


17:52 Changeset [294] by dubos
Fixed mass conservation issue when using an optimized mesh


15:11 Changeset [293] by millour
Sanity check in init_domain_param only valid for pure MPI. Checks for …
13:19 Changeset [292] by millour
Added an explicit error message when nsplit_i and nsplit_j values are not …
11:53 Changeset [291] by milmd
Sponge layer. Correct a bug when using no sponge layer.
10:21 Changeset [290] by ymipsl
Add vertical axis value to the restart file in order to be able to …


11:57 Changeset [289] by millour
Further cleanup of lmdz_physics.xml. Removed ambiguous unnecessary …
11:30 Changeset [288] by millour
Update lmdz_physics.xml file to ease generating customized outputs. EM
11:25 Changeset [287] by ymipsl
bug fix in bcast function. YM


23:42 Changeset [286] by dubos
Partial etat0 cleanup (removed calls to xyz2lonlat)
18:35 Changeset [285] by aslmd
modification proposed by Sandrine Guerlet to overcome the problem in the …
16:39 Changeset [284] by dubos
Updated make_rundefs.sh and new DCMIP parameter files
16:35 Changeset [283] by dubos
removed obsolete DCMIP parameter files


18:26 Changeset [282] by milmd
Sponge layer in dynamics.


23:36 Changeset [281] by dubos
Fixed bug preventing call to physics when itau_phys>1
23:34 Changeset [280] by dubos
PRINT values read by getin for nbp, llm, nqtot
23:29 Changeset [279] by dubos
Let make_icosa write a ./rebuild script
23:27 Changeset [278] by dubos
time_style cleanup
10:04 CompilingDynamico edited by dubos
09:51 codes_icosagcm_trunk-277.zip attached to CompilingDynamico by dubos
DYNAMICO release r277


15:38 Changeset [277] by dubos
Added CeCILL license


10:45 Ticket #11 (Cleanup output of standard fields) created by dubos
10:44 Ticket #10 (Cleanup conservation diagnostics) created by dubos
10:40 Ticket #9 (Zoom-aware dissipation) created by dubos
10:37 Ticket #8 (Fix mesh generation sequence) created by dubos
Currently the mesh generation sequence is as follows * compute_metric : …
09:58 Ticket #7 (Cleanup etat0) created by dubos
Move as much of etat0 as possible into etat0_collocated


09:47 Ticket #6 (Mesh management cleanup) created by dubos
* Define mesh on the unit sphere instead of sphere of radius 'radius'. * …
09:43 Ticket #5 (theta_rhodz => S_ik) created by dubos
Prognose S_ik=theta_rhodz*Ai instead of theta_rhodz. Check with JW06.
09:42 Ticket #4 (u => v_ek) created by dubos
Prognose covariant velocity v_ek=u*de instead of normal velocity u. Check …
09:28 Ticket #3 (rhodz => m_ik) created by dubos
Prognose m_ik=rhodz.Ai instead of rhodz. Check with shallow-water.
09:13 Ticket #2 (Redesign prognostic <=> physical) created by dubos
Replace * compute_pression * compute_exner * …
08:59 Ticket #1 (Fix caldyn_exner) closed by dubos
wontfix: Issue will be fixed by a wider reorganization of the computation of …
00:37 DocDynamico edited by dubos
00:22 DocDynamico edited by dubos
00:16 DocDynamico edited by dubos
00:15 DocDynamico created by dubos
00:07 WikiStart edited by dubos
00:04 Changeset [276] by dubos


23:52 Changeset [275] by dubos
gfortran compatibility


01:56 RunningDynamico edited by dubos


16:19 Changeset [274] by dubos
Fixed LMDZ build issue


15:31 ProcessingOutput edited by dubos
15:19 CompilingDynamico edited by dubos
12:31 RunningDynamico edited by dubos
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.