MODULE spherical_geom_mod USE genmod CONTAINS SUBROUTINE lonlat2xyz(lon,lat,xyz) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(rstd),INTENT(IN) :: lon REAL(rstd),INTENT(IN) :: lat REAL(rstd),INTENT(OUT) :: xyz(3) xyz(1)=cos(lon)*cos(lat) xyz(2)=sin(lon)*cos(lat) xyz(3)=sin(lat) END SUBROUTINE lonlat2xyz SUBROUTINE xyz2lonlat(xyz,lon,lat) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(rstd),INTENT(IN) :: xyz(3) REAL(rstd),INTENT(OUT) :: lon REAL(rstd),INTENT(OUT) :: lat REAL(rstd) :: coslat REAL(rstd) :: xyzn(3) xyzn(:)=xyz(:)/sqrt(sum(xyz(:)**2)) lat=asin(xyzn(3)) lon=atan2(xyzn(2),xyzn(1)) END SUBROUTINE xyz2lonlat ! lat/lon with respect to a displaced pole (rotated basis) : ! ( cos(lon0)*sin(lat0), sin(lon0)*sin(lat0), -cos(lat0)) ! (-sin(lon0), cos(lon0), 0) ! ( cos(lon0)*cos(lat0), sin(lon0)*cos(lat0), sin(lat0)) SUBROUTINE lonlat2xyz_relative(lon,lat,lon0,lat0, xyz) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(rstd),INTENT(IN) :: lon0, lat0, lon,lat REAL(rstd),INTENT(OUT) :: xyz(3) REAL(rstd) :: xx,yy,zz xx = cos(lon)*cos(lat) yy = sin(lon)*cos(lat) zz = sin(lat) xyz(1) = cos(lon0)*(sin(lat0)*xx+cos(lat0)*zz)-sin(lon0)*yy xyz(2) = sin(lon0)*(sin(lat0)*yy+cos(lat0)*zz)+cos(lon0)*yy xyz(3) = sin(lat0)*zz-cos(lat0)*xx END SUBROUTINE lonlat2xyz_relative SUBROUTINE xyz2lonlat_relative(xyz,lon0,lat0, lon,lat) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(rstd),INTENT(IN) :: xyz(3), lon0, lat0 REAL(rstd),INTENT(OUT) :: lon,lat REAL(rstd) :: xx,yy,zz xx = sin(lat0)*(xyz(1)*cos(lon0)+xyz(2)*sin(lon0))-cos(lat0)*xyz(3) yy = xyz(2)*cos(lon0)-xyz(1)*sin(lon0) zz = cos(lat0)*(xyz(1)*cos(lon0)+xyz(2)*sin(lon0))+sin(lat0)*xyz(3) lon = atan2(yy,xx) lat = asin(zz) END SUBROUTINE xyz2lonlat_relative SUBROUTINE schmidt_transform(xyz,cc, lon0, lat0) ! Based on formula (12) from Guo & Drake, JCP 2005 IMPLICIT NONE REAL(rstd),INTENT(INOUT) :: xyz(3) REAL(rstd), INTENT(IN) :: cc, lon0, lat0 ! stretching factor>0, lon/lat of zoomed area REAL(rstd) :: lat,lon,mu CALL xyz2lonlat_relative(xyz,lon0,lat0, lon,lat) mu = sin(lat) mu = ((cc-1)+mu*(cc+1)) / ((cc+1)+mu*(cc-1)) lat = asin(mu) CALL lonlat2xyz_relative(lon,lat, lon0,lat0, xyz) END SUBROUTINE schmidt_transform SUBROUTINE dist_cart(A,B,d) USE vector IMPLICIT NONE REAL(rstd),INTENT(IN) :: A(3) REAL(rstd),INTENT(IN) :: B(3) REAL(rstd),INTENT(OUT) :: d REAL(rstd) :: n(3) CALL cross_product2(A,B,n) d=asin(sqrt(sum(n**2))) END SUBROUTINE dist_cart SUBROUTINE dist_lonlat(lonA,latA,lonB,latB,d) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(rstd),INTENT(IN) :: lonA REAL(rstd),INTENT(IN) :: latA REAL(rstd),INTENT(IN) :: lonB REAL(rstd),INTENT(IN) :: latB REAL(rstd),INTENT(OUT) :: d d=acos(MAX(MIN(sin(latA)*sin(latB)+cos(latA)*cos(latB)*cos(lonA-lonB),1.),-1.)) END SUBROUTINE dist_lonlat SUBROUTINE surf_triangle(A,B,C,surf) REAL(rstd),INTENT(IN) :: A(3) REAL(rstd),INTENT(IN) :: B(3) REAL(rstd),INTENT(IN) :: C(3) REAL(rstd),INTENT(OUT) :: Surf