02/09/18 16:24:33 (6 years ago)

devel/unstructured : moved mesh partitioning code into meshes.py

6 edited


  • codes/icosagcm/devel/Python/test/py/DCMIP2008c5.py

    r679 r680  
    44from dynamico import DCMIP 
    55from dynamico import meshes 
    6 from dynamico.meshes import MPAS_Mesh as Mesh 
    76import math as math 
    87import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
    4544    nqdyn, preff, Treff = 1, 1e5, 300. 
    4645    thermo = dyn.Ideal_perfect(Cpd, Rd, preff, Treff) 
    47     mesh = Mesh('grids/x1.%d.grid.nc'%grid, llm, nqdyn, radius, f) 
     46    meshfile = meshes.MPAS_Format('grids/x1.%d.grid.nc'%grid) 
     47    mesh = meshes.Unstructured_Mesh(meshfile, llm, nqdyn, radius, f) 
    4848    lev,levp1 = np.arange(llm),np.arange(llm+1) 
    4949    lon_i, lat_i, lon_e, lat_e =  mesh.lon_i, mesh.lat_i, mesh.lon_e, mesh.lat_e 
  • codes/icosagcm/devel/Python/test/py/NH_3D_DCMIP31.py

    r678 r680  
    44from dynamico import DCMIP 
    55from dynamico import meshes 
    6 from dynamico.meshes import MPAS_Mesh as Mesh 
    76import math as math 
    87import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
    4948    nqdyn, preff, Treff = 1, 1e5, 300. 
    5049    thermo = dyn.Ideal_perfect(Cpd, Rd, preff, Treff) 
    51     mesh = Mesh('grids/x1.%d.grid.nc'%grid, llm, nqdyn, radius, f) 
     50    meshfile = meshes.MPAS_Format('grids/x1.%d.grid.nc'%grid) 
     51    mesh = meshes.Unstructured_Mesh(meshfile, llm, nqdyn, radius, f) 
    5252    lev,levp1 = np.arange(llm),np.arange(llm+1) 
    5353    lat_ik,k_i = np.meshgrid(mesh.lat_i,lev, indexing='ij') 
  • codes/icosagcm/devel/Python/test/py/RSW2_MPAS_W02.py

    r666 r680  
    11print 'Loading DYNAMICO modules ...' 
    22from dynamico import unstructured as unst 
    3 from dynamico.meshes import MPAS_Mesh as Mesh 
     3from dynamico.meshes import MPAS_Format, Unstructured_Mesh as Mesh 
    44from dynamico import time_step 
    55print '...Done' 
    1919def f(lon,lat): return 2*Omega*np.sin(lat) # Coriolis parameter 
    2020print 'Reading MPAS mesh ...' 
    21 mesh = Mesh('grids/x1.%d.grid.nc'%grid, llm, nqdyn, radius, f) 
     21meshfile = MPAS_Format('grids/x1.%d.grid.nc'%grid) 
     22mesh = Mesh(meshfile, llm, nqdyn, radius, f) 
    2223print '...Done' 
    2324lon, lat = mesh.lon_i, mesh.lat_i 
  • codes/icosagcm/devel/Python/test/py/RSW_MPAS_W02.py

    r672 r680  
    11print 'Loading DYNAMICO modules ...' 
    22from dynamico import unstructured as unst 
    3 from dynamico.meshes import MPAS_Mesh as Mesh 
     3from dynamico.meshes import MPAS_Format, Unstructured_Mesh 
    44from dynamico import time_step 
    55print '...Done' 
    1919def f(lon,lat): return 2*Omega*np.sin(lat) # Coriolis parameter 
    2020print 'Reading MPAS mesh ...' 
    21 mesh = Mesh('grids/x1.%d.grid.nc'%grid, llm, nqdyn, radius, f) 
     21meshfile = MPAS_Format('grids/x1.%d.grid.nc'%grid) 
     22mesh=Unstructured_Mesh(meshfile, llm, nqdyn, radius, f) 
    2223print '...Done' 
    2324lon, lat = mesh.lon_i, mesh.lat_i 
  • codes/icosagcm/devel/Python/test/py/partition.py

