#!/usr/bin/perl # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # NAME # Fcm::Extract # # DESCRIPTION # This class contains methods for carrying out the various tasks that are # required to extract code from the FCM Subversion repository for feeding # into the prototype build system. At the end of the extract, it writes a # build configuration file for feeding into the build system. If the code # is to be built on a remote machine, it is mirrored to the remote machine # using a "rdist" or "rsync" interface. # # COPYRIGHT # (C) Crown copyright Met Office. All rights reserved. # For further details please refer to the file COPYRIGHT.txt # which you should have received as part of this distribution. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ package Fcm::Extract; # Standard pragma use warnings; use strict; # Standard modules use Carp; use File::Spec; use File::Spec::Functions; use File::Basename; use File::Path; use File::Compare; # FCM component modules use Fcm::CfgFile; use Fcm::ReposBranch; use Fcm::SrcDirLayer; use Fcm::Util; use Fcm::Timer; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $ext = Fcm::Extract->new ( # CONFIG => $config, # CFG_SRC => $cfg_src, # EXTRACTED => $extracted, # ); # # DESCRIPTION # This method constructs a new instance of the Fcm::Extract class. # # ARGUMENTS # CONFIG - reference to a Fcm::Config instance # CFG_SRC - source path to the extract configuration file # EXTRACTED - is it a pre-extracted object? # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub new { my $this = shift; my %args = @_; my $class = ref $this || $this; my $cfg = exists $args{CFG_SRC} ? $args{CFG_SRC} : undef; my $extracted = exists $args{EXTRACTED} ? $args{EXTRACTED} : undef; my $config = exists $args{CONFIG} ? $args{CONFIG} : &main::cfg; my $self = { CONFIG => $config, # configuration settings CFG => Fcm::CfgFile->new ( # ext cfg for this extract SRC => $cfg, # source path of the config file TYPE => 'ext', # config file type CONFIG => $config, # configuration settings ), DEST => { # destination info for this extract ROOTDIR => undef, # destination root directory CACHEDIR => undef, # extract cache directory CFGDIR => undef, # destination configuration directory SRCDIR => undef, # destination source directory BLD_CFG => undef, # bld cfg for the build system EXT_CFG => undef, # ext cfg for subsequent extract }, RDEST => { # remote destination information MACHINE => undef, # destination machine LOGNAME => undef, # remote login name ROOTDIR => undef, # destination root directory CFGDIR => undef, # destination configuration directory SRCDIR => undef, # destination source directory BLD_CFG => undef, # bld cfg for the build system EXT_CFG => undef, # ext cfg for subsequent extract }, BDECLARE => [], # list of declared bld cfg entries OVERRIDE => 0, # override conflicting patches? EXTRACTED => $extracted, # is the current object pre-extracted? USE => [], # list of re-used extracts BRANCHES => [], # list of repository branch info SRCDIRS => {}, # list of source directory extract info LOCK => undef, # lock file }; bless $self, $class; return $self; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $self->DESTROY; # # DESCRIPTION # This method is called automatically when a Fcm::Extract object is # destroyed. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; # Remove the lock if it is set unlink $self->{LOCK} if $self->{LOCK} and -e $self->{LOCK}; return; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $config = $ext->config; # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns a reference to the Fcm::Config instance. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub config { my $self = shift; return $self->{CONFIG}; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $cfgfile = $ext->cfg; # $ext->cfg ($cfgfile); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns a reference to a Fcm::CfgFile instance for the extract # configuration file. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub cfg { my $self = shift; return $self->{CFG}; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $dest = $ext->dest ([$name]); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns a hash containing the extract destination information # (local) if no argument is specified. If $name is specified, it returns the # named hash element if it exists. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub dest { my $self = shift; if (@_) { my $name = shift; $name = uc $name; if (exists $self->{DEST}{$name}) { return $self->{DEST}{$name}; } } return %{ $self->{DEST} }; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $rdest = $ext->rdest ([$name]); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns a hash containing the extract destination information # (remote) if no argument is specified. If $name is specified, it returns the # named hash element if it exists. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub rdest { my $self = shift; if (@_) { my $name = shift; $name = uc $name; if (exists $self->{RDEST}{$name}) { return $self->{RDEST}{$name}; } } return %{ $self->{RDEST} }; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # @bdeclare = $ext->bdeclare (); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns a list containing the build configuration file entries. