MODULE physics_dcmip_mod USE ICOSA PRIVATE INTEGER,SAVE :: testcase !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(testcase) TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_out_i(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_precl(:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: out_i(:,:) PUBLIC :: compute_phys_wrap, init_physics CONTAINS SUBROUTINE init_physics IMPLICIT NONE testcase=1 ! OK for 4.2 (moist baroclinic instability) CALL getin("dcmip_physics",testcase) END SUBROUTINE init_physics SUBROUTINE compute_phys_wrap(args) USE physics_interface_mod TYPE(physics_inout) :: args CALL compute_physics(args%ngrid, args%dt_phys, args%lat, & args%p, args%Temp, args%ulon, args%ulat, args%q(:,:,1), & args%dTemp, args%dulon, args%dulat, args%dq(:,:,1), args%extra_2D(:,1)) END SUBROUTINE compute_phys_wrap SUBROUTINE compute_physics(ngrid,dt_phys,lat, p,Temp,u,v,q, dTemp,du,dv,dq, precl) USE icosa IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: ngrid REAL(rstd) :: lat(ngrid) REAL(rstd) :: ps(ngrid) REAL(rstd) :: precl(ngrid) ! arguments with bottom-up indexing (DYNAMICO) REAL(rstd) :: p(ngrid,llm+1) REAL(rstd) :: Temp(ngrid,llm) REAL(rstd) :: u(ngrid,llm) REAL(rstd) :: v(ngrid,llm) REAL(rstd) :: q(ngrid,llm) REAL(rstd) :: dTemp(ngrid,llm) REAL(rstd) :: du(ngrid,llm) REAL(rstd) :: dv(ngrid,llm) REAL(rstd) :: dq(ngrid,llm) ! local arrays with top-down vertical indexing (DCMIP) REAL(rstd) :: pint(ngrid,llm+1) REAL(rstd) :: pmid(ngrid,llm) REAL(rstd) :: pdel(ngrid,llm) REAL(rstd) :: Tfi(ngrid,llm) REAL(rstd) :: ufi(ngrid,llm) REAL(rstd) :: vfi(ngrid,llm) REAL(rstd) :: qfi(ngrid,llm) INTEGER :: i,j,l,ll,ij REAL(rstd) :: dt_phys, inv_dt ! prepare input fields and mirror vertical index ps(:) = p(:,1) ! surface pressure DO l=1,llm+1 DO j=jj_begin,jj_end DO i=ii_begin,ii_end ij=(j-1)*iim+i pint(ij,l)=p(ij,llm+2-l) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO DO l=1,llm ll=llm+1-l DO j=jj_begin,jj_end DO i=ii_begin,ii_end ij=(j-1)*iim+i pmid(ij,l)=0.5*(pint(ij,l)+pint(ij,l+1)) ! Pressure inside layers pdel(ij,l)=pint(ij,l+1)-pint(ij,l) ! Pressure difference between two layers ufi(ij,l)=u(ij,ll) vfi(ij,l)=v(ij,ll) qfi(ij,l)=q(ij,ll) Tfi(ij,l)=Temp(ij,ll)/(1+0.608*qfi(ij,l)) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO CALL simple_physics(ngrid, llm, dt_phys, lat, tfi, qfi , ufi, vfi, pmid, pint, pdel, 1./pdel, ps, precl, testcase) ! Mirror vertical index and compute tendencies inv_dt = 1./dt_phys DO l=1,llm ll=llm+1-l DO j=jj_begin,jj_end DO i=ii_begin,ii_end ij=(j-1)*iim+i dTemp(ij,l) = inv_dt * ( Tfi(ij,ll)*(1+0.608*qfi(ij,ll)) - Temp(ij,l) ) du(ij,l) = inv_dt * (ufi(ij,ll) - u(ij,l)) dv(ij,l) = inv_dt * (vfi(ij,ll) - v(ij,l)) dq(ij,l) = inv_dt * (qfi(ij,ll) - q(ij,l)) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO END SUBROUTINE compute_physics END MODULE physics_dcmip_mod subroutine simple_physics (pcols, pver, dtime, lat, t, q, u, v, pmid, pint, pdel, rpdel, ps, precl, test) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Simple Physics Package ! ! Author: K. A. Reed (University of Michigan, ! version 5 ! July/8/2012 ! ! Change log: ! v2: removal of some NCAR CAM-specific 'use' associations ! v3: corrected precl(i) computation, the precipitation rate is now computed via a vertical integral, the previous single-level computation in v2 was a bug ! v3: corrected dtdt(i,1) computation, the term '-(i,1)' was missing the temperature variable: '-t(i,1)' ! v4: modified and enhanced parameter list to make the routine truly standalone, the number of columns and vertical levels have been added: pcols, pver ! v4: 'ncol' has been removed, 'pcols' is used instead ! v5: the sea surface temperature (SST) field Tsurf is now an array, the SST now depends on the latitude ! v5: addition of the latitude array 'lat' and the flag 'test' in the parameter list ! if test = 0: constant SST is used, correct setting for the tropical cyclone test case 5-1 ! if test = 1: newly added latitude-dependent SST is used, correct setting for the moist baroclinic wave test with simple-physics (test 4-3) ! ! Description: Includes