REAL(rstd) :: AB,AC,BC REAL(rstd) :: s,x CALL dist_cart(A,B,AB) CALL dist_cart(A,C,AC) CALL dist_cart(B,C,BC) s=(AB+AC+BC)/2 x=tan(s/2) * tan((s-AB)/2) * tan((s-AC)/2) * tan((s-BC)/2) IF (x<0) x=0. surf=4*atan(sqrt( x)) END SUBROUTINE surf_triangle SUBROUTINE div_arc(A,B,frac,C) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(rstd),INTENT(IN) :: A(3) REAL(rstd),INTENT(IN) :: B(3) REAL(rstd),INTENT(IN) :: frac REAL(rstd),INTENT(OUT) :: C(3) REAL(rstd) :: d REAL(rstd) :: M(3,3) REAL(rstd) :: alpha(3,3) INTEGER :: IPIV(3) INTEGER :: info REAL(rstd) :: xa,xb,xc REAL(rstd) :: ya,yb,yc REAL(rstd) :: za,zb,zc REAL(rstd) :: alpha_A,alpha_B,alpha_C REAL(rstd) :: x,y,z REAL(rstd) :: a1,a2,a3 REAL(rstd) :: b1,b2,b3 xa=A(1) ; ya=A(2) ; za=A(3) xb=B(1) ; yb=B(2) ; zb=B(3) CALL dist_cart(A,B,d) C(1)=cos(frac*d) C(2)=cos((1-frac)*d) C(3)=0. xc=ya*zb-yb*za ; yc=-(xa*zb-xb*za) ; zc=xa*yb-xb*ya M(1,1)=xa ; M(1,2)=ya ; M(1,3)=za M(2,1)=xb ; M(2,2)=yb ; M(2,3)=zb M(3,1)=xc ; M(3,2)=yc ; M(3,3)=zc stop 'STOP' ! CALL DGESV(3,1,M,3,IPIV,C,3,info) END SUBROUTINE div_arc SUBROUTINE div_arc_bis(A,B,frac,C) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(rstd),INTENT(IN) :: A(3) REAL(rstd),INTENT(IN) :: B(3) REAL(rstd),INTENT(IN) :: frac REAL(rstd),INTENT(OUT) :: C(3) C=A*(1-frac)+B*frac C=C/sqrt(sum(C**2)) END SUBROUTINE div_arc_bis SUBROUTINE circumcenter(A0,B0,C0,center) USE vector IMPLICIT NONE REAL(rstd), INTENT(IN) :: A0(3),B0(3),C0(3) REAL(rstd), INTENT(OUT) :: Center(3) REAL(rstd) :: a(3),b(3),c(3), ac(3), ab(3), p1(3), q(3), p2(3) a=A0/sqrt(sum(A0**2)) b=B0/sqrt(sum(B0**2)) c=C0/sqrt(sum(C0**2)) ab=b-a ac=c-a CALL Cross_product2(ab,ac,p1) IF(.FALSE.) THEN ! Direct solution, round-off error center=p1/norm(p1) ELSE ! Two-step solution, stable q = SUM(ac**2)*ab-SUM(ab**2)*ac CALL Cross_product2(p1,q,p2) p2 = a + p2/(2.*SUM(p1**2)) center = p2/norm(p2) END IF END SUBROUTINE circumcenter SUBROUTINE compute_centroid(points,n,centr) USE vector IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: n REAL(rstd), INTENT(IN) :: points(3,n) REAL(rstd), INTENT(OUT) :: Centr(3) REAL(rstd) :: p1(3),p2(3),cross(3), cc(3) REAL(rstd) :: norm_cross, area INTEGER :: i,j centr(:)=0 IF(.FALSE.) THEN ! Gauss formula (subject to round-off error) DO i=1,n j=MOD(i,n)+1 p1=points(:,i)/norm(points(:,i)) p2=points(:,j)/norm(points(:,j)) CALL cross_product2(p1,p2,cross) norm_cross=norm(cross) if (norm_cross<1e-10) CYCLE centr(:)=centr(:)+asin(norm_cross)*cross(:)/norm_cross ENDDO ELSE ! Simple area-weighted average (second-order accurate, stable) cc=SUM(points,2) ! arithmetic average used as center cc=cc/norm(cc) DO i=1,n j=MOD(i,n)+1 p1=points(:,i)/norm(points(:,i)) p2=points(:,j)/norm(points(:,j)) CALL surf_triangle(cc,p1,p2,area) centr(:)=centr(:)+area*(p1+p2+cc) ENDDO END IF centr(:)=centr(:)/norm(centr(:)) END SUBROUTINE compute_centroid END MODULE spherical_geom_mod