MODULE RADIATION USE ICOSA USE dimphys_mod ! USE PHY contains !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE zerophys(n,x) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER n REAL x(n) INTEGER i DO i=1,n x(i)=0. ENDDO RETURN END subroutine zerophys !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE solarlong(pday,psollong) IMPLICIT NONE c======================================================================= c c Objet: c ------ c c Calcul de la distance soleil-planete et de la declinaison c en fonction du jour de l'annee. c c c Methode: c -------- c c Calcul complet de l'elipse c c Interface: c ---------- c c Uncommon comprenant les parametres orbitaux. c c Arguments: c ---------- c c Input: c ------ c pday jour de l'annee (le jour 0 correspondant a l'equinoxe) c lwrite clef logique pour sorties de controle c c Output: c ------- c pdist_sol distance entre le soleil et la planete c ( en unite astronomique pour utiliser la constante c solaire terrestre 1370 Wm-2 ) c pdecli declinaison ( en radians ) c c======================================================================= c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Declarations: c ------------- c arguments: c ---------- REAL pday,pdist_sol,pdecli,psollong LOGICAL lwrite c Local: c ------ REAL zanom,xref,zx0,zdx,zteta,zz INTEGER iter c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c calcul de l'angle polaire et de la distance au soleil : c ------------------------------------------------------- c calcul de l'zanomalie moyenne zz=(pday-peri_day)/year_day zanom=2.*pi*(zz-nint(zz)) xref=abs(zanom) c resolution de lequation horaire zx0 - e * sin (zx0) = xref c methode de Newton zx0=xref+e_elips*sin(xref) DO 110 iter=1,10 zdx=-(zx0-e_elips*sin(zx0)-xref)/(1.-e_elips*cos(zx0)) if(abs(zdx).le.(1.e-7)) goto 120 zx0=zx0+zdx 110 continue 120 continue zx0=zx0+zdx if( zx0=-zx0 c zteta est la longitude solaire zteta=2.*atan(sqrt((1.+e_elips)/(1.-e_elips))*tan(zx0/2.)) psollong=zteta-timeperi IF(psollong.LT.0.) psollong=psollong+2.*pi IF(psollong.GT.2.*pi) psollong=psollong-2.*pi RETURN END SUBROUTINE solarlong !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE orbite(pls,pdist_sol,pdecli) IMPLICIT NONE c==================================================================== c c Objet: c ------ c c Distance from sun and declimation as a function of the solar c longitude Ls c c Interface: c ---------- c Arguments: c ---------- c c Input: c ------ c pls Ls c c Output: c ------- c pdist_sol Distance Sun-Planet in UA c pdecli declinaison ( en radians ) c c==================================================================== c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Declarations: c ------------- c arguments: c ---------- REAL pday,pdist_sol,pdecli,pls c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Distance Sun-Planet pdist_sol=p_elips/(1.+e_elips*cos(pls+timeperi)) c Solar declination pdecli= asin (sin(pls)*sin(obliquit*pi/180.)) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c sorties eventuelles: c --------------------- END SUBROUTINE orbite !