    r672 r680  
    5757# Helper functions to plot unstructured graph 
    59 def patches(degree, bounds, lon, lat): 
    60     for i in range(degree.size): 
    61         nb_edge=degree[i] 
    62         bounds_cell = bounds[i,0:nb_edge] 
    63         lat_cell    = lat[bounds_cell] 
    64         lon_cell    = lon[bounds_cell] 
    65         orig=lon_cell[0] 
    66         lon_cell    = lon_cell-orig+180. 
    67         lon_cell    = np.mod(lon_cell,360.) 
    68         lon_cell    = lon_cell+orig-180. 
    69 #        if np.abs(lon_cell-orig).max()>10. : 
    70 #            print '%d patches :'%mpi_rank, lon_cell 
    71         lonlat_cell = np.zeros((nb_edge,2)) 
    72         lonlat_cell[:,0],lonlat_cell[:,1] = lon_cell,lat_cell 
    73         polygon = Polygon(lonlat_cell, True) 
    74         yield polygon 
    76 def plot_mesh(ax, clim, degree, bounds, lon, lat, data): 
    77     nb_vertex = lon.size # global 
    78     p = list(patches(degree, bounds, lon, lat)) 
    79     print '%d : plot_mesh %d %d %d'%( mpi_rank, degree.size, len(p), len(data) )  
    80     p = PatchCollection(p, linewidth=0.01) 
    81     p.set_array(data) # set values at each polygon (cell) 
    82     p.set_clim(clim) 
    83     ax.add_collection(p) 
    8559def local_mesh(get_mycells): 
    86     mydegree, mybounds = [get_mycells(x) for x in nEdgesOnCell, verticesOnCell] 
     60    #    mydegree, mybounds = [get_mycells(x) for x in nEdgesOnCell, verticesOnCell] 
     61    mydegree, mybounds = [get_mycells(x) for x in primal_deg, primal_vertex] 
    8762    print '%d : len(mydegree)=%d'%(mpi_rank, len(mydegree)) 
    8863    vertex_list = sorted(set(unst.list_stencil(mydegree,mybounds)))  
    9469    return vertex_list, mydegree, mybounds, mylon, mylat 
     71def members(struct, *names): return [struct.__dict__ [name] for name in names] 
    9673#--------------- read MPAS grid file ---------------# 
    98 #grid = 'x1.2562' 
    99 grid = 'x1.10242' 
     75grid = 'x1.2562' 
     76#grid = 'x1.10242' 
    10077#grid = 'x4.163842' 
    10178print 'Reading MPAS file %s ...'%grid 
    103 nc = cdf.Dataset('grids/%s.grid.nc'%grid, "r") 
    104 dim_cell, dim_edge, dim_vertex = [ 
    105     parallel.PDim(nc.dimensions[name], comm)  
    106     for name in 'nCells','nEdges','nVertices'] 
    107 edge_degree   = parallel.CstPArray1D(dim_edge, np.int32, 2) 
    108 vertex_degree = parallel.CstPArray1D(dim_vertex, np.int32, 3) 
    109 nEdgesOnCell, verticesOnCell, edgesOnCell, cellsOnCell, latCell = [ 
    110     parallel.PArray(dim_cell, nc.variables[var]) 
    111     for var in 'nEdgesOnCell', 'verticesOnCell', 'edgesOnCell', 'cellsOnCell', 'latCell' ] 
    112 cellsOnVertex, edgesOnVertex, kiteAreasOnVertex, lonVertex, latVertex = [ 
    113     parallel.PArray(dim_vertex, nc.variables[var]) 
    114     for var in 'cellsOnVertex', 'edgesOnVertex', 'kiteAreasOnVertex', 'lonVertex', 'latVertex'] 
    115 nEdgesOnEdge, cellsOnEdge, edgesOnEdge, verticesOnEdge, weightsOnEdge = [ 
    116     parallel.PArray(dim_edge, nc.variables[var]) 
    117     for var in 'nEdgesOnEdge', 'cellsOnEdge', 'edgesOnEdge', 'verticesOnEdge', 'weightsOnEdge'] 
     80meshfile = meshes.MPAS_Format('grids/%s.grid.nc'%grid) 
     81pmesh = meshes.Unstructured_PMesh(comm, meshfile) 
     82lmesh = meshes.Local_Mesh(pmesh) 
    119 # Indices start at 0 on the C/Python side and at 1 on the Fortran/MPAS side 
    120 # hence an offset of 1 is added/substracted where needed. 
    121 for x in (verticesOnCell, edgesOnCell, cellsOnCell, cellsOnVertex, edgesOnVertex, 
    122           cellsOnEdge, edgesOnEdge, verticesOnEdge) : x.data = x.data-1 
    123 edge2cell, cell2edge, edge2vertex, vertex2edge, cell2cell, edge2edge = [ 
    124     meshes.Stencil_glob(a,b) for a,b in  
    125     (edge_degree, cellsOnEdge), (nEdgesOnCell, edgesOnCell), 
    126     (edge_degree, verticesOnEdge), (vertex_degree, edgesOnVertex), 
    127     (nEdgesOnCell, cellsOnCell), (nEdgesOnEdge, edgesOnEdge) ] 
     84(primal_deg, primal_vertex, dim_vertex, dim_cell, cell_owner,  
     85 lonVertex, latVertex, lonCell, latCell) = members( 
     86    pmesh, 'primal_deg', 'primal_vertex', 'dim_dual', 'dim_primal', 'primal_owner',  
     87    'lon_v', 'lat_v', 'lon_i', 'lat_i') 
    129 #---------------- partition edges and cells ------------------# 
    131 print 'Partitioning ...' 
    133 edge_owner = unst.partition_mesh(nEdgesOnEdge, edgesOnEdge, mpi_size) 
    134 edge_owner = parallel.LocPArray1D(dim_edge, edge_owner) 
    135 cell_owner = meshes.partition_from_stencil(edge_owner, nEdgesOnCell, edgesOnCell) 
    136 cell_owner = parallel.LocPArray1D(dim_cell, cell_owner) 
    138 #--------------------- construct halos  -----------------------# 
    140 print 'Constructing halos ...' 
    142 def chain(start, links): 
    143     for link in links: 
    144         start = link(start).neigh_set 
    145         yield start 
    147 edges_E0 = meshes.find_my_cells(edge_owner) 
    148 cells_C0, edges_E1, vertices_V1, edges_E2, cells_C1 = chain( 
    149     edges_E0, ( edge2cell, cell2edge, edge2vertex, vertex2edge, edge2cell) ) 
    151 edges_E0, edges_E1, edges_E2 = meshes.progressive_list(edges_E0, edges_E1, edges_E2) 
    152 cells_C0, cells_C1 = meshes.progressive_list(cells_C0, cells_C1) 
    154 print 'E2,E1,E0 ; C1,C0 : ', map(len, (edges_E2, edges_E1, edges_E0, cells_C1, cells_C0)) 
    156 #com_edges = parallel.Halo_Xchange(24, dim_edge, edges_E2, dim_edge.get(edges_E2, edge_owner)) 
    158 mycells, halo_cells = cells_C0, cells_C1 
    159 get_mycells, get_halo_cells = dim_cell.getter(mycells), dim_cell.getter(halo_cells) 
    160 com_cells = parallel.Halo_Xchange(42, dim_cell, halo_cells, get_halo_cells(cell_owner)) 
    162 local_num, total_num = np.zeros(1), np.zeros(1) 
     89local_num, total_num, com_cells = np.zeros(1), np.zeros(1), lmesh.com_primal 
    16491comm.Reduce(local_num, total_num, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) 
    16794#---------------------------- plot -----------------------------# 
    169 if True: 
    170     print 'Plotting ...' 
     96print 'Plotting ...' 
    172     halo_vertex_list, mydegree, mybounds, mylon, mylat = local_mesh(com_cells.get_all) 
    173     buf = parallel.LocalArray1(com_cells) 
     98halo_vertex_list, mydegree, mybounds, mylon, mylat = local_mesh(com_cells.get_all) 
     99buf = parallel.LocalArray1(com_cells) 
    175     fig, ax = plt.subplots() 
    176     buf.read_own(latCell) # reads only own values 
    177     buf.data = np.cos(10.*buf.data) 
    178     buf.update() # updates halo 
    179     plot_mesh(ax,[-math.pi/2,math.pi/2], mydegree, mybounds, mylon, mylat, buf.data) 
    180     plt.xlim(-190.,190.) 
    181     plt.ylim(-90.,90.) 
    182     plt.savefig('fig_partition/A%03d.pdf'%mpi_rank, dpi=1600) 
     101fig, ax = plt.subplots() 
     102buf.read_own(latCell) # reads only own values 
     103buf.data = np.cos(10.*buf.data) 
     104buf.update() # updates halo 
     105lmesh.plot(ax,[-math.pi/2,math.pi/2], mydegree, mybounds, mylon, mylat, buf.data) 
     108plt.savefig('fig_partition/A%03d.pdf'%mpi_rank, dpi=1600) 
    184     fig, ax = plt.subplots() 
    185     buf.read_own(cell_owner) 
    186     buf.update() 
    187     plot_mesh(ax,[0,mpi_rank+1], mydegree, mybounds, mylon, mylat, buf.data) 
    188     plt.xlim(-190.,190.) 
    189     plt.ylim(-90.,90.) 
    190     plt.savefig('fig_partition/B%03d.pdf'%mpi_rank, dpi=1600) 
     110fig, ax = plt.subplots() 
     113lmesh.plot(ax,[0,mpi_rank+1], mydegree, mybounds, mylon, mylat, buf.data) 
     116plt.savefig('fig_partition/B%03d.pdf'%mpi_rank, dpi=1600) 
  • codes/icosagcm/devel/Python/test/py/test_xios.py

