Changes between Version 58 and Version 59 of Doc/Config/IPSLCM5A2

06/03/22 15:31:36 (2 years ago)



  • Doc/Config/IPSLCM5A2

    v58 v59  
    2929'''IPSL-CM5A2 model''' is available at following resolutions/configurations : 
    31    * '''IPSL-CM5A2-VLR''' : LMDZ (Old Physics) 96x95x39-ORCHIDEE (Choisnel) - NEMO-LIM2-PISCES ORCA2 
     31   * '''IPSL-CM5A2-VLR''': LMDZ (Old Physics) 96x95x39-ORCHIDEE (Choisnel) - NEMO-LIM2-PISCES ORCA2 
    3333The resolution of LMDZ is 96x95 (3.75° in longitude and 1.875° in latitude) with 39 vertical levels. The ocean configuration is ORCA2 : global ocean with a tripolar grid with one South Pole, one North Pole above Siberia and one North Pole above northern America. The resolution is 2°. In the tropical region, the latitudinal resolution decreases to 1/2°. There are 31 vertical levels.  
    35 '''IPSL-CM5A2''' is composed of following components and tools and available within '''IPSLCM5A2.1''' release : 
     35'''IPSL-CM5A2''' is composed of following components and tools and available within '''IPSLCM5A2.1''' release: 
    3737#-H- IPSLCM5A2.1  IPSLCM5A2.1 coupled configuration 
    5858Note that previous IPSLCM5A2.0 release (with bug in runoff conservation) is still available. 
     60Newer version '''IPSLCM5A2.2''' has been released. It uses the following components: 
     62#-H- IPSLCM5A2.2  IPSLCM5A2.2 coupled configuration 
     63#-H- IPSLCM5A2.2  Working IPSLCM5A2 version 
     64#-H- IPSLCM5A2.2  NEMOGCM branch nemo_v3_6_STABLE revision 6665 
     65#-H- IPSLCM5A2.2  XIOS2 branchs/xios-2.5 revision 1903 
     66#-H- IPSLCM5A2.2  IOIPSL/src svn tags/v2_2_2 
     67#-H- IPSLCM5A2.2  LMDZ5 branches/IPSLCM5A2.1 rev 3907 
     68#-H- IPSLCM5A2.2  ORCHIDEE  branches/ORCHIDEE-IPSLCM5A2.1 rev 7376 
     69#-H- IPSLCM5A2.2  OASIS3-MCT 2.0_branch (rev 1818 Cerfacs server, rev 4775 IPSL server) 
     70#-H- IPSLCM5A2.2  IPSLCM5A2 svn 6056 
     71#-H- IPSLCM5A2.2  libIGCM trunk rev 1534 
     72#-M- IPSLCM5A2.2 
     73#-C- IPSLCM5A2.2  IOIPSL/tags/v2_2_2/src                        HEAD         8  IOIPSL/src     modeles 
     74#-C- IPSLCM5A2.2  branches/ORCHIDEE-IPSLCM5A2.1/ORCHIDEE        7376        14  ORCHIDEE       modeles 
     75#-C- IPSLCM5A2.2  CPL/oasis3-mct/branches/OASIS3-MCT_2.0_branch 4775         8  oasis3-mct     . 
     76#-C- IPSLCM5A2.2  LMDZ5/branches/IPSLCM5A2.1                    3907        20  LMDZ           modeles 
     77#-C- IPSLCM5A2.2  CONFIG/UNIFORM/v6/IPSLCM5A2                   6056         8  IPSLCM5A2        config 
     78#-C- IPSLCM5A2.2  trunk/libIGCM                                 1534        10  libIGCM        . 
     79#-C- IPSLCM5A2.2  branches/2015/nemo_v3_6_STABLE/NEMOGCM        6665         7  .              modeles             
     80#-C- IPSLCM5A2.2  XIOS/branchs/xios-2.5                         1903        12  XIOS           modeles 
    6083### How to use it ### 
    6184Here are the commands you need to know if you want to retrieve and compile the IPSL-CM5A2 model and if you want to setup and run a piControl experiment (pdControl is also available): 
     102### IPSLCM5A2.2 specifics ### 
     103It retains all the standard functionalities of '''IPSLCM5A2.1'''. It's usage is transparent for "non-paleo" simulations. 
     105It restores the possibility to compile the create_etatlimite executable that was broken in preceding versions. 
     107Some new functionalities have been added for "paleo" runs: 
     108* you can compile a paleo version of the model including sources suitable for paleo simulations that are aware of paleorca grids. Use `gmake PALEOIPSLCM5A2-VLR` 
     109* the model now accept configurations with no land ice (a bug has been corrected in orchidee in rev 7376). 
     110* you can use MOSAIX interpolation weights instead of MOSAIC if you wish. You need to set `cpl_old_calving = n` in run.def if you use MOSAIX. 
     112Note that you can't use the paleo version alongside the standard version of the model within the same installation directory (modipsl/config/IPSLCM5A2). 
    79114### Computing performances ### 