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub bdeclare { my $self = shift; return @{ $self->{BDECLARE} }; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # @branches = $ext->branches ([$index]); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns a list of references to Fcm::ReposBranch instances. If # $index is specified, it returns the numbered item in the list. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub branches { my $self = shift; if (@_) { my $index = $_[0]; return exists $self->{BRANCHES}[$index] ? $self->{BRANCHES}[$index] : undef; } return @{ $self->{BRANCHES} }; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # %srcdirs = $ext->srcdirs ([$name]); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns a hash of source directories to be processed by this # extract. If $name is specified, a named element of the hash is returned # instead. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub srcdirs { my $self = shift; if (@_) { my $name = shift; $name = uc $name; return exists $self->{SRCDIRS}{$name} ? $self->{SRCDIRS}{$name} : undef; } return %{ $self->{SRCDIRS} }; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $rc = $ext->extract ([FULL => 1], [IGNORE_LOCK => 1]); # # DESCRIPTION # This is the main class method. It performs an extract using the current # configuration. If FULL is set to true, it runs in full mode. Otherwise, it # runs in incremental mode. If IGNORE_LOCK is set to true, it ignores any lock # files that may exist in the extract destination root directory. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub extract { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; my $full = exists $args{FULL} ? $args{FULL} : 0; my $ignore_lock = exists $args{IGNORE_LOCK} ? $args{IGNORE_LOCK} : 0; my $verbose = $self->config->verbose; my $date = localtime; print 'Extract started on ', $date, '.', "\n" if $verbose; my $otime = time; my $rc; $rc = $self->decipher_cfg; print '->Extract: start', "\n" if $verbose; my $stime = time; $rc = $self->check_dest if $rc; $rc = $self->check_lock if $rc and not $ignore_lock; $rc = $self->_set_lock if $rc; $rc = $self->expand_cfg if $rc; $rc = $self->_create_dest_dir ($full) if $rc; $rc = $self->create_dir_stack if $rc; $rc = $self->_extract_src if $rc; $rc = $self->_sort_bdeclare if $rc; $rc = $self->_write_ext_cfg if $rc; $rc = $self->_write_bld_cfg if $rc; my $ftime = time; my $s_str = $ftime - $stime > 1 ? 'seconds' : 'second'; print '->Extract: ', $ftime - $stime, ' ', $s_str, "\n"; if ($rc and $self->{RDEST}{MACHINE}) { print '->Mirror : start', "\n" if $verbose; $stime = time; $rc = $self->_mirror_extract; $ftime = time; $s_str = $ftime - $stime > 1 ? 'seconds' : 'second'; print '->Mirror : ', $ftime - $stime, ' ', $s_str, "\n"; } if ($verbose) { $s_str = $ftime - $otime > 1 ? 'seconds' : 'second'; print '->TOTAL : ', $ftime - $otime, ' ', $s_str, "\n"; } $date = localtime; if ($rc) { print 'Extract command finished on ', $date, '.', "\n" if $verbose; } else { e_report 'Extract command failed on ', $date, '.'; } return $rc; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $ext->decipher_cfg (); # # DESCRIPTION # This method deciphers the extract configuration file. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub decipher_cfg { my $self = shift; return unless $self->cfg->src; # Read config file my $read = $self->cfg->read_cfg; # Check config file type if ($read) { if ($self->cfg->type ne 'ext') { w_report 'Error: ', $self->cfg->src, ': not an extract config file'; return; } } else { return; } my %cfg_labels = %{ $self->config->setting ('CFG_LABEL') }; # Extract information from each line of the config file my @lines = $self->cfg->lines; LINE: for my $line (@lines) { my $label = $line->{LABEL}; my $value = $line->{VALUE}; next LINE unless $label; # Configuration file type/version, ignore for my $my_label (keys %{ $cfg_labels{CFGFILE} }) { next LINE if uc ($label) eq uc ($cfg_labels{CFGFILE}{$my_label}); } # Include another file, processed already, ignore this line next LINE if uc ($label) eq $cfg_labels{INC}; # User variable, ignore next LINE if index (uc ($label), '%') == 0; # Local destination directories, config file, etc for my $my_label (keys %{ $cfg_labels{DEST} }) { if (uc ($label) eq uc ($cfg_labels{DEST}{$my_label})) { $self->{DEST}{$my_label} = &expand_tilde ($value); next LINE; } } # Remote machine, logname, destination directories, config file, etc for my $my_label (keys %{ $cfg_labels{RDEST} }) { if (uc ($label) eq uc ($cfg_labels{RDEST}{$my_label})) { $self->{RDEST}{$my_label} = $value; next LINE; } } # "USE" statements if (uc ($label) eq uc ($cfg_labels{USE})) { my $exists = grep {$_->cfg->src eq $value} @{ $self->{USE} }; # Initialise new Fcm::Extract object if not already exists unless ($exists) { my $extract = Fcm::Extract->new ( CONFIG => $self->config, CFG_SRC => expand_tilde ($value), EXTRACTED => 1, ); $extract->decipher_cfg; $extract->check_dest; $extract->expand_cfg (); push @{ $self->{USE} }, $extract; } next LINE; } # "Override" setting if (uc ($label) eq uc ($cfg_labels{OVERRIDE})) { $self->{OVERRIDE} = $value; next LINE; } # "Mirror" command if (uc ($label) eq uc ($cfg_labels{MIRROR})) { $self->config->assign_setting ( LABELS => [qw/TOOL MIRROR/], VALUE => $value, ); next LINE; } # Declared bld cfg entries { my $prefix = $cfg_labels{BDECLARE} . '::'; if (index (uc ($label), $prefix) == 