WikiPrint - from Polar Technologies

Working on TGCC

1. TGCC users' manual

2. TGCC's machines and file systems

No image "TGCC.jpg" attached to DocBenv

3. How to install your environment on TGCC

It is important to take the time to install a comfortable and efficient environment.

We suggest the user to use the p86ipsl login's environment (in bash) as an example (either copy or source the ~p86ipsl/.bashrc file). See the ~p86ipsl/.bashrc file

ryyy999@curie: cat ~/.bashrc
source ~p86ipsl/.bashrc
ryyy999@curie: cp ~p86ipsl/.profile .

In this environement is specified:

The revision numbers may change, currently (21/01/2014) following modules are loaded for postprocessing:

module load ghostscript/9.04
module load ferret/6.6.7
module load netcdf/4.2
module load gsl/1.14
module load hdf5/1.8.8
module load nco/4.1.0
module load cdo/1.4.6
module load netpbm/10.47.34
module load imagemagick/6.7.4

4. Project and computing needs

5. About file systems

5.1. Quotas

To check the available and used storage capacities of HOME, SCRATCH, CCCWORKDIR and CCCSTOREDIR:

ryyy999@curie: ccc_quota

On the curie machine this command will also return the space used by scratch (a specificity of the curie machine).


The $CCCWORKDIR directory corresponds to the $WORKDIR directory on curie. It is large but its content is not backed up.


To manipulate the files in /ccc/store a few commands are useful:

# Demigrate a list of files on CCCSTOREDIR, see also "ccc_hsm -h"

# Demigrate recursively the files from a CCCSTOREDIR directory, see also "ccc_hsm -h"

# Find out the used space on CCCSTOREDIR
cd $CCCSTOREDIR ; find . -printf "%y %s %p \n" | awk '{ SUM+=$2 } END {print "SUM " SUM/1000000 " Mo " SUM/1000000000 " Go" }'

# or use --apparent-size with du :
du -sh --apparent-size

5.4. ccc_home command to know directory complete pathname

ccc_home could help you to find directory complete pathname for an other user or for you .

>ccc_home -h
ccc_home: Print the path of a user directory (default: home directory).
usage: ccc_home [ -H | -s | -t | -W | -A | -G | -a] [-u user]
                [-h, --help]

 -H, --home         :  (default) print the home directory path ($HOME)
 -s, -t, --scratch  :  print the scratch directory path   ($SCRATCHDIR)
 -W, --cccwork      :  print the CCC work directory path  ($CCCWORKDIR)
 -A, --cccstore     :  print the CCC store directory path ($CCCSTOREDIR)
 -G, --cccgenostore :  print the CCC genostore directory path ($CCCGENOSTOREDIR)
 -a, --all          :  print all paths
 -u user            :  show paths for the specified user instead of the current user
 -h, --help         :  display this help and exit

> ccc_home -A -u p86denv   

5.5. Storage spaces available from DODS

To store a file for the first time on dods, you must ask for dods write access by mail to the TGCC hotline access :

6. End-of-job messages

To receive the end-of-job messages sent by the job itself: end of simulation, error,... you must specify your address in the $HOME/.forward file.

7. Simulation outputs

Final simulation outputs are stored in $CCCSTOREDIR/IGCM_OUT and on $CCCWORKDIR/IGCM_OUT regarding the ATLAS and MONITORING directories.

The dods servers on TGCC are available via: (files such as Analyse/TS and Analyse/SE) and for ATLAS and MONITORING.

8. About password

ccc_password_expiration helps you to know expiration date of your password. Currently password have to be changed one time per year.

 > ccc_password_expiration
Your password will expire in 70 days on Fri Nov 22 08:42:59 2013
 > ccc_password_expiration -h
Usage: ccc_password_expiration [username[@realm]]

9. The TGCC's machines