!================================================================================================ ! This is the "toy" chemistry module. !================================================================================================ MODULE Terminator implicit none private save public :: initial_value_Terminator ! initialize cl and cl2 public :: tendency_Terminator ! interface to tendency computation !integer, parameter :: 8 = selected_real_kind (12) real(8), parameter :: cly_constant = 4.e-6_8 real(8), parameter :: pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164_8 real(8), parameter :: half_pi = pi*0.5_8 real(8), parameter :: degrees_to_radians = pi/180.0_8 real(8), parameter :: k1_lat_center = 20.d0*degrees_to_radians real(8), parameter :: k1_lon_center = 300.d0*degrees_to_radians contains !=============================================================================== ! Solar photolysis rate and recombination rate !=============================================================================== subroutine k_vals( lat, lon, k1, k2 ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arguments: !----------------------------------------------------------------------- real(8), intent(in) :: lat, lon ! latitude and longitude, radians real(8), intent(out) :: k1, k2 ! reaction rates k1 = 1.0_8*max(0.d0,sin(lat)*sin(k1_lat_center) + cos(lat)*cos(k1_lat_center)*cos(lon-k1_lon_center)) k2 = 1._8 return end subroutine k_vals !=============================================================================== ! Tendencies of cl and cl2 !=============================================================================== subroutine tendency_Terminator( lat, lon, cl, cl2, dt, cl_f, cl2_f ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arguments: !----------------------------------------------------------------------- real(8), intent(in) :: lat, lon ! latitude and longitude, degrees real(8), intent(in) :: cl, cl2 ! molar mixing ratio of cl and cl2 real(8), intent(in) :: dt ! size of physics time step real(8), intent(out) :: cl_f, cl2_f ! time rate of change of cl and cl2 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Local variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- real(8) :: r, det, expdt, el ! useful algebaic quantities used in the computation real(8) :: k1, k2 ! reaction rates real(8) :: cly ! quantity that should be conseved call k_vals( lat, lon, k1, k2 ) r = k1 / (4._8*k2) cly = cl + 2._8* cl2 det = sqrt( r*r + 2._8*r*cly ) expdt = exp( -4._8*k2*det*dt ) if ( abs(det * k2 * dt) .gt. 1e-16 ) then el = (1._8 - expdt) /det /dt else el = 4._8*k2 endif cl_f = -el * (cl - det + r)*(cl + det + r) / (1._8 + expdt + dt*el*(cl + r)) cl2_f = -cl_f / 2._8 return end subroutine tendency_Terminator !=============================================================================== ! Compute initial values !=============================================================================== subroutine initial_value_Terminator( lat, lon, cl, cl2 ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arguments: !----------------------------------------------------------------------- real(8), intent(in) :: lat, lon ! latitude and longitude, degrees real(8), intent(out) :: cl, cl2 ! molar mixing ratio of cl and cl2 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Local variables !----------------------------------------------------------------------- real(8) :: r, det ! useful algebraic forms real(8) :: k1, k2 ! reaction rates call k_vals( lat, lon, k1, k2 ) r = k1 / (4._8*k2) det = sqrt(r*r + 2._8*cly_constant*r) cl = (det-r) cl2 = cly_constant/2._8 - (det-r)/2._8 return end subroutine initial_value_Terminator end module Terminator