0) { my $name = substr $label, length ($prefix); if ($name) { push @{ $self->{BDECLARE} }, {LABEL => $name, VALUE => $value,}; next LINE; } } } # Repository, version and source directories for my $my_label (qw/REPOS VERSION SRCDIR EXPSRCDIR/) { my $prefix = $cfg_labels{$my_label} . '::'; if (index (uc ($label), $prefix) == 0) { my $name = substr $label, length ($prefix); # Detemine package and tag my @names = split /::/, $name; my $tag = pop @names; my $pckroot = $names[0]; my $pck = join '::', @names; # Check that $tag and $pckroot are defined last if not $tag; last if not $pckroot; # Check whether branch already exists my @branches = grep { $_->package eq $pckroot and $_->tag eq $tag } @{ $self->{BRANCHES} }; my $branch = undef; if (@branches) { # If so, set $branch to point to existing branch $branch = shift @branches; } else { # If not, create new branch $branch = Fcm::ReposBranch->new ( CONFIG => $self->config, PACKAGE => $pckroot, TAG => $tag, ); push @{ $self->{BRANCHES} }, $branch; } # Check package name for source directory declarations if ($my_label eq 'SRCDIR' or $my_label eq 'EXPSRCDIR') { if ($pck eq $pckroot and $value !~ m#^/#) { # Sub-package name not set and source directory quoted as a relative # path, determine package name from path name my @subpck = File::Spec->splitdir ($value); $pck = join '::', ($pckroot, @subpck); } } # Assign the value accordingly if ($my_label eq 'REPOS') { # Repository location $branch->repos ($value); } elsif ($my_label eq 'VERSION') { # Version used $branch->version ($value); } elsif ($my_label eq 'SRCDIR') { # Source directory used $branch->dir ($pck, $value); } elsif ($my_label eq 'EXPSRCDIR') { # Expandable source directory $branch->expdir ($pck, $value); } next LINE; } } # Label not recognised w_report 'ERROR: ', $line->{SRC}, ': LINE ', $line->{NUMBER}, ': label "', $label, '" not recognised'; return; } return 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $ext->check_dest (); # # DESCRIPTION # This method checks that the extract destionations are set correctly. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub check_dest { my $self = shift; my %subdir = %{ $self->config->setting ('DIR') }; my %cfgname = %{ $self->config->setting ('CFG_NAME') }; # Default destination settings my $dest = $self->{DEST}; if ($dest->{ROOTDIR}) { unless ($dest->{SRCDIR}) { # Location of extracted source $dest->{SRCDIR} = catfile $dest->{ROOTDIR}, $subdir{SRC}; } unless ($dest->{CFGDIR}) { # Location of configuration files $dest->{CFGDIR} = catfile $dest->{ROOTDIR}, $subdir{CFG}; } unless ($dest->{CACHEDIR}) { # Location of cache $dest->{CACHEDIR} = catfile $dest->{ROOTDIR}, $subdir{CACHE}; } unless ($dest->{BLD_CFG}) { # Location of (output) bld cfg $dest->{BLD_CFG} = catfile $dest->{CFGDIR}, $cfgname{BLD}; } unless ($dest->{EXT_CFG}) { # Location of (output) ext cfg $dest->{EXT_CFG} = catfile $dest->{CFGDIR}, $cfgname{EXT}; } } else { w_report 'Error: ', $self->cfg->src, ': destination root directory not set.'; return; } # Default remote destination settings if ($self->{RDEST}{MACHINE}) { # Use local logname as remote logname if it is not set $self->{RDEST}{LOGNAME} = getlogin unless $self->{RDEST}{LOGNAME}; $self->{RDEST}{LOGNAME} = $ENV{LOGNAME} unless $self->{RDEST}{LOGNAME}; $self->{RDEST}{LOGNAME} = $ENV{USER} unless $self->{RDEST}{LOGNAME}; unless ($self->{RDEST}{LOGNAME}) { w_report 'Error: ', $self->cfg->src, ': cannot determine your remote logname.'; return; } # Make sure remote destination root directory is set unless ($self->{RDEST}{ROOTDIR}) { w_report 'Error: ', $self->cfg->src, ': remote destination root directory not set.'; return; } # Make sure remote destination source directory is set $self->{RDEST}{SRCDIR} = catfile $self->{RDEST}{ROOTDIR}, $subdir{SRC} unless $self->{RDEST}{SRCDIR}; # Make sure remote destination configuration directory is set $self->{RDEST}{CFGDIR} = catfile $self->{RDEST}{ROOTDIR}, $subdir{CFG} unless $self->{RDEST}{CFGDIR}; # Make sure remote bld cfg is set $self->{RDEST}{BLD_CFG} = catfile $self->{RDEST}{CFGDIR}, $cfgname{BLD} unless $self->{RDEST}{BLD_CFG}; # Make sure remote ext cfg is set $self->{RDEST}{EXT_CFG} = catfile $self->{RDEST}{CFGDIR}, $cfgname{EXT} unless $self->{RDEST}{EXT_CFG}; } return 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $ext->check_lock (); # # DESCRIPTION # This method checks whether a lock is set in the current extract. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub check_lock { my $self = shift; my $rootdir = $self->{DEST}{ROOTDIR}; my $lock_ext = catfile ($rootdir, $self->config->setting (qw/MISC LOCK_EXT/)); my $lock_bld = catfile ($rootdir, $self->config->setting (qw/MISC LOCK_BLD/)); # Always throw error if extract lock exists if (-e $lock_ext) { w_report 'ERROR: extract lock file exists: ', $lock_ext, ','; w_report ' an extract may be running at ', $rootdir, ', abort.'; return; } # Throw error if current object is not a "used" pre-extracted object and # a build lock exists if ((not $self->{EXTRACTED}) and -e $lock_bld) { w_report 'ERROR: build lock file exists: ', $lock_bld, ','; w_report ' a build may be running at ', $rootdir, ', abort.'; return; } # Check locks in inherited extract for my $use (@{ $self->{USE} }) { return unless $use->check_lock; } return 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $self->_set_lock (); # # DESCRIPTION # This method sets a lock is set in the current extract. