# ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Spectral Radiative properties of the Martian dust # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Visible range: Clancy and Lee, 1991 # ----------------------------------- # Number of wavelengths (nlong): 2 # Number of particle sizes (nsize): 1 # Wavelength axis (long): 2.100000E-07 4.148000E-06 # Particle size axis (radius): 2.75E-07 # Extinction coefficient Qext (ep): 2.500000E+00 2.500000E+00 # Single Scattering Albedo (omeg): 9.200000E-01 9.200000E-01 # Assymetry Factor (gfactor): 5.500000E-01 5.500000E-01 # Ratio solsir = Tau(vis) / Tau (9 microns) # ----------------------------------------- 2.000000E+00