WikiPrint - from Polar Technologies

Share Space Subipsl

1. Subipsl

subipsl data are protected in read, you need to subscribe the group to be allowed to read these data

1.1. IDRIS

See with Sophie Bouffie Cloche

1.2. TGCC

See with Anne Cozic

2. Files on subipsl

2.1. TGCC

On /ccc/work/cont003/subipsl/subipsl/ (protected by subipsl group)

2.2. Idris and Tgcc

On shared logins IGCM/BC/ATM/LMDZOR/LMD9695/ (protected by subipsl group)

On shared logins IGCM/BC/ATM/LMDZOR/LMD144142/ (protected by subipsl group)

On shared logins IGCM/BC/ATM/LMDZOR/LMD144142/ (protected by subipsl group)