large-scale precipitation, surface fluxes and ! boundary-leyer mixing. The processes are time-split ! in that order. A partially implicit formulation is ! used to foster numerical stability. ! The routine assumes that the model levels are ordered ! in a top-down approach, e.g. level 1 denotes the uppermost ! full model level. ! ! This routine is based on an implementation which was ! developed for the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model (CAM). ! Adjustments for other models will be necessary. ! ! The routine provides both updates of the state variables ! u, v, T, q (these are local copies of u,v,T,q within this physics ! routine) and also collects their time tendencies. ! The latter might be used to couple the physics and dynamics ! in a process-split way. For a time-split coupling, the final ! state should be given to the dynamical core for the next time step. ! Test: 0 = Reed and Jablonowski (2011) tropical cyclone test case (test 5-1) ! 1 = Moist baroclinic instability test (test 4-3) ! ! ! Reference: Reed, K. A. and C. Jablonowski (2012), Idealized tropical cyclone ! simulations of intermediate complexity: A test case for AGCMs, ! J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., Vol. 4, M04001, doi:10.1029/2011MS000099 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! use physics_types , only: physics_dme_adjust ! This is for CESM/CAM ! use cam_diagnostics, only: diag_phys_writeout ! This is for CESM/CAM implicit none integer, parameter :: r8 = selected_real_kind(12) ! ! Input arguments - MODEL DEPENDENT ! integer, intent(in) :: pcols ! Set number of atmospheric columns integer, intent(in) :: pver ! Set number of model levels real(r8), intent(in) :: dtime ! Set model physics timestep real(r8), intent(in) :: lat(pcols) ! Latitude integer, intent(in) :: test ! Test number ! ! Input/Output arguments ! ! pcols is the maximum number of vertical columns per 'chunk' of atmosphere ! real(r8), intent(inout) :: t(pcols,pver) ! Temperature at full-model level (K) real(r8), intent(inout) :: q(pcols,pver) ! Specific Humidity at full-model level (kg/kg) real(r8), intent(inout) :: u(pcols,pver) ! Zonal wind at full-model level (m/s) real(r8), intent(inout) :: v(pcols,pver) ! Meridional wind at full-model level (m/s) real(r8), intent(inout) :: pmid(pcols,pver) ! Pressure is full-model level (Pa) real(r8), intent(inout) :: pint(pcols,pver+1) ! Pressure at model interfaces (Pa) real(r8), intent(inout) :: pdel(pcols,pver) ! Layer thickness (Pa) real(r8), intent(in) :: rpdel(pcols,pver) ! Reciprocal of layer thickness (1/Pa) real(r8), intent(inout) :: ps(pcols) ! Surface Pressue (Pa) ! ! Output arguments ! real(r8), intent(out) :: precl(pcols) ! Precipitation rate (m_water / s) ! !---------------------------Local workspace----------------------------- ! ! Integers for loops integer i,k ! Longitude, level indices ! Physical Constants - Many of these may be model dependent real(r8) gravit ! Gravity real(r8) rair ! Gas constant for dry air real(r8) cpair ! Specific heat of dry air real(r8) latvap ! Latent heat of vaporization real(r8) rh2o ! Gas constant for water vapor real(r8) epsilo ! Ratio of gas constant for dry air to that for vapor real(r8) zvir ! Constant for virtual temp. calc. =(rh2o/rair) - 1 real(r8) a ! Reference Earth's Radius (m) real(r8) omega ! Reference rotation rate of the Earth (s^-1) real(r8) pi ! pi ! Simple Physics Specific Constants !++++++++ real(r8) Tsurf(pcols) ! Sea Surface Temperature (constant for tropical cyclone) !