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE iniorbit $ (paphelie,pperiheli,pyear_day,pperi_day,pobliq) IMPLICIT NONE c===================================================================== c c Auteur: c ------- c Frederic Hourdin 22 Fevrier 1991 c c Objet: c ------ c Initialisation du sous programme orbite qui calcule c a une date donnee de l'annee de duree year_day commencant c a l'equinoxe de printemps et dont le perihelie se situe c a la date peri_day, la distance au soleil et la declinaison. c c Interface: c ---------- c - Doit etre appele avant d'utiliser orbite. c - initialise le common comorbit c c Arguments: c ---------- c c Input: c ------ c aphelie \ aphelie et perihelie de l'orbite c periheli / en millions de kilometres. c c===================================================================== c Declarations: c ------------- c Arguments: c ---------- REAL paphelie,pperiheli,pyear_day,pperi_day,pobliq c Local: c ------ REAL zxref,zanom,zz,zx0,zdx INTEGER iter c'----------------------------------------------------------------------- aphelie =paphelie periheli=pperiheli year_day=pyear_day obliquit=pobliq peri_day=pperi_day PRINT*,'Perihelie en Mkm ',periheli PRINT*,'Aphelise en Mkm ',aphelie PRINT*,'obliquite en degres :',obliquit unitastr=149.597927 e_elips=(aphelie-periheli)/(periheli+aphelie) p_elips=0.5*(periheli+aphelie)*(1-e_elips*e_elips)/unitastr print*,'e_elips',e_elips print*,'p_elips',p_elips c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c calcul de l'angle polaire et de la distance au soleil : c ------------------------------------------------------- c calcul de l'zanomalie moyenne zz=(year_day-pperi_day)/year_day zanom=2.*pi*(zz-nint(zz)) zxref=abs(zanom) PRINT*,'zanom ',zanom c resolution de lequation horaire zx0 - e * sin (zx0) = zxref c methode de Newton zx0=zxref+e_elips*sin(zxref) DO 110 iter=1,100 zdx=-(zx0-e_elips*sin(zx0)-zxref)/(1.-e_elips*cos(zx0)) if(abs(zdx).le.(1.e-12)) goto 120 zx0=zx0+zdx 110 continue 120 continue zx0=zx0+zdx if( zx0=-zx0 PRINT*,'zx0 ',zx0 c zteta est la longitude solaire timeperi=2.*atan(sqrt((1.+e_elips)/(1.-e_elips))*tan(zx0/2.)) PRINT*,'longitude solaire du perihelie timeperi = ',timeperi RETURN END SUBROUTINE iniorbit !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE mucorr(npts,pdeclin, plat, pmu, pfract,phaut,prad) IMPLICIT NONE c======================================================================= c c Calcul of equivalent solar angle and and fraction of day whithout c diurnal cycle. c c parmeters : c ----------- c c Input : c ------- c npts number of points c pdeclin solar declinaison c plat(npts) latitude c phaut hauteur typique de l'atmosphere c prad rayon planetaire ' c c Output : c -------- c pmu(npts) equivalent cosinus of the solar angle c pfract(npts) fractionnal day c c======================================================================= c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c 0. Declarations : c ----------------- c Arguments : c ----------- INTEGER npts REAL plat(npts),pmu(npts), pfract(npts) REAL phaut,prad,pdeclin c c Local variables : c ----------------- INTEGER j,i,ij,ig REAL pi REAL z,cz,sz,tz,phi,cphi,sphi,tphi REAL ap,a,t,b REAL alph c----------------------------------------------------------------------- !print*,'npts,pdeclin' !print*,npts,pdeclin pi = 4. * atan(1.0) !print*,'PI=',pi pi=2.