Josefine Ghattas

1. Description

ORCHIDEE_OL is the generic name of the forced ORCHIDEE configurations. They are also called offline configurations. In this context the ORCHIDEE model is forced with climatic variables based on observations or on existing climatic simulations. Following executables can be compiled depending on the version:

2. Extract ORCHIDEE offline configurations

2.1. Extract a predefined configuration

Following predefined configurations exist currently for ORCHIDEE offline use, the install a different version of ORCHIDEE source code:

The configuration is extracted in modipsl/util using ./model. For example: ./model ORCHIDEE_trunk.

2.2. Extract a branch or another version of ORCHIDEE

If you want to use a branch or a personal version on the SVN file depository of ORCHIDEE, we recommend to change the ORCHIDEE_trunk configuration in mod.def and extract this version with ./model ORCHIDEE_trunk. Go here to learn more about how to change mod.def.

3. Resolution

The compiled executable can be used at all spatial resolutions (from local to global scales). The forcing file or the options in the parameter file determine the domain (LIMIT_WEST, LIMIT_EAST, LIMIT_NORTH and LIMIT_SOUTH) and the spatial resolution (MERID_RES and ZONAL_RES). Default in the configurations is global grid.

The .resol file does not exist for ORCHIDEE_OL because the executables can be used for all resolutions.

4. Compilation

The compiling is always done from modipsl/config/ORCHIDEE_OL folder.

Read more about compile methods here:

5. The experiments

In the ORCHIDEE_OL configuration, there are several directories containing predefined experiments already set up. This means that the submit folder already exists with the config.card and all folders ready inside: COMP, PARAM, POST. Note that the comp.driver files are stored inside the COMP folder together with the comp.card files. You can copy one of the existing folders, change the JobName in config.card and if you need to change other options, then run ../../../libIGCM/ins_job to create the main job.

Following experiments are predefined, they all use the standard driver orchidee_ol except OOL_SEC_STO_FG3nd:

There are 2 other directories containing experiments which have a different structure. These experiments are looping over several sub-jobs and often used for site simulations. This documentation do not describe the usage of these specific experiments, contact the ORCHIDEE group if you need to use them:

The following experiment is currently not maintained in the default version, if you need it, contact the ORCHIDEE group:


By default, XIOS is used to write output files in ORCHIDEE_OL configuration but this can be changed to use IOIPSL instead.

Do the following to compile without XIOS:

cd modipsl/config/ORCHIDEE_OL
# For versions with compilation script
./ -without_xios
# For versions with main makefile
gmake without_xios

Switch to IOIPSL output method by changing to following in COMP/orchidee_ol.card:

# Use XIOS as output library instead of IOIPSL

Note that you can switch to IOIPSL output even if you compiled as default with XIOS. The control parameters for IOIPSL output can now be changed manually in PARAM/run.def.

Read more about diagnostic files in ORCHIDEE, using XIOS and IOIPSL on the ORCHIDEE wiki pages.