#planetary radius : real (default=37122E6) radius=6.0268000E7 # gravity : real (default=9.80616) g=10.44 #planetary rotation rate (default=7.292E-5) omega=0.165121E-03 # kappa=Rd/cpp (default=0.2857143) kappa=0.2857143 # Heat capacity at constant pressure real (default=1004.70885) cpp = 11500. # Reference pressure : real (default=101325.) preff=300000. # length of the day (s) (default=86400) day_length = 38052 # length of the year (s) (default=365.25*86400) # -> year_length = 24430 *38052 year_length = 929610360 #starting day start_day = 6695 # Scale height of the atmosphere (m) : real (default=8000.) scale_height=50000. # Scale factor for small planet experiment : real (default=1.) scale_factor=1. # Precision of NetCDF output netcdf_prec = double daysec=38052