*asin(1.) z = pdeclin cz = cos (z) sz = sin (z) !print*,'cz,sz',cz,sz ! DO j=jj_begin-offset,jj_end+offset ! DO i=ii_begin-offset,ii_end+offset ! ig=(j-1)*iim+i DO ig=1,npts phi = plat(ig) cphi = cos(phi) if (cphi.le.1.e-9) cphi=1.e-9 sphi = sin(phi) tphi = sphi / cphi b = cphi * cz t = -tphi * sz / cz a = 1.0 - t*t ap = a IF(t.eq.0.) then t=0.5*pi ELSE IF ( a = 0. t = sqrt(a) / t IF ( then t = -atan (-t) + pi ELSE t = atan(t) ENDIF ENDIF pmu(ig) = (sphi*sz*t) / pi + b*sin(t)/pi pfract(ig) = t / pi IF (ap .lt.0.) then pmu(ig) = sphi * sz pfract(ig) = 1.0 ENDIF IF (pmu(ig).le.0.0) pmu(ig) = 0.0 pmu(ig) = pmu(ig) / pfract(ig) IF (pmu(ig).eq.0.) pfract(ig) = 0. ENDDO ! ENDDO c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c correction de rotondite: c ------------------------ alph=phaut/prad ! DO j=jj_begin-offset,jj_end+offset ! DO i=ii_begin-offset,ii_end+offset ! ig=(j-1)*iim+i DO ig = 1,npts pmu(ig)=sqrt(1224.*pmu(ig)*pmu(ig)+1.)/35. c $ (sqrt(alph*alph*pmu(ig)*pmu(ig)+2.*alph+1.)-alph*pmu(ig)) ENDDO ! ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE mucorr !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE sw(ngrid,nlayer,ldiurn, $ coefvis,albedo, $ plevel,ps_rad,pmu,pfract,psolarf0, $ fsrfvis,dtsw, $ lwrite) IMPLICIT NONE c======================================================================= c c Rayonnement solaire en atmosphere non diffusante avec un c coefficient d'absoprption gris. c' c======================================================================= c c declarations: c ------------- c arguments: c ---------- c INTEGER ngrid,nlayer,i,j,ij REAL albedo(ngrid),coefvis REAL pmu(ngrid),pfract(ngrid) REAL plevel(ngrid,nlayer+1),ps_rad REAL psolarf0 REAL fsrfvis(ngrid),dtsw(ngrid,nlayer) LOGICAL lwrite,ldiurn c c variables locales: c ------------------ c REAL zalb(ngrid),zmu(ngrid),zfract(ngrid) REAL zplev(ngrid,nlayer+1) REAL zflux(ngrid),zdtsw(ngrid,nlayer) INTEGER ig,l,nlevel,ncount,igout INTEGER,DIMENSION(ngrid)::index REAL ztrdir(ngrid,nlayer+1),ztrref(ngrid,nlayer+1) REAL zfsrfref(ngrid) REAL z1(ngrid) REAL zu(ngrid,nlayer+1) REAL tau0 EXTERNAL SSUM EXTERNAL ismax REAL ismax LOGICAL firstcall SAVE firstcall DATA firstcall/.true./ c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 1. initialisations: c ------------------- IF (firstcall) THEN IF (ngrid.NE.ngrid) THEN PRINT*,'STOP in inifis' PRINT*,'Probleme de dimenesions :' PRINT*,'ngrid = ',ngrid PRINT*,'ngrid = ',ngrid STOP ENDIF IF (nlayer.NE.llm) THEN PRINT*,'STOP in inifis' PRINT*,'Probleme de dimenesions :' PRINT*,'nlayer = ',nlayer PRINT*,'llm = ',llm STOP ENDIF ENDIF nlevel=nlayer+1 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Definitions des tableaux locaux pour les points ensoleilles: c ------------------------------------------------------------ IF (ldiurn) THEN ncount=0 DO j=jj_begin-offset,jj_end+offset DO i=ii_begin-offset,ii_end+offset ig=(j-1)*iim+i index(ig)=0 ENDDO ENDDO