


16:14 Changeset [488] by ymipsl
New version independant of netcd I/O for benchmarking. YM
16:11 Changeset [487] by ymipsl
Bad name for intel simd directives YM
10:11 Changeset [486] by ymipsl
etat0 database : to avoid conflict with other id, suffix field read from …
10:07 Changeset [485] by ymipsl
Fix extra-dimension to theta_rhodz for etat0 h&Z YM


14:24 Changeset [484] by ymipsl
Adapt DCMIP2016 testcases to news output (start/restart files management) …
14:09 Changeset [483] by ymipsl
- Add functionnality to input/output field of type U (value on the edges) …


13:47 Changeset [482] by ymipsl
Dynamico can run without XIOS YM


15:39 Changeset [481] by ymipsl
Physic column : OpenMP on vertical levsl is managed. YM
15:37 Changeset [480] by ymipsl
Missing synchronisations for OpenMP on vertical levels YM
15:34 Changeset [479] by ymipsl
Missing synchronisation for OpenMP on vertical level YM
15:33 Changeset [478] by ymipsl
MPI transfer : thread_serialized and thread_multiple is now working …
15:30 Changeset [477] by ymipsl
Checksum : manage field of type : field_U YM
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.