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub _set_lock { my $self = shift; $self->{LOCK} = catfile ( $self->{DEST}{ROOTDIR}, $self->config->setting (qw/MISC LOCK_EXT/), ); &touch_file ($self->{LOCK}); return 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $ext->expand_cfg (); # # DESCRIPTION # This method expands the settings of the extract configuration. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub expand_cfg { my $self = shift; # Establish a set of source directories from the "base repository" my %base_branches = (); # Inherit "base" set of source directories from re-used extracts my @uses = @{ $self->{USE} }; for my $use (@uses) { my @branches = $use->branches; for my $branch (@branches) { my $package = $branch->package; $base_branches{$package} = $branch unless exists $base_branches{$package}; } } for my $branch (@{ $self->{BRANCHES} }) { # Expand URL keywords if necessary if ($branch->repos) { my $repos = expand_url_keyword ( URL => $branch->repos, CFG => $self->config, ); $branch->repos ($repos) if $repos ne $branch->repos; } # Check that repository type and version are set if ($branch->repos and &is_url ($branch->repos)) { $branch->type ('svn') unless $branch->type; $branch->version ('head') unless $branch->version; } else { $branch->type ('user') unless $branch->type; $branch->version ('user') unless $branch->version; } $branch->expand_version_tag; # Work out revision number a version tag $branch->expand_path; # Expand relative path to full path $branch->expand_all; # Search sub-directories my $package = $branch->package; if (exists $base_branches{$package}) { # A base branch for this package exists # If current branch has no source directory, use the set provided by the # base branch my %dirs = $branch->dirs; $branch->add_base_dirs ($base_branches{$package}) unless keys %dirs; } else { # This package does not yet have a base branch, set this branch as base $base_branches{$package} = $branch; } } return 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $self->_create_dest_dir ($full); # # DESCRIPTION # This internal method (re-)creates all the destination directories if # necessary. If $full is set to true, it removes existing directories/files # in the destination directories. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub _create_dest_dir { my ($self, $full) = @_; my $verbose = $self->config->verbose; # Remove previous extract if "FULL" flag is set if ($full) { for my $my_label (qw/SRCDIR CACHEDIR/) { my $dirname = $self->{DEST}{$my_label}; # If directory exists and writable by the user, remove it if (-d $dirname and -w $dirname) { print 'Remove directory: ', $dirname, "\n" if $verbose; my $removed = rmtree $dirname; w_report 'Warning: cannot remove old extract at: ', $dirname, '.' if not $removed; } } } # Create extract destinations if necessary for my $my_label (qw/ROOTDIR CACHEDIR CFGDIR SRCDIR/) { my $dirname = $self->{DEST}{$my_label}; # Create directory if it does not already exist if (not -d $dirname) { print 'Make directory: ', $dirname, "\n" if $verbose > 1; mkpath $dirname; } unless (-d $dirname and -w $dirname) { w_report 'Error: cannot write to extract destination: ', $dirname, '.'; return; } } return 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $ext->create_dir_stack ( # USE => $use, # Is this a pre-extracted configuration? # ); # # DESCRIPTION # This method creates a hash of source directories to be processed. If the # flag USE is set to true, the source directories are assumed processed and # extracted. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub create_dir_stack { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; my $extracted = exists $args{USE} ? $args{USE} : undef; # Inherit from USE ext cfg if (@{ $self->{USE} } > 0) { for my $use (@{ $self->{USE} }) { $use->create_dir_stack (USE => 1); my %use_srcdirs = $use->srcdirs; while (my ($key, $value) = each %use_srcdirs) { $self->{SRCDIRS}{$key} = $value; # Re-set destination to current destination my @path = split (/::/, $key); $self->{SRCDIRS}{$key}{DEST} = catfile ($self->{DEST}{SRCDIR}, @path); } } } # Build stack from current ext cfg for my $branch (@{ $self->{BRANCHES} }) { my %branch_dirs = $branch->dirs; for my $dir (keys %branch_dirs) { # Check whether source directory is already in the list if (not exists $self->{SRCDIRS}{$dir}) { # if not, create it $self->{SRCDIRS}{$dir} = { DEST => catfile ($self->{DEST}{SRCDIR}, split (/::/, $dir)), STACK => [], FILES => {}, }; } my $stack = $self->{SRCDIRS}{$dir}{STACK}; # copy reference # Create a new layer in the input stack my $layer = Fcm::SrcDirLayer->new ( CONFIG => $self->config, NAME => $dir, PACKAGE => $branch->package, TAG => $branch->tag, LOCATION => $branch->dir ($dir), REPOSROOT => $branch->repos, VERSION => $branch->version, TYPE => $branch->type, EXTRACTED => $extracted ? $self->{SRCDIRS}{$dir}{DEST} : undef, ); # Check whether layer is already in the stack my $exist = grep { $_->location eq $layer->location and $_->version eq $layer->version; } @{ $stack }; if (not $exist) { # If not already exist, put layer into stack # Note: user stack always comes last if (! $layer->user and exists $stack->[-1] and $stack->[-1]->user) { my $lastlayer = pop @{ $stack }; push @{ $stack }, $layer; $layer = $lastlayer; } push @{ $stack }, $layer; } elsif ($layer->user) { # User layer already exists, overwrite it $stack->[-1] = $layer; } } } # Read content of "commit cache" file if it exists my $cachedir = $self->{DEST}{CACHEDIR}; my $cfgbase = $self->config->setting (qw/CACHE EXTCONFIG/); my $cfgfile = catfile $cachedir, $cfgbase; my %config_lines = (); if (-r $cfgfile) { my $cfg = Fcm::CfgFile->new (CONFIG => $self->config, SRC => $cfgfile,); $cfg->read_cfg; my @lines = $cfg->lines; for my $line (@lines) { $config_lines{$line->{LABEL}} = $line->{VALUE}; } } my %new_config_lines; # Compare each layer to base layer, discard unnecessary layers for my $srcdir (keys %{ $self->{SRCDIRS} }) { my @stack = (); while (my $layer = shift @{ $self->{SRCDIRS}{$srcdir}{STACK} }) { if ($layer->user) { # User directory, check that the declared location exists if (not -d $layer->location) { w_report 'Error: declared source directory ', $layer->location, ' does not exists '; return; } # Always override repository code push @stack, $layer; } else { unless ($layer->extracted and $layer->commit) { my $key = join '::', ($srcdir, $layer->location, $layer->version); # See if commit version information is cached if (keys %config_lines) { if (exists $config_lines{$key}) { $layer->commit ($config_lines{$key}); } } # Check source directory for commit version, if necessary $layer->get_commit unless $layer->commit; if (not $layer->commit) { w_report 'Error: cannot determine the last changed revision of ', $layer->location; return; } # Set cache directory for layer my $tag_ver = $layer->tag . '__' . $layer->commit; $layer->cachedir (catfile $cachedir, split (/::/, $srcdir), $tag_ver); # New line in cache config file $new_config_lines{$key} = $layer->commit; } # Push this layer in the stack: # 1. it has a different version compared to the top layer # 2. it is the top layer (base line code) if (@stack > 0) { push @stack, $layer if $layer->commit != $stack[0]->commit; } else { push @stack, $layer; } } } $self->{SRCDIRS}{$srcdir}{STACK} = \@stack; } # Write "commit cache" file if (not $extracted) { mkpath $cachedir if not -d $cachedir; my $cfg = Fcm::CfgFile->new (CONFIG => $self->config,); while ((my $label, my $value) = each %new_config_lines) { $cfg->add_line (LABEL => $label, VALUE => $value,); } $cfg->print_cfg ($cfgfile); } return 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $self->_extract_src (); # # DESCRIPTION # This internal method performs the extract of the source directories and # files if necessary. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub _extract_src { my $self = shift; my $verbose = $self->config->verbose; my %v_count = ( CREATED_DIRS => 0, IGNORED_SUBDIRS => 0, UPDATED_FILES => 0, REMOVED_FILES => 0, ); my $cachedir = $self->{DEST}{CACHEDIR}; # Go through the "stack" of each source directory # Extract the source directories/files if required for my $srcdir (values %{ $self->{SRCDIRS} }) { # Check if destionation exists and is not a directory if (-f $srcdir->{DEST}) { w_report $srcdir->{DEST}, ': destination exists and is not a directory, abort.'; return; } my %base_files = (); # list of files in the base layer my %used_files = (); # keys = file basenames, values = layer reference $srcdir->{FILES} = \%used_files; my @destpath = (); # search path for source directory destinations for my $layer (@{ $srcdir->{STACK} }) { # Update the cache for each layer of the stack if necessary $layer->update_cache unless $layer->extracted or -d $layer->localdir; # Search path for extract destinations of this source directory unshift @destpath, $layer->extracted if $layer->extracted and not grep {$_ eq $layer->extracted} @destpath; # Get list of files in the cache or local directory for my $file (($layer->get_files)) { if (exists $base_files{$file}) { # File exists in the base, compare current version with base version, # discard if not changed my $base_file = catfile $base_files{$file}->localdir, $file; my $used_file = catfile $used_files{$file}->localdir, $file; my $this_file = catfile $layer->localdir, $file; if (compare ($base_file, $this_file)) { # Differs if ($base_files{$file} eq $used_files{$file}) { # Base and used are the same layer, use current layer $used_files{$file} = $layer; } elsif (compare ($used_file, $this_file) == 0) { # Changes in used and this are the same, no update required # Print a message at verbose mode 2 or above if ($verbose > 1) { print &_print_override_mesg ( FILE => $file, LAYER0 => $base_files{$file}, LAYER1 => $used_files{$file}, LAYER2 => $layer, ); print ' Same modifications, use the source in URL 1.', "\n"; } } elsif ($self->{OVERRIDE}) { # Base and used are different, and used is not the same as this # Override mode, use current layer # Print override mode message if ($verbose) { print &_print_override_mesg ( FILE => $file, LAYER0 => $base_files{$file}, LAYER1 => $used_files{$file}, LAYER2 => $layer, ); print ' ', $file, ' in URL 2 overrides that in URL 1.', "\n"; } $used_files{$file} = $layer; } else { # Base and used are different, and used is not the same as this # Non-override mode, fail the extract w_report &_print_override_mesg ( FILE => $file, LAYER0 => $base_files{$file}, LAYER1 => $used_files{$file}, LAYER2 => $layer, ); w_report ' Override mode is false, file in URL 1 cannot ', 'override file in URL 