Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Doc/ComputingCenters/TGCC

03/24/14 16:16:50 (11 years ago)



  • Doc/ComputingCenters/TGCC

    v1 v2  
     3<h1>Working on TGCC</h1> 
     6[[PageOutline(1-3,Index du chapitre,,numbered)]] 
     8# TGCC users' manual # 
     12# TGCC's machines and file systems # 
     14[[Image(wiki:DocBenv:TGCC.jpg, 360px)]] 
     16# How to install your environment on TGCC # 
     18 * More information on the open-access website: 
     19 * Online access to the machines' users manual (you will need a TGCC login and password): 
     20 * [ TGCC scripts environment] 
     21 * The available TGCC's machine is currently '''curie''' (Bull Sandybridge). 
     22 * Note: the '''$HOME/.snapshot''' directory contains hourly, daily, and weekly backups of your $HOME files. 
     24[[NoteBox(note,It is important to take the time to install a comfortable and efficient environment.)]] 
     26We suggest the user to use the p86ipsl login's environment (in bash) as an example (either copy or source the `~p86ipsl/.bashrc` file). See the `~p86ipsl/.bashrc` file 
     29ryyy999@curie: cat ~/.bashrc 
     33source ~p86ipsl/.bashrc 
     34ryyy999@curie: cp ~p86ipsl/.profile . 
     37In this environement is specified: 
     38 * the path to the compiler tool `fcm` and to the `rebuild` tool which recombines output files from a parallel model: 
     40export PATH=~p86ipsl/fcm/bin:~p86ipsl/X64_CURIE/bin:$PATH 
     42 * the load of modules giving access to computing or post processing libraries and tools needed on our Home (done in ~p86ipsl/ .atlas_env_calcul_curie_ksh and ~p86ipsl/ .atlas_env_post_curie_ksh). The revision numbers may change, currently (21/01/2014) following modules are loaded for computing. Note the netcdf 3.6.3 library: 
     44module load ghostscript/9.04 
     45module load ferret/6.6.7 
     46module load netcdf/3.6.3 
     47module load gsl/1.14 
     48module load hdf5/1.8.8 
     49module load nco/4.0.5 
     50module load cdo/1.4.6 
     51module load netpbm/10.47.34 
     52module load imagemagick/6.7.4 
     55The revision numbers may change, currently (21/01/2014) following modules are loaded for postprocessing: 
     57module load ghostscript/9.04 
     58module load ferret/6.6.7 
     59module load netcdf/4.2 
     60module load gsl/1.14 
     61module load hdf5/1.8.8 
     62module load nco/4.1.0 
     63module load cdo/1.4.6 
     64module load netpbm/10.47.34 
     65module load imagemagick/6.7.4 
     68# Project and computing needs # 
     69 * To find out the computing time used by the projects you are involved in (daily update): 
     72ryyy999@curie: ccc_myproject 
     74 * Specify in the header the project from which your job will use computing time: 
     77#MSUB -A genxxx 
     80# About file systems # 
     82## Quotas ## 
     83To check the available and used storage capacities of `HOME`, `SCRATCH`, `CCCWORKDIR` and `CCCSTOREDIR`: 
     86ryyy999@curie: ccc_quota 
     89On the curie machine this command will also return the space used by scratch (a specificity of the curie machine). 
     92## CCCWORKDIR ## 
     93The `$CCCWORKDIR` directory corresponds to the `$WORKDIR` directory on curie. It is large but its content is not backed up. 
     95## CCCSTOREDIR ## 
     96To manipulate the files in /ccc/store a few commands are useful:  
     99# Demigrate a list of files on CCCSTOREDIR, see also "ccc_hsm -h" 
     102# Demigrate recursively the files from a CCCSTOREDIR directory, see also "ccc_hsm -h" 
     103ccc_hsm get -r $CCCSTOREDIR/REPERTOIRE 
     105# Find out the used space on CCCSTOREDIR 
     106cd $CCCSTOREDIR ; find . -printf "%y %s %p \n" | awk '{ SUM+=$2 } END {print "SUM " SUM/1000000 " Mo " SUM/1000000000 " Go" }' 
     108# or use --apparent-size with du : 
     109du -sh --apparent-size 
     113## ccc_home command to know directory complete pathname ## 
     115ccc_home could help you to find directory complete pathname for an other user or for you . 
     117>ccc_home -h 
     118ccc_home: Print the path of a user directory (default: home directory). 
     119usage: ccc_home [ -H | -s | -t | -W | -A | -G | -a] [-u user] 
     120                [-h, --help] 
     122 -H, --home         :  (default) print the home directory path ($HOME) 
     123 -s, -t, --scratch  :  print the scratch directory path   ($SCRATCHDIR) 
     124 -W, --cccwork      :  print the CCC work directory path  ($CCCWORKDIR) 
     125 -A, --cccstore     :  print the CCC store directory path ($CCCSTOREDIR) 
     126 -G, --cccgenostore :  print the CCC genostore directory path ($CCCGENOSTOREDIR) 
     127 -a, --all          :  print all paths 
     128 -u user            :  show paths for the specified user instead of the current user 
     129 -h, --help         :  display this help and exit 
     131> ccc_home -A -u p86denv    
     135## Storage spaces available from DODS ## 
     136To store a file for the first time on dods, you must ask for dods write access by mail to the TGCC hotline access : ``. 
     138# End-of-job messages # 
     140To receive the end-of-job messages sent by the job itself: end of simulation, error,... you must specify your address in the $`HOME/.forward` file. 
     142# Simulation outputs # 
     144Final simulation outputs are stored in `$CCCSTOREDIR/IGCM_OUT` and on `$CCCWORKDIR/IGCM_OUT` regarding the `ATLAS` and `MONITORING` directories. 
     146The dods servers on TGCC are available via:  ``  (files such as `Analyse/TS` and `Analyse/SE`) and `` for `ATLAS` and `MONITORING`. 
     148# About password # 
     150ccc_password_expiration helps you to know expiration date of your password. Currently password have to be changed one time per year. 
     152 > ccc_password_expiration 
     153Password for xxxxx@USERS-CCRT.CCC.CEA.FR: PPPPPPPPPP 
     154Your password will expire in 70 days on Fri Nov 22 08:42:59 2013 
     155 > ccc_password_expiration -h 
     156Usage: ccc_password_expiration [username[@realm]] 
     161# The TGCC's machines #  
     162 * [wiki:DocBenvBtgccAcurie Curie] 