| 75 | ---- |
| 76 | |
| 77 | == Interpolation des fichiers de guidage avec patch dans libIGCM == |
| 78 | L'interpolation se fait dans le job CREATE au même temps que l'exécution de create_etat0_limit pour la création des fichiers limit.nc. Il faut utiliser le version inter annuele de lmdz.card et config.card pour pouvoir interpoler sur une série d'années qui se choisi dans config.card. [[BR]] |
| 79 | |
| 80 | Il faut d'abord s'assurer que la version de libIGCM contient le fichier : libIGCM/libIGCM_post/IGCM_Patch_nudge_interpolation.ksh. S'il n'existe pas, l'extraire et le mettre a cette emplacement : |
| 81 | |
| 82 | {{{ |
| 83 | svn export http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/libigcm/svn/trunk/libIGCM/libIGCM_post/IGCM_Patch_20101208_nudge_interp.ksh |
| 84 | }}} |
| 85 | |
| 86 | |
| 87 | Pour activer le patch il faut modifier le lmdz.card_Interannuel dans le job CREATE. Ajouter dans lmdz.card les fichiers a interpoler dans [!BoundaryFiles]/List et dans [!OutputFiles]/List et il faut ajouter le paragraphe [Post_Interp] a la fin. Voici un exemple comment ajouter u (dans le même lmdz.card on peut ajouter v et ta avec la même syntaxe ) : |
| 88 | |
| 89 | {{{ |
| 90 | [BoundaryFiles] |
| 91 | List= (${R_INIT}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/AMIP/amipbc_sst_360x180_${year}.nc, amipbc_sst_1x1.nc), \ |
| 92 | (${R_INIT}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/AMIP/amipbc_sic_360x180_${year}.nc, amipbc_sic_1x1.nc), \ |
| 93 | (${R_INIT}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/Ozone/HYBRIDE/v2.clim/tro3_${year}.new.nc, climoz.nc), \ |
| 94 | (/u/rech/psl/rpsl500/ERAI/NETCDF/GLOBAL_075/4xdaily/AN_PL/${year}/u.${year}01.aphei.GLOBAL_075.nc, u_1_${year}.nc), \ |
| 95 | (/u/rech/psl/rpsl500/ERAI/NETCDF/GLOBAL_075/4xdaily/AN_PL/${year}/u.${year}02.aphei.GLOBAL_075.nc, u_2_${year}.nc), \ |
| 96 | (/u/rech/psl/rpsl500/ERAI/NETCDF/GLOBAL_075/4xdaily/AN_PL/${year}/u.${year}03.aphei.GLOBAL_075.nc, u_3_${year}.nc), \ |
| 97 | (/u/rech/psl/rpsl500/ERAI/NETCDF/GLOBAL_075/4xdaily/AN_PL/${year}/u.${year}04.aphei.GLOBAL_075.nc, u_4_${year}.nc), \ |
| 98 | (/u/rech/psl/rpsl500/ERAI/NETCDF/GLOBAL_075/4xdaily/AN_PL/${year}/u.${year}05.aphei.GLOBAL_075.nc, u_5_${year}.nc), \ |
| 99 | (/u/rech/psl/rpsl500/ERAI/NETCDF/GLOBAL_075/4xdaily/AN_PL/${year}/u.${year}06.aphei.GLOBAL_075.nc, u_6_${year}.nc), \ |
| 100 | (/u/rech/psl/rpsl500/ERAI/NETCDF/GLOBAL_075/4xdaily/AN_PL/${year}/u.${year}07.aphei.GLOBAL_075.nc, u_7_${year}.nc), \ |
| 101 | (/u/rech/psl/rpsl500/ERAI/NETCDF/GLOBAL_075/4xdaily/AN_PL/${year}/u.${year}08.aphei.GLOBAL_075.nc, u_8_${year}.nc), \ |
| 102 | (/u/rech/psl/rpsl500/ERAI/NETCDF/GLOBAL_075/4xdaily/AN_PL/${year}/u.${year}09.aphei.GLOBAL_075.nc, u_9_${year}.nc), \ |
| 103 | (/u/rech/psl/rpsl500/ERAI/NETCDF/GLOBAL_075/4xdaily/AN_PL/${year}/u.${year}10.aphei.GLOBAL_075.nc, u_10_${year}.nc), \ |
| 104 | (/u/rech/psl/rpsl500/ERAI/NETCDF/GLOBAL_075/4xdaily/AN_PL/${year}/u.${year}11.aphei.GLOBAL_075.nc, u_11_${year}.nc), \ |
