Input options for test program "main" in the present folder Quadrature type [1-8] (CN:1) 1 Quadrature order 8 First g abscissa imposed (Radau or Lobatto quadrature) (CN: 1.0D-12) 1.0D-12 Second g abscissa imposed (Lobatto quadrature only) (CN: 1.0D+0) 1.0D+0 Value of alpha (Jacobi quadrature) 0.0D+0 Value of beta (Jacobi quadrature) 0.0D+0 Number of intervals for acceleration arrays (CN: 1000) 1000 Maximum relative error over g for inversion procedure (CN: 1.0D-3) 1.0D-3 Use (1) linear or (2) cubic spline interpolation ? (CN: 1) 1 --------- Notes --------------- Quadrature type: 1: Legendre quadrature 2: Legendre-Radau quadrature 3: Legendre-Lobatto quadrature 4: Chebyshev quadrature of the first kind 5: Chebyshev quadrature of the second kind 6: Hermite quadrature 7: Jacobi quadrature 8: generalized Laguerre quadrature (Chebyshev, Hermite and Laguerre quadratures have not been tested)