2, abort.'; return; } } } else { # The first time the file is found $base_files{$file} = $layer; $used_files{$file} = $layer; } } } # Add current destination to the beginning of the destination search path unshift @destpath, $srcdir->{DEST} if -d $srcdir->{DEST}; for my $file (keys %used_files) { # Ignore sub-directories if (-d catfile $used_files{$file}->localdir, $file) { # Print diagnostic if ($verbose > 1) { print 'Ignore subdirectory: ', $file, "\n"; print ' Src: ', $used_files{$file}->location; print '@', $used_files{$file}->version unless $used_files{$file}->user; print "\n"; } $v_count{IGNORED_SUBDIRS}++; next; } # Determine whether file has changed, compared with the destination my $diff = 1; for my $dir (@destpath) { my $old = catfile ($dir, $file); if (-f $old) { my $new = catfile ($used_files{$file}->localdir, $file); $diff = compare $old, $new; last; } } if ($diff) { # copy if differs # Create extract destination, if required if (not -d $srcdir->{DEST}) { print 'Create directory: ', $srcdir->{DEST}, "\n" if $verbose > 1; my $mkdirs = mkpath $srcdir->{DEST}; if (! -d $srcdir->{DEST} or ! -w $srcdir->{DEST}) { w_report $srcdir->{DEST}, ': not a writable directory, abort.'; return; } $v_count{CREATED_DIRS} += $mkdirs; } # Set up the copy command my @cmd = ( 'cp', catfile ($used_files{$file}->localdir, $file), $srcdir->{DEST}, ); my $dest_file = catfile ($srcdir->{DEST}, $file); # Print diagnostic if ($verbose > 1) { print 'Update: ', $dest_file, "\n"; print ' Src: ', $used_files{$file}->location; print '@', $used_files{$file}->version unless $used_files{$file}->user; print "\n"; } # Remove old file if it exists unlink $dest_file if -f $dest_file; # Execute the copy command &run_command (\@cmd, TIME => $self->config->verbose > 2); $v_count{UPDATED_FILES}++; } } # Check that the destination directory does not contain any removed files opendir DIR, $srcdir->{DEST}; my @dest_files = readdir DIR; closedir DIR; while (my $file = shift @dest_files) { next if $file =~ /^\.\.?/; # ignore hidden files next if -d catfile ($srcdir->{DEST}, $file); # ignore sub-directories # Check if the file exists in any of the versions my $exists = 0; for my $layer (@{ $srcdir->{STACK} }) { if (-f catfile ($layer->localdir, $file)) { $exists = 1; last; } } # File exists in destination but not in any versions... if (not $exists) { my @cmd = ( qw/rm -f/, catfile ($srcdir->{DEST}, $file), ); # Print diagnostic print 'Remove: ', catfile ($srcdir->{DEST}, $file), "\n" if $verbose > 1; # Execute the command &run_command (\@cmd, TIME => $self->config->verbose > 2); $v_count{REMOVED_FILES}++; } } } if ($verbose) { my %v_label = ( CREATED_DIRS => 'Number of directories created : ', IGNORED_SUBDIRS => 'Number of ignored sub-directories: ', UPDATED_FILES => 'Number of updated files : ', REMOVED_FILES => 'Number of removed files : ', ); for my $key (qw/CREATED_DIRS IGNORED_SUBDIRS UPDATED_FILES REMOVED_FILES/) { print $v_label{$key}, $v_count{$key}, "\n" if $v_count{$key}; } } return 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $string = _print_override_mesg ( # FILE => $file, # LAYER0 => $layer0, # LAYER1 => $layer1, # LAYER2 => $layer2, # ); # # DESCRIPTION # This internal method returns a string containing an override mode message. # # ARGUMENTS # FILE - name of the source file # LAYER0 - base location # LAYER1 - source location overridden by LOC2 # LAYER2 - source location overriding LOC1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub _print_override_mesg { my %args = @_; my $string = $args{FILE}; $string .= ': modified in both URL 1 and URL 2, relative to BASE:'; $string .= "\n"; $string .= ' BASE : ' . $args{LAYER0}->location; $string .= '@' . $args{LAYER0}->version unless $args{LAYER0}->user; $string .= "\n"; $string .= ' URL 1: ' . $args{LAYER1}->location; $string .= '@' . $args{LAYER1}->version unless $args{LAYER1}->user; $string .= "\n"; $string .= ' URL 2: ' . $args{LAYER2}->location; $string .= '@' . $args{LAYER2}->version unless $args{LAYER2}->user; $string .= "\n"; return $string; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $self->_sort_bdeclare (); # # DESCRIPTION # This internal method sorts the declared build configuration entries, # filtering out repeated entries. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub _sort_bdeclare { my $self = shift; # Get list of build configuration labels that can be declared multiple times my %cfg_labels = %{ $self->config->setting ('CFG_LABEL') }; my @cfg_keywords = split /,/, $self->config->setting ('CFG_KEYWORD'); @cfg_keywords = map {$cfg_labels{$_}} @cfg_keywords; # Filter out repeated declarations my @bdeclares = (); for my $bdeclare (reverse @{ $self->{BDECLARE} }) { my $label = $bdeclare->{LABEL}; # Do not filter any declarations that can be declared multiple times my $unshift_ok = grep { uc ($label) eq $_ or index (uc ($label), $_ . '::') == 0; } @cfg_keywords; # @bdeclare contains nothing, last entry $unshift_ok = 1 unless $unshift_ok or @bdeclares; # Check if a later entry already exists $unshift_ok = 1 unless $unshift_ok or grep {$_->{LABEL} eq $label} @bdeclares; # Reconstruct array from bottom up unshift @bdeclares, $bdeclare if $unshift_ok; } $self->{BDECLARE} = \@bdeclares; return 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $self->_write_ext_cfg (); # # DESCRIPTION # This internal method writes the expanded extract configuration file. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub _write_ext_cfg { my $self = shift; my %cfg_labels = %{ $self->config->setting ('CFG_LABEL') }; my %subdir = %{ $self->config->setting ('DIR') }; my %cfgname = %{ $self->config->setting ('CFG_NAME') }; # Create new config file object and assign lines to it my $cfg = Fcm::CfgFile->new (CONFIG => $self->config, TYPE => 'ext',); # Set up config file header $cfg->add_header (); # Re-use pre-extracted expanded ext cfg if (@{ $self->{USE} }) { $cfg->add_comment_block ('Other ext cfg'); for my $reuse (@{ $self->{USE} }) { my $rootdir = $reuse->dest ('ROOTDIR'); my $ext_cfg = $reuse->cfg->src; # Default location of build config file my $def_ext_cfg = catfile $rootdir, $subdir{CFG}, $cfgname{EXT}; $cfg->add_line ( LABEL => $cfg_labels{USE}, VALUE => $ext_cfg eq $def_ext_cfg ? $rootdir : $ext_cfg, ); } # Blank line $cfg->add_line; } # Destination directories, config file, etc my $dest = $self->{DEST}; $cfg->add_comment_block ('Destination'); $cfg->add_line ( LABEL => $cfg_labels{DEST}{ROOTDIR}, VALUE => $dest->{ROOTDIR}, ); for my $label (qw/CFG SRC CACHE/) { my $dir = $label . 'DIR'; if ($dest->{$dir} ne catfile $dest->{ROOTDIR}, $subdir{$label}) { $cfg->add_line ( LABEL => $cfg_labels{DEST}{$dir}, VALUE => $dest->{$dir}, ); } } for my $name (qw/BLD EXT/) { my $label = $name . '_CFG'; if ($dest->{$label} ne catfile $dest->{CFGDIR}, $cfgname{$name}) { $cfg->add_line ( LABEL => $cfg_labels{DEST}{$label}, VALUE => $dest->{$label}, ); } } # Blank line $cfg->add_line; # Remote destination directories, config file, etc if ($self->{RDEST}{MACHINE}) { my $rdest = $self->{RDEST}; $cfg->add_comment_block ('Remote destination'); for my $label (qw/MACHINE LOGNAME ROOTDIR/) { $cfg->add_line ( LABEL => $cfg_labels{RDEST}{$label}, VALUE => $rdest->{$label}, ); } for my $label (qw/CFG SRC/) { my $dir = $label . 'DIR'; if ($rdest->{$dir} ne catfile $rdest->{ROOTDIR}, $subdir{$label}) { $cfg->add_line ( LABEL => $cfg_labels{RDEST}{$dir}, VALUE => $rdest->{$dir}, ); } } for my $name (qw/BLD EXT/) { my $label = $name . '_CFG'; if ($rdest->{$label} ne catfile $rdest->{CFGDIR}, $cfgname{$name}) { $cfg->add_line ( LABEL => $cfg_labels{RDEST}{$label}, VALUE => $rdest->{$label}, ); } } $cfg->add_line ( LABEL => $cfg_labels{MIRROR}, VALUE => $self->config->setting (qw/TOOL MIRROR/), ); # Blank line $cfg->add_line; } if ($self->{OVERRIDE}) { $cfg->add_line ( LABEL => $cfg_labels{OVERRIDE}, VALUE => $self->{OVERRIDE} ? 1 : 0, ); $cfg->add_line; } # Source directories $cfg->add_comment_block ('Source directories'); # Set up lines in the ext cfg my @lines = (); for my $my_label (keys %{ $self->{SRCDIRS} }) { for my $layer (@{ $self->{SRCDIRS}{$my_label}{STACK} }) { next if $layer->extracted; my $tag = $layer->package . '::' . $layer->tag; # Repository my $exists = grep { $_->{LABEL} eq $cfg_labels{REPOS} . '::' . $tag; } @lines; push @lines, { LABEL => $cfg_labels{REPOS} . '::' . $tag, VALUE => $layer->reposroot, } if not $exists; # Version $exists = grep { $_->{LABEL} eq $cfg_labels{VERSION} . '::' . $tag; } @lines; push @lines, { LABEL => $cfg_labels{VERSION} . '::' . $tag, VALUE => $layer->version, } unless $layer->user or $exists; # Source directory my ($pcks, $path); if ($layer->reposroot) { # Repository root declaration exists, print relative path if ($layer->location eq $layer->reposroot) { $path = ''; } else { $path = substr ($layer->location, length ($layer->reposroot) + 1); } my @pcks = split /::/, $my_label; shift @pcks; if (join ('::', @pcks) eq join ('::', File::Spec->splitdir ($path))) { # Print top package name if relative path matches sub-package name $pcks = $layer->package; } else { # Print full sub-package name otherwise $pcks = $my_label; } } else { # No repository root declaration # Print full path and full sub-package name $path = $layer->location; $pcks = $my_label; } my $length = $layer->reposroot ? length ($layer->reposroot) + 1 : 0; push @lines, { LABEL => join ('::', ($cfg_labels{SRCDIR}, $pcks, $layer->tag)), VALUE => $path, }; } } # Sort lines for specifying repository, version and source directories @lines = sort { my $rep_label = $cfg_labels{REPOS}; my $ver_label = $cfg_labels{VERSION}; if ($a->{LABEL} =~ /^$rep_label/) { # Repository labels if ($b->{LABEL} =~ /^$rep_label/) { $a->{LABEL} cmp $b->{LABEL} or $a->{VALUE} cmp $b->{VALUE}; } else { -1; } } elsif ($a->{LABEL} =~ /^$ver_label/) { # Version labels if ($b->{LABEL} =~ /^$rep_label/) { 1; } elsif ($b->{LABEL} =~ /^$ver_label/) { $a->{LABEL} cmp $b->{LABEL} or $a->{VALUE} cmp $b->{VALUE}; } else { -1; } } else { # Source directories labels if ($b->{LABEL} =~ /^(?:$rep_label|$ver_label)/) { 1; } else { $a->{LABEL} cmp $b->{LABEL} or $a->{VALUE} cmp $b->{VALUE}; } } } @lines; # Add lines for specifying repository, version and source directories while (my $line = shift @lines) { $cfg->add_line ( LABEL => $line->{LABEL}, VALUE => $line->{VALUE}, ); } # Add declared bld cfg entries if (@{ $self->{BDECLARE} }) { # Blank line $cfg->add_line; $cfg->add_comment_block ('Declared bld cfg entries'); for my $bdeclare (@{ $self->{BDECLARE} }) { $cfg->add_line ( LABEL => $cfg_labels{BDECLARE} . '::' . $bdeclare->{LABEL}, VALUE => $bdeclare->{VALUE}, ); } } # Print lines to config file $cfg->print_cfg ($self->{DEST}{EXT_CFG}); return 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $self->_write_bld_cfg (); # # DESCRIPTION # This internal method writes the build configuration file. