
Version 3 (modified by cpipsl, 13 years ago) (diff)


IPSL simulations for LUCID

These simulations are completing IPSL simulations for CMIP5 described here : IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/IPSLCM5A-LR

The data in CMOR format may be access by ftp or dods/thredds

  • using the links below, where the experiments are listed according to the CMIP5 table numbers
  • using the Prodiguer data portal


  • When start year N of simulation S is specified, this means that this run has the same restart as the 1 Jan of year N of simulation S. This also means that the run starts after the 31 Dec of year N-1 of simulation S.

Option L1 : Simulations which follow the emission-driven scenario (derived from the CMIP 5.3 simulation) and enabling to study the biogeophysical effects of landuse.

Experiment Short Name Exp Nb Tier Simu Name Status data IPSL format data in CMOR format ESG published Infos Remark To do Bad variables
L1A85 - L1corev3.L1A852 on going - - - - Starting year: 2005 of the Chistorical01 simulation - -

Option L1 : Simulations which follow the emission-driven RCP8.5 scenario and enabling to study the biogeochemical effects of landuse.

Experiment Short Name Exp Nb Tier Simu Name Status data IPSL format data in CMOR format ESG published Infos Remark To do Bad variables
L1B85 - L1coreL1A85.1 Finished IPSL ftp and Dods TSC ONGOING - - Starting year: 2005 of the Chistorical01 simulation WARNING: When the results will be published in the CMOR format, the name of the simulation shall be changed from L1A85.1 to L1B85 -

Option L2 : Simulations which follow the concentration-driven RCP8.5 scenario and enabling to study the biogeophysical effects of landuse.

Experiment Short Name Exp Nb Tier Simu Name Status data IPSL format data in CMOR format ESG published Infos Remark To do Bad variables
L2A85 - L2corev3.L1A851 Finished IPSL ftp and Dods TSC ONGOING - - Starting year: 2005 of the v3.historical1 simulation WARNING: When the results will be published in the CMOR format, the name of the simulation shall be changed from v3.L1A851 to L2A85 -