DO j=jj_begin-offset,jj_end+offset DO i=ii_begin-offset,ii_end+offset ig=(j-1)*iim+i IF(pfract(ig).GT.1.e-6) THEN ncount=ncount+1 index(ncount)=ig ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ! SARVESH CHANGED NCOUNT TO NGRID TO BE CONSISTENT ??? CALL monGATHER(ncount,zfract,pfract,index) CALL monGATHER(ncount,zmu,pmu,index) CALL monGATHER(ncount,zalb,albedo,index) DO l=1,nlevel CALL monGATHER(ncount,zplev(1,l),plevel(1,l),index) ENDDO ELSE ncount=ngrid zfract(:)=pfract(:) zmu(:)=pmu(:) zalb(:)=albedo(:) zplev(:,:)=plevel(:,:) ENDIF c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c calcul des profondeurs optiques integres depuis p=0: c ---------------------------------------------------- tau0=-.5*log(coefvis) c calcul de la partie homogene de l'opacite c' tau0=tau0/ps_rad DO l=1,nlayer+1 DO j=jj_begin-offset,jj_end+offset DO i=ii_begin-offset,ii_end+offset ig=(j-1)*iim+i zu(ig,l)=tau0*zplev(ig,l) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 2. calcul de la transmission depuis le sommet de l'atmosphere: c' ----------------------------------------------------------- DO l=1,nlevel DO j=jj_begin-offset,jj_end+offset DO i=ii_begin-offset,ii_end+offset ig=(j-1)*iim+i ztrdir(ig,l)=exp(-zu(ig,l)/zmu(ig)) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO IF (lwrite) THEN igout=ncount/2+1 PRINT* PRINT*,'Diagnostique des transmission dans le spectre solaire' PRINT*,'zfract, zmu, zalb' PRINT*,zfract(igout), zmu(igout), zalb(igout) PRINT*,'Pression, quantite d abs, transmission' DO l=1,nlayer+1 PRINT*,zplev(igout,l),zu(igout,l),ztrdir(igout,l) ENDDO ENDIF c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 3. taux de chauffage, ray. solaire direct: c ------------------------------------------ DO l=1,nlayer DO j=jj_begin-offset,jj_end+offset DO i=ii_begin-offset,ii_end+offset ig=(j-1)*iim+i zdtsw(ig,l)=g*psolarf0*zfract(ig)*zmu(ig)* $ (ztrdir(ig,l+1)-ztrdir(ig,l))/ $ (cpp*(zplev(ig,l)-zplev(ig,l+1))) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO IF (lwrite) THEN PRINT* PRINT*,'Diagnostique des taux de chauffage solaires:' PRINT*,' 1 taux de chauffage lie au ray. solaire direct' DO l=1,nlayer PRINT*,zdtsw(igout,l) ENDDO ENDIF c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 4. calcul du flux solaire arrivant sur le sol: c ---------------------------------------------- DO j=jj_begin-offset,jj_end+offset DO i=ii_begin-offset,ii_end+offset ig=(j-1)*iim+i z1(ig)=zfract(ig)*zmu(ig)*psolarf0*ztrdir(ig,1) zflux(ig)=(1.-zalb(ig))*z1(ig) zfsrfref(ig)= zalb(ig)*z1(ig) ENDDO ENDDO IF (lwrite) THEN PRINT* PRINT*,'Diagnostique des taux de chauffage solaires:' PRINT*,' 2 flux solaire net incident sur le sol' PRINT*,zflux(igout) ENDIF c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 5.calcul des traansmissions depuis le sol, cas diffus: c ------------------------------------------------------ DO l=1,nlevel DO j=jj_begin-offset,jj_end+offset DO i=ii_begin-offset,ii_end+offset ig=(j-1)*iim+i ztrref(ig,l)=exp(-(zu(ig,1)-zu(ig,l))*1.66) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO IF (lwrite) THEN PRINT* PRINT*,'Diagnostique des taux de chauffage