Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Doc/Config/IPSLCM5A2CHT

11/13/19 12:55:47 (5 years ago)



  • Doc/Config/IPSLCM5A2CHT

    v1 v1  
     3<h1>IPSL-CM5A2-CHT-VLR configuration </h1> 
     6[[PageOutline(1-3,Table of contents,,numbered)]] 
     8Persons in charge: Anne Cozic, Didier Hauglustaine 
     11# IPSL-CM5A2-CHT model # 
     13'''IPSL-CM5A2-CHT''' is an ''' IPSL coupled climate model''' including atmosphere, land, ocean, sea ice, carbon cycle, and atmospheric chemistry and aerosols. The goal of this model is to introduce interactiv chemistry and aerosols cycle in [wiki:Doc/Config/IPSLCM5A2 IPSLCM5A2-VLR] version.  
     14Main characteritics of this model are the same than [wiki:Doc/Config/IPSLCM5A2 IPSLCM5A2-VLR] '''ORCA2-LIM2-PISCES x LMD 96x95x39, old LMDZ physics, ORCHIDEE with Choisnel hydrology (2 layers)''', we add '''INCA6 model'''. This model is available on Irene (TGCC) and !JeanZay (IDRIS) supercomputers and benefits from last developments of libIGCM running environment. 
     16'''IPSL-CM5A2''' model includes : 
     17 * model components : 
     18  * '''LMDZ''' as atmospheric model ;  
     19  * '''NEMO''' as ocean model including sea ice (LIM2) and marine biogeochemistry (PISCES) ;  
     20  * '''ORCHIDEE''' as land model ;   
     21  * '''INCA''' as atmospheric chemistry and aerosols model ;  
     22 * tools : 
     23  * '''OASIS3-MCT''' as parallel coupler ; 
     24  * '''XIOS 2.0''' as I/O library ;  
     25  * '''libIGCM''' as running environment (scripts) to run the model and to perform post processing ; 
     28# Technical details #  
     29For all technical details you can report to the  [wiki:Doc/Config/IPSLCM5A2#Technicaldetails IPSLCM5A2-VLR] description. We will describe here differences due to Inca model.  
     31## Compilation ##  
     33To compile you can choose between two target  
     34 * IPSLCM5A2CHT-VLR : compile Inca model to use the configuration NMHC_AER (chemistry and aerosols on troposphere) - For this specific target there is no experiments 
     35 * IPSLCM5A2CHTS-VLR (default) : compile Inca model to use the configuration NMHC_AER_S (chemistry and aerosols on troposphere and stratosphere)  
     38## Experiments ##  
     40You can choose between two experiments  
     41 * S_historical  
     42 * S_piControl  