Changes between Version 30 and Version 31 of Doc/Compile

10/28/19 17:35:56 (5 years ago)



  • Doc/Compile

    v30 v31  
    199199# Compilation for configurations _v6.2 and newer configurations # 
    201 The compilation slightly differs from what has been done so far. Now we use a script  '''''' with several options ( resolution, level of optimisation, full or partial recompilation ) to compile the model. 
     201The compilation differs from what has been done so far. Now we use a script  '''''' with several options ( resolution, level of optimization, full or partial recompilation ) to compile the model. 
    202202  * IPSLCM6.2 : '''''' 
    203203  * LMDZOR_v6.2 : '''''' 
    206206For each script you can use the option "-h" to know the usage of the script. You can find a description of each script on its configuration page (for example [wiki:Doc/Config/IPSLCM6.2 IPSLCM6.2]) 
    208 Before the compilation, the script will modify the environment by loading modules list in `ARCH` directory  
    209 {{{ 
    210 ls IPSLCM6.2 
    211   >>> AA_make  AA_make.ldef  ARCH/*  EXPERIMENTS/  GENERAL/  README  SOURCES/ 
    212 ls IPSLCM6.2/ARCH/ 
    213   >>> arch-X64_IRENE.env 
    214 }}} 
    215 The script set a link to '''arch.env''' if '''arch-${fcm_arch}.env''' file exist for current fcm_arch. This link '''arch.env''' is also set in config.card and will be used by libIGCM to ensure the same running environnement. 
     208Before the compilation, the script will modify the environment by loading modules set in a machine dependent file in `ARCH` directory.  
     210> ls IPSLCM6.2 
     211  AA_make  AA_make.ldef  ARCH/*  EXPERIMENTS/  GENERAL/  README  SOURCES/ 
     212> ls IPSLCM6.2/ARCH/ 
     213  arch-X64_IRENE.env arch-X64_JEANZAY.env 
     215The script set a link to '''arch.env''' if '''arch-${FCM_ARCH}.env''' file exists for current FCM_ARCH. This link '''arch.env''' is also set in config.card and will be used by libIGCM to ensure the same running environment. 
    217217#-- Source following file with module settings, only if it exists 
    222222At the end of the compilation the binary will be store with a specific name : binary_${resol_atm}_${optmode}, where `resol_atm` is the resolution of LMDZ model, and `optmode` the level of optimization (prod, debug, dev) use during the compilation.  
    223 [[NoteBox(warn, if you compile in debug or in dev mode you need to modify the parameter !OptMode in config.card. If you change the resolution at the compilation you need to modify the parameter !ResolAtm in config.card, 600px)]] 
     223[[NoteBox(warn, If you compile in debug or in dev mode you need to modify the parameter !OptMode in config.card before submitting the job. If you change the resolution at the compilation you need to modify the parameter !ResolAtm in config.card, 600px)]] 