solaires' PRINT*,' 3 transmission avec les sol' PRINT*,'niveau transmission' DO l=1,nlevel PRINT*,l,ztrref(igout,l) ENDDO ENDIF c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 6.ajout a l'echauffement de la contribution du ray. sol. reflechit: c' ------------------------------------------------------------------- DO l=1,nlayer DO j=jj_begin-offset,jj_end+offset DO i=ii_begin-offset,ii_end+offset ig=(j-1)*iim+i zdtsw(ig,l)=zdtsw(ig,l)+ $ g*zfsrfref(ig)*(ztrref(ig,l+1)-ztrref(ig,l))/ $ (cpp*(zplev(ig,l+1)-zplev(ig,l))) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 10. sorites eventuelles: c ------------------------ IF (lwrite) THEN PRINT* PRINT*,'Diagnostique des taux de chauffage solaires:' PRINT*,' 3 taux de chauffage total' DO l=1,nlayer PRINT*,zdtsw(igout,l) ENDDO ENDIF IF (ldiurn) THEN CALL zerophys(ngrid,fsrfvis) CALL monscatter(ncount,fsrfvis,index,zflux) CALL zerophys(ngrid*nlayer,dtsw) DO l=1,nlayer CALL monscatter(ncount,dtsw(1,l),index,zdtsw(1,l)) ENDDO ELSE !print*,'NOT DIURNE' fsrfvis(:)=zflux(:) dtsw(:,:)=zdtsw(:,:) ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE sw !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE lw(ngrid,nlayer,coefir,emissiv, $ pp,ps_rad,ptsurf,pt, $ pfluxir,pdtlw, $ lwrite) IMPLICIT NONE c======================================================================= c c calcul de l'evolution de la temperature sous l'effet du rayonnement c infra-rouge. c Pour simplifier, les transmissions sont precalculees et ne c dependent que de l'altitude. c c arguments: c ---------- c' c entree: c ------- c ngrid nombres de points de la grille horizontale c nlayer nombre de couches c ptsurf(ngrid) temperature de la surface c pt(ngrid,nlayer) temperature des couches c pp(ngrid,nlayer+1) pression entre les couches c lwrite variable logique pour sorties c c sortie: c ------- c pdtlw(ngrid,nlayer) taux de refroidissement c pfluxir(ngrid) flux infrarouge sur le sol c c======================================================================= !c declarations: !c ------------- !c arguments: !c' ---------- INTEGER ngrid,nlayer REAL coefir,emissiv(ngrid),ps_rad REAL ptsurf(ngrid),pt(ngrid,nlayer),pp(ngrid,nlayer+1) REAL pdtlw(ngrid,nlayer),pfluxir(ngrid) LOGICAL lwrite c variables locales: c ------------------ INTEGER nlevel,ilev,ig,i,il REAL zplanck(ngridmx,nlayermx+1),zcoef REAL zfluxup(ngridmx,nlayermx+1),zfluxdn(ngridmx,nlayermx+1) REAL zflux(ngridmx,nlayermx+1) REAL zlwtr1(ngridmx),zlwtr2(ngridmx) REAL zup(ngridmx,nlayermx+1),zdup(ngridmx) REAL stephan LOGICAL lstrong SAVE lstrong,stephan DATA lstrong/.true./ c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c initialisations: c ---------------- nlevel=nlayer+1 stephan=5.67e-08 pfluxir=0.0 pdtlw=0.0 !print*,"ngr,nlay,coefi",ngrid,nlayer,coefir c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 2. calcul des quantites d'absorbants: c' ------------------------------------- c absorption forte IF(lstrong) THEN DO ilev=1,nlevel DO ig=1,ngrid zup(ig,ilev)=pp(ig,ilev)*pp(ig,ilev)/(2.*g) ENDDO ENDDO IF(lwrite) THEN DO ilev=1,nlayer PRINT*,' up(',ilev,') = ',zup(ngrid/2+1,ilev) ENDDO ENDIF zcoef=-log(coefir)/sqrt(ps_rad*ps_rad/(2.