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub _write_bld_cfg { my $self = shift; my %cfg_labels = %{ $self->config->setting ('CFG_LABEL') }; my %subdir = %{ $self->config->setting ('DIR') }; my %cfgname = %{ $self->config->setting ('CFG_NAME') }; # Create new config file object and assign lines to it my $cfg = Fcm::CfgFile->new (CONFIG => $self->config, TYPE => 'bld'); # Set up config file header $cfg->add_header (); # Pre-compile source if (@{ $self->{USE} }) { $cfg->add_comment_block ('Pre-compile source'); for my $reuse (@{ $self->{USE} }) { my $rootdir; my $bld_cfg; if ($self->{RDEST}{MACHINE}) { $rootdir = $reuse->rdest ('ROOTDIR'); $bld_cfg = $reuse->rdest ('BLD_CFG'); } else { $rootdir = $reuse->dest ('ROOTDIR'); $bld_cfg = $reuse->dest ('BLD_CFG'); } # Default location of build config file my $def_bld_cfg = catfile $rootdir, $subdir{CFG}, $cfgname{BLD}; $cfg->add_line ( LABEL => $cfg_labels{USE}, VALUE => $bld_cfg eq $def_bld_cfg ? $rootdir : $bld_cfg, ); } # Blank line $cfg->add_line; } # Add declared bld cfg entries if (@{ $self->{BDECLARE} }) { $cfg->add_comment_block ('Declared build options...'); my @bdeclares = sort {$a->{LABEL} cmp $b->{LABEL}} @{ $self->{BDECLARE} }; for my $bdeclare (@bdeclares) { $cfg->add_line ( LABEL => $bdeclare->{LABEL}, VALUE => $bdeclare->{VALUE}, ); } # Blank line $cfg->add_line; } # Add source directories to config file $cfg->add_comment_block ('Project directory tree'); my $dest = $self->{RDEST}{MACHINE} ? $self->{RDEST} : $self->{DEST}; $cfg->add_line ( LABEL => $cfg_labels{DIR} . '::ROOT', VALUE => $dest->{ROOTDIR}, ); for my $label (qw/SRC CFG/) { my $dir = $label . 'DIR'; if ($dest->{$dir} ne catfile $dest->{ROOTDIR}, $subdir{$label}) { $cfg->add_line ( LABEL => $cfg_labels{DIR} . '::' . $label, VALUE => $dest->{$dir}, ); } } # Blank line $cfg->add_line; # Add source directories to config file $cfg->add_comment_block ('Source directories'); $cfg->add_line (LABEL => $cfg_labels{SEARCH_SRC}, VALUE => '0',); $cfg->add_line; for my $srcdir (sort keys %{ $self->{SRCDIRS} }) { if (-d $self->{SRCDIRS}{$srcdir}{DEST}) { # Check whether pre-extracted source exists my $pre_extracted = grep { $_->extracted; } @{ $self->{SRCDIRS}{$srcdir}{STACK} }; # Source directory my $dest = undef; if ($self->{RDEST}{MACHINE}) { my $base = substr $self->{SRCDIRS}{$srcdir}{DEST}, length ($self->{DEST}{SRCDIR}) + 1; $dest = catfile $self->{RDEST}{SRCDIR}, $base; } else { $dest = $self->{SRCDIRS}{$srcdir}{DEST} } # Source directory label my $label = join '::', ($cfg_labels{SRCDIR}, $srcdir); $cfg->add_line (LABEL => $label, VALUE => $dest,) } } # Print lines to config file $cfg->print_cfg ($self->{DEST}{BLD_CFG}); return 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $self->_mirror_extract (); # # DESCRIPTION # This internal method mirrors the current extract to a remote machine. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub _mirror_extract { my $self = shift; # Needs mirroring only if remote machine is set return unless $self->{RDEST}{MACHINE}; my $verbose = $self->config->verbose; my $mirror = $self->config->setting (qw/TOOL MIRROR/); if ($mirror eq 'rdist') { # Use "rdist" to mirror extract # Variable for "remote_logname@remote_machine" my $rhost = $self->{RDEST}{LOGNAME} . '@' . $self->{RDEST}{MACHINE}; # Print distfile content to temporary file my @distfile = (); for my $my_label (qw/BLD_CFG EXT_CFG SRCDIR/) { push @distfile, '( ' . $self->{DEST}{$my_label} . ' ) -> ' . $rhost . "\n"; push @distfile, ' install ' . $self->{RDEST}{$my_label} . ';' . "\n"; } # Set up mirroring command (use "rdist" at the moment) my $command = 'rdist -R'; $command .= ' -q' unless $verbose > 1; $command .= ' -f - 1>/dev/null'; # Diagnostic my $croak = 'Cannot execute "' . $command . '"'; if ($verbose > 2) { print timestamp_command ($command, 'Start'); print ' ', $_ for (@distfile); } # Execute the mirroring command open COMMAND, '|-', $command or croak $croak, ' (', $!, '), abort'; for my $line (@distfile) { print COMMAND $line; } close COMMAND or croak $croak, ' (', $?, '), abort'; # Diagnostic print timestamp_command ($command, 'End ') if $verbose > 2; } elsif ($mirror eq 'rsync') { # Use "rsync" to mirror extract my $rsh = $self->config->setting (qw/TOOL REMOTE_SHELL/); # Variable for "remote_logname@remote_machine" my $rhost = $self->{RDEST}{LOGNAME} . '@' . $self->{RDEST}{MACHINE}; for my $my_label (qw/BLD_CFG EXT_CFG SRCDIR/) { my $rdir = dirname $self->{RDEST}{$my_label}; # remote container directory { # Create remote container directory with remote shell command my @command = ( $rsh, $self->{RDEST}{MACHINE}, '-n', '-l', $self->{RDEST}{LOGNAME}, qw/mkdir -p/, $rdir, ); # Execute command &run_command (\@command, TIME => $verbose > 2); } { # Build the rsync command my @command = qw/rsync -a --exclude='.*' --delete-excluded/; push @command, '-v' if $verbose > 2; push @command, $self->{DEST}{$my_label}; push @command, $rhost . ':' . $rdir; # Execute command &run_command (\@command, TIME => $verbose > 2); } } } else { w_report $mirror, ': unknown mirroring tool, abort.'; return; } return 1; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1; __END__