Changes between Version 33 and Version 34 of Doc/ComputingCenters/ESPRImesocenter

12/13/21 15:25:46 (3 years ago)



  • Doc/ComputingCenters/ESPRImesocenter

    v33 v34  
    7070The coupled models IPSLCM5 or IPSLCM6 have not been tested at Ciclad. 
     71### LMDZOR_v6.2.2 and ORCHIDEE_trunk(rev 7377 tested) configurations ### 
     72These configurations uses a compilation script which will source the needed modules via the file modipsl/config/XXX/ARCH/arch-ifort_CICLAD.env. No changes needs to be done to the default compilation.  
    72 '''To be checked before compilation if using v6.1 configurations or ORCHIDEE_2_0 offline version:'''[[BR]] 
    73 When compiling using the main Makefile, the correct module environnement needs to be loaded before. Therefor check below. When using v6.2 and more recent configurations, the compilation script takes care of loading modules. 
     74This should as well be true for LMDZOR_v6.2_work and ORCHIDEE_trunk since revision 6573. 
     76### LMDZOR_v6.1_x and ORCHIDEE_2_x configurations ### 
     77These configurations uses a main Makefile. 
     78When compiling using the main Makefile, the correct module environment needs to be loaded before. Therefor check below. When using v6.2 and more recent configurations, the compilation script takes care of loading modules. 
    7479 * Make sure following libraries are loaded in the terminal: '''intel/ openmpi/1.4.5-ifort netcdf4/''' (use "module liste" to see loaded modules). If this is not the case, load them as follow (use 1 of 2 options) : 
    112 ## libIGCM at Ciclad and !ClimServ ## 
    113 [wiki:Doc/Tools#libIGCM libIGCM] can be used since tag libIGCM_v2.6 . The options MONITORING, PACK and ATLAS is not implemeted for Ciclad and !ClimServ. 
     117## Running using libIGCM at Ciclad and !ClimServ ## 
     118[wiki:Doc/Tools#libIGCM libIGCM] can be used since tag libIGCM_v2.6 . The options MONITORING, PACK and ATLAS are not implemented for Ciclad and !ClimServ. 
     120### Memory settings in default job ### 
    115121The memory needs to be adapted or added in the job's heading section.  
    116122For LMDZOR resolution 144x142x79 the following seems to be needed, adjust if needed more, in this example using 31MPIx1OMP for the gcm and 1MPI for xios server: 
    131137### Only MPI ### 
    132 LMDZOR_v6.1.10 and LMDZOR_v6.1.12 configurations have been tested successfully using XIOS with 1 server when running using only MPI, 31 MPI for LMDZ. Only the memory needed to be adapted as said above. Note that default compilation for hybrid mode mpi_omp is used also to run with only MPI. 
     138LMDZOR_v6.2.2, LMDZOR_v6.1.10 and LMDZOR_v6.1.12 configurations have been tested successfully using XIOS with 1 server when running using only MPI, 31 MPI for LMDZ. Only the memory needed to be adapted as said above. Note that default compilation for hybrid mode mpi_omp is used also to run with only MPI. 
     139Set following in config.card: 
     142ATM= (gcm_${ResolAtm}_${OptMode}.e, lmdz.x, 31MPI, 1OMP) 
     143SRF= ("", "") 
     144SBG= ("", "") 
     145IOS= (xios_server_${OptMode}.exe, xios.x, 1MPI) 
    134150### Mixte MPI-OMP ### 
    135 #### Attached mode or using one executable #### 
     151''This has not been tested with LMDZOR_v6.2.2.'' 
     154Set XIOS to be used in attached mode (using one executable).  
    136155Add following in the main job but change OMP_NUM_THREADS to the number of threads used in your case :  
    143 #### Server mode or using two executables #### 
    144 Not yet done 
    146163## Example of job for a MPI executable ##