*g)) c absorption faible ELSE DO ilev=1,nlevel DO ig=1,ngrid zup(ig,ilev)=pp(ig,ilev) ENDDO ENDDO zcoef=-log(coefir)/ps_rad ENDIF c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 2. calcul de la fonction de corps noir: c --------------------------------------- DO ilev=1,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid zplanck(ig,ilev)=pt(ig,ilev)*pt(ig,ilev) zplanck(ig,ilev)=stephan* $ zplanck(ig,ilev)*zplanck(ig,ilev) ENDDO ENDDO c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 4. flux descendants: c -------------------- DO ilev=1,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid zfluxdn(ig,ilev)=0. ENDDO DO ig=1,ngrid zdup(ig)=zup(ig,ilev)-zup(ig,nlevel) ENDDO CALL lwtr(ngrid,zcoef,lstrong,zdup,zlwtr1) DO il=nlayer,ilev,-1 zlwtr2(:)=zlwtr1(:) DO ig=1,ngrid zdup(ig)=zup(ig,ilev)-zup(ig,il) ENDDO CALL lwtr(ngrid,zcoef,lstrong,zdup,zlwtr1) DO ig=1,ngrid zfluxdn(ig,ilev)=zfluxdn(ig,ilev)+ $ zplanck(ig,il)*(zlwtr1(ig)-zlwtr2(ig)) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO DO ig=1,ngrid zfluxdn(ig,nlevel)=0. pfluxir(ig)=emissiv(ig)*zfluxdn(ig,1) ENDDO DO ig=1,ngrid zfluxup(ig,1)=ptsurf(ig)*ptsurf(ig) zfluxup(ig,1)=emissiv(ig)*stephan*zfluxup(ig,1)*zfluxup(ig,1) $ +(1.-emissiv(ig))*zfluxdn(ig,1) ENDDO c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 3. flux montants: c ------------------ DO ilev=1,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid zdup(ig)=zup(ig,1)-zup(ig,ilev+1) ENDDO CALL lwtr(ngrid,zcoef,lstrong,zdup,zlwtr1) DO ig=1,ngrid zfluxup(ig,ilev+1)=zfluxup(ig,1)*zlwtr1(ig) ENDDO DO il=1,ilev zlwtr2(:)=zlwtr1(:) DO ig=1,ngrid zdup(ig)=zup(ig,il+1)-zup(ig,ilev+1) ENDDO CALL lwtr(ngrid,zcoef,lstrong,zdup,zlwtr1) DO ig=1,ngrid zfluxup(ig,ilev+1)=zfluxup(ig,ilev+1)+ $ zplanck(ig,il)*(zlwtr1(ig)-zlwtr2(ig)) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 5. calcul des flux nets: c ------------------------ DO ilev=1,nlevel DO ig=1,ngrid zflux(ig,ilev)=zfluxup(ig,ilev)-zfluxdn(ig,ilev) ENDDO ENDDO c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 6. Calcul des taux de refroidissement: c -------------------------------------- DO ilev=1,nlayer DO ig=1,ngrid pdtlw(ig,ilev)=(zflux(ig,ilev+1)-zflux(ig,ilev))* $ g/(cpp*(pp(ig,ilev+1)-pp(ig,ilev))) ENDDO ENDDO c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c 10. sorties eventuelles: c ------------------------ IF (lwrite) THEN PRINT* PRINT*,'Diagnostique rayonnement thermique' PRINT* PRINT*,'temperature ', $ 'flux montant flux desc. taux de refroid.' i=ngrid/2+1 WRITE(6,9000) ptsurf(i) DO ilev=1,nlayer WRITE(6,'(i4,4e18.4)') ilev,pt(i,ilev), $ zfluxup(i,ilev),zfluxdn(i,ilev),pdtlw(i,ilev) ENDDO WRITE(6,9000) zfluxup(i,nlevel),zfluxdn(i,nlevel) ENDIF c----------------------------------------------------------------------- RETURN 9000 FORMAT(4e18.4) END SUBROUTINE lw !