    r663 r680  
    11#print 'import dynamico' 
    22#import dynamico 
    3 print 'import dynamico.unstructured' 
    43import dynamico.unstructured as unst 
    5 print 'import dynamico.xios' 
    64import dynamico.xios as xios 
    7 print 'Done.' 
    8 from dynamico.meshes import MPAS_Mesh as Mesh, radian 
     5from dynamico.meshes import MPAS_Format, Unstructured_Mesh, radian 
    107from mpi4py import MPI 
    3835def f(lon,lat): return 2*Omega*np.sin(lat) # Coriolis parameter                                                                                                                 
    3936print 'Reading MPAS mesh ...' 
    40 mesh = Mesh('grids/x1.%d.grid.nc'%grid, llm, nqdyn, radius, f) 
     37meshfile = MPAS_Format('grids/x1.%d.grid.nc'%grid) 
     38mesh = Unstructured_Mesh(meshfile, llm, nqdyn, radius, f) 
    4139print '...Done' 
    4341lon_i, lat_i, lon_v, lat_v = [x*radian for x in mesh.lon_i, mesh.lat_i, mesh.lon_v, mesh.lat_v] 
    44 #lon_i, lat_i, lon_v, lat_v = mesh.lon_i, mesh.lat_i, mesh.lon_v, mesh.lat_v 
    4643#--------------------------------- initialize XIOS -------------------------- 
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