Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Doc/ComputingCenters/LocalPC

10/10/19 15:49:20 (5 years ago)



  • Doc/ComputingCenters/LocalPC

    v1 v1  
     3<h1>Short guide to install a configuration on a local PC or other cluster</h1> 
     5[[PageOutline(1-2,Table of contents)]] 
     7Compiling and running tools are set up by default for known IPSL computing centers. If you need to work on a local PC or another computing cluster, you need to adapt the compilation and running options. 
     9# Compiling # 
     10It is recommended to first make a test installation of XIOS following the guide here:  
     11Then use the same libraries and compiler versions for all components as for XIOS. 
     13Some configurations can be installed without XIOS.  
     16## Choose a target in AA_make.gdef ## 
     17The ins_make script from modipsl will not recognize your local PC to create makefiles. You must specify an existing target or create a new target in the util/AA_make.gdef file. Adapt this target to your computing environment (compiler, options, path to netcdf, etc), and create a new makefile specifying this target:  
     19./ins_make -t new_target 
     22Please refer to the model managers of your model configuration to learn more about how to compile the IPSL models on a local PC and which compilers can be used with the specific models you need. [[BR]] 
     24## Example for installing ORCHIDEE offline ## 
     25Before installing ORCHIDEE, make a test installation of XIOS, see guide here: . If this fails, it is still possible to install ORCHIDEE without XIOS, see notes below.  
     28# 1. Install a new modipsl 
     29svn co modipsl 
     32# 2. Install the configuration ORCHIDEE_trunk 
     33cd modipsl/util 
     34./model ORCHIDEE_trunk 
     37# 3. Adapt and add compile options to your machine 
     39# 3a. Compile options for component IOIPSL: 
     40# Add a section NEW_ARCH in modipsl/util/AA_make.gdef  
     41# Do this by coping the section ifort_CICLAD for example and adapt all options according to your machine and your compiler. 
     42# Make sur to have the variable FCM_ARCH correct as follow: 
     45# 3b. Add compile options for component XIOS 
     46# Add following files (by coping and adapting one of the existing targets closest to your machine) 
     47 modipsl/modeles/XIOS/arch/arch_NEW_ARCH.fcm 
     48 modipsl/modeles/XIOS/arch/arch_NEW_ARCH.path 
     49 modipsl/modeles/XIOS/arch/arch_NEW_ARCH.env 
     51# Note: the netcdf4 library can be parallel or sequential, depending on the version. If the sequential netcdf4 library is used, some functionalities in XIOS can not be used such us using several servers. To link XIOS to the sequantial library, the argument --netcdf_lib netcdf4_seq when compiling XIOS. This should be added in modipsl/config/ORCHIDEE_OL/AA_make just after ./make_xios --netcdf_lib netcdf4_seq ... 
     54# 3b. Add compile options for component ORCHIDEE 
     55# Add following files (by coping and adapting one of the existing targets closest to your machine) 
     56 modipsl/modeles/ORCHIDEE/arch/arch_NEW_ARCH.fcm 
     57 modipsl/modeles/ORCHIDEE/arch/arch_NEW_ARCH.path 
     58 modipsl/modeles/ORCHIDEE/arch/arch_NEW_ARCH.env 
     61# 4. Create makefiles with target NEW_ARCH 
     62cd modipsl/util 
     63./ins_make -t NEW_ARCH 
     66# 5. Compile 
     67cd modipsl/config/ORCHIDEE_OL 
     71* The name NEW_ARCH can be changed to another name but needs to be same everywhere  
     72* All arch_NEW_ARCH.* files and AA_make.gdef must be coherent for the libraries and options choosen  
     73* It is still possible to install without XIOS. For that case, you do not need to do 3b above and the compilation is done using '''gmake without_xios'''  
     76## Example for installing LMDZOR_v5.2 sequential mode with gfortran ## 
     78# 1. Install configuration LMDZOR_v5.2 in a new modipsl 
     79svn co modipsl 
     80cd modipsl/util; ./model LMDZOR_v5.2 
     82# 2. Adapt the path to your netcdf which must also be compiled with gfortran, in 3 files: 
     83 modipsl/modeles/LMDZ/arch/arch-gfortran.path 
     84 modipsl/modeles/ORCHIDEE/arch/arch-gfortran.path 
     85 modipsl/util/AA_make.gdef (section gfortran) 
     87# 3. Change default compiling to sequential run mode in main makefile.  
     88In modipsl/config/LMDZOR_v5.2/AA_make 
     89change "-parallel mpi" into "-parallel none" at 3 places.  
     90The name of the executables changes also, therefore change "_phylmd_para_orch.e" into "_phylmd_seq_orch.e" at 2 places 
     92# 4. Recreate makefiles with target gfortran 
     93cd modipsl/util 
     94./ins_make -t gfortran 
     96# 5. Compile as usual 
     97cd modipsl/config/LMDZOR_v5.2; gmake 
     101Note 1: for installing in parallel mode with MPI, do as above but adapt the files arch-gfortran.path, arch-gfortran.fcm and AA_make.gef with suitable compile options. You can use target gfortran_CICLAD in AA_make.gdef as example. Do not do point 3 above. [[BR]] 
     103Note 2: for older version of ORCHIDEE, such as in LMDZOR_v5, the files in modeles/ORCHIDEE/arch do not exist. Compile options in AA_make.gdef is used for ORCHIDEE in this case. 
     105[[NoteBox(note,The v6 configurations cannot be compiled in sequential mode because XIOS do not compile or run without the MPI library., 600px)]] 
     108# Simulation with libIGCM # 
     109When using libIGCM on a local PC, the parameters of the default system described in the libIGCM_sys/libIGCM_sys_default.ksh file will be used. You may have to change this file to match your system. [[BR]] 
     111A minimum subset of files located on the shared IGCM account must be downloaded and installed. This directory is called R_IN in libIGCM_sys_default.ksh and it has the default path /home/${LOGIN}/IGCM. 
     113# Installing rebuild # 
     114The output of old version of the models (ORCHIDEE, LMDZ, INCA, REPROBUS) must be recombined to the total horizontal domain when simulation is done in parallel mode.  
     116The tool for this is called ''rebuild''. The rebuild tool is called in the post-processing phase by libIGCM. rebuild is a fortran code included in IOIPSL. rebuild must be installed and compiled on the local machine. The rebuild can then be used interactively outside libIGCM or in the post-processing phase.  
     121cd modipsl/util 
     122./model IOIPSL_PLUS 
     123# Modify AA_make.gdef for the compiling as above 
     124./ins_make -t new_target 
     125cd ../modeles/IOIPSL/tools 
     130For use with libIGCM, add the path to your rebuild in libIGCM_sys/libIGCM_sys_default.ksh.  
     132'''Use in interactive mode'''[[BR]] 
     134rebuild can also be used interactively. For example create the global file as following : 
     137./rebuild -h 
     138./rebuild -o sechiba_history_00* 