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% subroutine solang ( kgrid,psilon,pcolon,psilat,pcolat, & ptim1,ptim2,ptim3,pmu0,pfract ) IMPLICIT NONE C C**** *LW* - ORGANIZES THE LONGWAVE CALCULATIONS C C PURPOSE. C -------- C CALCULATES THE SOLAR ANGLE FOR ALL THE POINTS OF THE GRID C ==== INPUTS === C C PSILON(KGRID) : SINUS OF THE LONGITUDE C PCOLON(KGRID) : COSINUS OF THE LONGITUDE C PSILAT(KGRID) : SINUS OF THE LATITUDE C PCOLAT(KGRID) : COSINUS OF THE LATITUDE C PTIM1 : SIN(DECLI) C PTIM2 : COS(DECLI)*COS(TIME) C PTIM3 : SIN(DECLI)*SIN(TIME) C C ==== OUTPUTS === C C PMU0 (KGRID) : SOLAR ANGLE C PFRACT(KGRID) : DAY FRACTION OF THE TIME INTERVAL C C IMPLICIT ARGUMENTS : NONE C -------------------- C C METHOD. C ------- C C EXTERNALS. C ---------- C C NONE C C REFERENCE. C ---------- C C RADIATIVE PROCESSES IN METEOROLOGIE AND CLIMATOLOGIE C PALTRIDGE AND PLATT C C AUTHOR. C ------- C FREDERIC HOURDIN C C MODIFICATIONS. C -------------- C ORIGINAL :90-01-14 C 92-02-14 CALCULATIONS DONE THE ENTIER GRID (J.Polcher) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C* 0.1 ARGUMENTS C --------- C INTEGER kgrid REAL ptim1,ptim2,ptim3 REAL psilon(kgrid),pcolon(kgrid),pmu0(kgrid),pfract(kgrid) REAL psilat(kgrid), pcolat(kgrid) C INTEGER jl,i,j REAL ztim1,ztim2,ztim3 C------------------------------------------------------------------------ C------------------------------------------------------------------------ C--------------------------------------------------------------------- C C-------------------------------------------------------------------- C C* 1. INITIALISATION C -------------- C !!!!!! 100 CONTINUE C DO j=jj_begin-offset,jj_end+offset DO i=ii_begin-offset,ii_end+offset jl=(j-1)*iim+i pmu0(jl)=0. pfract(jl)=0. ENDDO ENDDO !C !C* 1.1 COMPUTATION OF THE SOLAR ANGLE !C ------------------------------ !C DO j=jj_begin-offset,jj_end+offset DO i=ii_begin-offset,ii_end+offset jl=(j-1)*iim+i ztim1=psilat(jl)*ptim1 ztim2=pcolat(jl)*ptim2 ztim3=pcolat(jl)*ptim3 pmu0(jl)=ztim1+ztim2*pcolon(jl)+ztim3*psilon(jl) ENDDO ENDDO !C !C* 1.2 DISTINCTION BETWEEN DAY AND NIGHT !C --------------------------------- !C DO j=jj_begin-offset,jj_end+offset DO i=ii_begin-offset,ii_end+offset jl=(j-1)*iim+i IF (pmu0(jl).gt.0.) THEN pfract(jl)=1. ELSE pmu0(jl)=0. pfract(jl)=0. ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO RETURN END SUBROUTINE solang !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE monGATHER(n,a,b,index) c IMPLICIT NONE C INTEGER n,ng,index(n),i,j,ij REAL a(n),b(n) c DO 100 i=1,n a(i)=b(index(i)) 100 CONTINUE ! DO j=jj_begin-offset,jj_end+offset ! DO i=ii_begin-offset,ii_end+offset ! ij=(j-1)*iim+i ! a(ij)=b(index(ij)) !c RETURN END SUBROUTINE monGATHER !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% subroutine monscatter(n,a,index,b) C implicit none integer N,INDEX(n),I real A(n),B(n) c c DO 100 I=1,N A(INDEX(I))=B(I) 100 CONTINUE c return end SUBROUTINE monscatter !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE lwtr(ngrid,coef,lstrong,dup,transm) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER ngrid REAL coef LOGICAL lstrong REAL dup(ngrid),transm(ngrid) INTEGER ig IF(lstrong) THEN DO ig=1,ngrid transm(ig)=exp(-coef*sqrt(dup(ig))) ENDDO ELSE DO ig=1,ngrid transm(ig)=exp(-coef*dup(ig)) ENDDO ENDIF RETURN END subroutine lwtr !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END MODULE RADIATION