| 105 | (/u/rech/psl/rpsl500/ERAI/NETCDF/GLOBAL_075/4xdaily/AN_PL/${year}/u.${year}12.aphei.GLOBAL_075.nc, u_12_${year}.nc), \ |
| 106 | (/u/rech/psl/rpsl500/ERAI/NETCDF/GLOBAL_075/4xdaily/AN_PL/${year_p1}/u.${year_p1}01.aphei.GLOBAL_075.nc, u_13_${year}.nc) |
| 107 | |
| 108 | ... |
| 109 | |
| 110 | [OutputFiles] |
| 111 | List= ( limit.nc, ${R_OUT_ATM_O}/Boundary/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${year}_limit.nc, NONE), \ |
| 112 | ( climoz_LMDZ.nc, ${R_OUT_ATM_O}/Boundary/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${year}_climoz_LMDZ.nc, NONE), \ |
| 113 | ( start.nc, ${R_OUT_ATM_O}/Restart/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${year}_start.nc, NONE), \ |
| 114 | ( startphy.nc, ${R_OUT_ATM_O}/Restart/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${year}_startphy.nc, NONE), \ |
| 115 | ( u_1_${year}.nc, ${R_OUT_ATM_O}/Nudgefiles/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${year}01_u.nc, Post_Interp), \ |
| 116 | ( u_2_${year}.nc, ${R_OUT_ATM_O}/Nudgefiles/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${year}02_u.nc, NONE), \ |
| 117 | ( u_3_${year}.nc, ${R_OUT_ATM_O}/Nudgefiles/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${year}03_u.nc, NONE), \ |
| 118 | ( u_4_${year}.nc, ${R_OUT_ATM_O}/Nudgefiles/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${year}04_u.nc, NONE), \ |
| 119 | ( u_5_${year}.nc, ${R_OUT_ATM_O}/Nudgefiles/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${year}05_u.nc, NONE), \ |
| 120 | ( u_6_${year}.nc, ${R_OUT_ATM_O}/Nudgefiles/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${year}06_u.nc, NONE), \ |
| 121 | ( u_7_${year}.nc, ${R_OUT_ATM_O}/Nudgefiles/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${year}07_u.nc, NONE), \ |
| 122 | ( u_8_${year}.nc, ${R_OUT_ATM_O}/Nudgefiles/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${year}08_u.nc, NONE), \ |
| 123 | ( u_9_${year}.nc, ${R_OUT_ATM_O}/Nudgefiles/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${year}09_u.nc, NONE), \ |
| 124 | ( u_10_${year}.nc, ${R_OUT_ATM_O}/Nudgefiles/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${year}10_u.nc, NONE), \ |
| 125 | ( u_11_${year}.nc, ${R_OUT_ATM_O}/Nudgefiles/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${year}11_u.nc, NONE), \ |
| 126 | ( u_12_${year}.nc, ${R_OUT_ATM_O}/Nudgefiles/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${year}12_u.nc, NONE), \ |
| 127 | ( u_13_${year}.nc, ${R_OUT_ATM_O}/Nudgefiles/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${year}13_u.nc, NONE) |
| 128 | |
| 129 | |
| 130 | |
| 131 | # This patch is applied to the first file but it will work on all files u01.nc - u13.nc |
| 132 | [Post_Interp] |
| 133 | Patches = (Patch_20101208_nudge_interp) |
| 134 | GatherWithInternal = () |
| 135 | TimeSeriesVars2D = () |
| 136 | ChunckJob2D = NONE |
| 137 | TimeSeriesVars3D = () |
| 138 | ChunckJob3D = NONE |
| 139 | Seasonal=OFF |
| 140 | |
| 141 | }}} |
| 142 | |
| 143 | Pour activer la fonctionalité des patches, il faut aussi mettre dans config.card : |
| 144 | {{{ |
| 145 | RebuildFrequency=1Y |
| 146 | }}} |
| 147 | |