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IPSLCM6 configuration

Person in charge: Arnaud Caubel

1. Description of the configuration

IPSLCM6 model is available at different resolutions/configurations :

IPSLCM6-LR is composed of following components and tools (Oct. 2019) :

#-H- IPSLCM6.1.10-LR IPSLCM6.1.10-LR coupled configuration
#-H- IPSLCM6.1.10-LR 11th IPSLCM6.1-LR version
#-H- IPSLCM6.1.10-LR
#-H- IPSLCM6.1.10-LR NEMOGCM branch nemo_v3_6_STABLE revision 9455
#-H- IPSLCM6.1.10-LR SHACONEMO revision 278
#-H- IPSLCM6.1.10-LR XIOS2 trunk revision 1550 branch xios-2.5
#-H- IPSLCM6.1.10-LR IOIPSL src tags 2_2_4
#-H- IPSLCM6.1.10-LR LMDZ6 LMDZ6/branches/IPSLCM6.0.15 rev 3554
#-H- IPSLCM6.1.10-LR ORCHIDEE version tags/ORCHIDEE_2_0/ORCHIDEE revision 5661
#-H- IPSLCM6.1.10-LR OASIS3-MCT 2.0_branch rev 1818
#-H- IPSLCM6.1.10-LR IPSLCM6 svn 4673
#-H- IPSLCM6.1.10-LR libIGCM trunk rev 1478
#-M- IPSLCM6.1.10-LR
#-C- IPSLCM6.1.10-LR IOIPSL/tags/v2_2_4/src                           HEAD         8 IOIPSL/src     modeles
#-C- IPSLCM6.1.10-LR tags/ORCHIDEE_2_0/ORCHIDEE                       5661        14 ORCHIDEE       modeles
#-C- IPSLCM6.1.10-LR branches/OASIS3-MCT_2.0_branch/oasis3-mct        1818        15 oasis3-mct     .
#-C- IPSLCM6.1.10-LR LMDZ6/branches/IPSLCM6.0.15                      3554        11 LMDZ           modeles
#-C- IPSLCM6.1.10-LR trunk/INCA6                                      825          9 INCA           modeles
#-C- IPSLCM6.1.10-LR CONFIG/UNIFORM/v6/IPSLCM6                        4673         8 IPSLCM6        config
#-C- IPSLCM6.1.10-LR trunk/libIGCM                                    1478        10 libIGCM        .
#-C- IPSLCM6.1.10-LR branches/2015/nemo_v3_6_STABLE/NEMOGCM           9455         7 .              modeles
#-C- IPSLCM6.1.10-LR trunk/ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES                           278        17 .              modeles/NEMOGCM/CONFIG
#-C- IPSLCM6.1.10-LR XIOS/branchs/xios-2.5                            1550        12 XIOS           modeles

2. Technical details

2.1. How to use it

Here are the commands you need to know if you want to retrieve and compile the IPSLCM6 model and if you want to setup and run a piControl experiment (only piControl experiment is available):

svn_ano # svn co modipsl
cd modipsl/util
./model IPSLCM6.1.10-LR
cd ../config/IPSLCM6
gmake IPSLCM6-LR
cp EXPERIMENTS/IPSLCM/piControl_TEST/config.card .
vi config.card # modify JobName (at least) : MYJOBNAME, restarts
../../util/ins_job # Check and complete job's header
vi Job_MYJOBNAME # modify PeriodNb, adjust the time, headers ...
ccc_msub  Job_MYJOBNAME # TGCC

2.2. Computing performances

2.3. Restart files

Not available yet. Waiting for reference simulations.

2.4. Output level

By default, only monthly outputs and low output levels are activated.

2.4.1. Lengths, frequencies Period length

Default period length is 1Y, i.e in config.card :


Note that clean_PeriodLength.job will remove last period files, i.e last simulated year files. Pack Frequency

Default pack frequency is 1Y, i.e in config.card :

PackFrequency=1Y Rebuild frequency

Since we run with XIOS (server mode) as output library, the rebuild step is not needed anymore. How to add a parameter in NEMO's namelist? What is the maximum length for a simulation name?

Due to limitation in NEMO, a simulation should have less than 39 characters.

2.4.2. Computing centres TGCC Bull Curie thin nodes

Default configuration on 598 cores allows you to run 3 simulated years per day. Because of load-balancing (difference between ocean computing time and atmosphere computing time), not all configurations (in terms of number of process/threads) are efficient. If you want to run a configuration with less cores, ask Arnaud Caubel what would be the optimum configuration.