++++++++ Tsurf needs to be dependent on latitude for the ! moist baroclinic wave test 4-3 with simple-physics, adjust real(r8) SST_tc ! Sea Surface Temperature for tropical cyclone test real(r8) T0 ! Control temp for calculation of qsat real(r8) e0 ! Saturation vapor pressure at T0 for calculation of qsat real(r8) rhow ! Density of Liquid Water real(r8) p0 ! Constant for calculation of potential temperature real(r8) Cd0 ! Constant for calculating Cd from Smith and Vogl 2008 real(r8) Cd1 ! Constant for calculating Cd from Smith and Vogl 2008 real(r8) Cm ! Constant for calculating Cd from Smith and Vogl 2008 real(r8) v20 ! Threshold wind speed for calculating Cd from Smith and Vogl 2008 real(r8) C ! Drag coefficient for sensible heat and evaporation real(r8) T00 ! Horizontal mean T at surface for moist baro test real(r8) u0 ! Zonal wind constant for moist baro test real(r8) latw ! halfwidth for for baro test real(r8) eta0 ! Center of jets (hybrid) for baro test real(r8) etav ! Auxiliary variable for baro test real(r8) q0 ! Maximum specific humidity for baro test ! Physics Tendency Arrays real(r8) dtdt(pcols,pver) ! Temperature tendency real(r8) dqdt(pcols,pver) ! Specific humidity tendency real(r8) dudt(pcols,pver) ! Zonal wind tendency real(r8) dvdt(pcols,pver) ! Meridional wind tendency ! Temporary variables for tendency calculations real(r8) tmp ! Temporary real(r8) qsat ! Saturation vapor pressure real(r8) qsats ! Saturation vapor pressure of SST ! Variables for Boundary Layer Calculation real(r8) wind(pcols) ! Magnitude of Wind real(r8) Cd(pcols) ! Drag coefficient for momentum real(r8) Km(pcols,pver+1) ! Eddy diffusivity for boundary layer calculations real(r8) Ke(pcols,pver+1) ! Eddy diffusivity for boundary layer calculations real(r8) rho ! Density at lower/upper interface real(r8) za(pcols) ! Heights at midpoints of first model level real(r8) dlnpint ! Used for calculation of heights real(r8) pbltop ! Top of boundary layer real(r8) pblconst ! Constant for the calculation of the decay of diffusivity real(r8) CA(pcols,pver) ! Matrix Coefficents for PBL Scheme real(r8) CC(pcols,pver) ! Matrix Coefficents for PBL Scheme real(r8) CE(pcols,pver+1) ! Matrix Coefficents for PBL Scheme real(r8) CAm(pcols,pver) ! Matrix Coefficents for PBL Scheme real(r8) CCm(pcols,pver) ! Matrix Coefficents for PBL Scheme real(r8) CEm(pcols,pver+1) ! Matrix Coefficents for PBL Scheme real(r8) CFu(pcols,pver+1) ! Matrix Coefficents for PBL Scheme real(r8) CFv(pcols,pver+1) ! Matrix Coefficents for PBL Scheme real(r8) CFt(pcols,pver+1) ! Matrix Coefficents for PBL Scheme real(r8) CFq(pcols,pver+1) ! Matrix Coefficents for PBL Scheme ! Variable for Dry Mass Adjustment, this dry air adjustment is necessary to ! conserve the mass of the dry air real(r8) qini(pcols,pver) ! Initial specific humidity !=============================================================================== ! ! Physical Constants - MAY BE MODEL DEPENDENT ! !=============================================================================== gravit = 9.80616_r8 ! Gravity (9.80616 m/s^2) rair = 287.0_r8 ! Gas constant for dry air: 287 J/(kg K) cpair = 1.0045e3_r8 ! Specific heat of dry air: here we use 1004.5 J/(kg K) latvap = 2.5e6_r8 ! Latent heat of vaporization (J/kg) rh2o = 461.5_r8 ! Gas constant for water vapor: 461.5 J/(kg K) epsilo = rair/rh2o ! Ratio of gas constant for dry air to that for vapor zvir = (rh2o/rair) - 1._r8 ! Constant for virtual temp. calc. =(rh2o/rair) - 1 is approx. 0.608 a = 6371220.0_r8 ! Reference Earth's Radius (m) omega = 7.29212d-5 ! Reference rotation rate of the Earth (s^-1) pi = 4._r8*atan(1._r8) ! pi !=============================================================================== ! ! Local Constants for Simple Physics ! !=============================================================================== C = 0.0011_r8 ! From Smith and Vogl 2008 SST_tc = 302.15_r8 ! Constant Value for SST for tropical cyclone test T0 = 273.16_r8 ! control temp for calculation of qsat e0 = 610.78_r8 ! saturation vapor pressure at T0 for calculation of qsat rhow = 1000.0_r8 ! Density of Liquid Water Cd0 = 0.0007_r8 ! Constant for Cd calc. Smith and Vogl 2008 Cd1 = 0.000065_r8 ! Constant for Cd calc. Smith and Vogl 2008 Cm = 0.002_r8 ! Constant for Cd calc. Smith and Vogl 2008 v20 = 20.0_r8 ! Threshold wind speed for calculating Cd from Smith and Vogl 2008 p0 = 100000.0_r8 ! Constant for potential temp calculation pbltop = 85000._r8 ! Top of boundary layer pblconst = 10000._r8 ! Constant for the calculation of the decay of diffusivity T00 = 288.0_r8 ! Horizontal mean T at surface for moist baro test u0 = 35.0_r8 ! Zonal wind constant for moist baro test latw = 2.0_r8*pi/9.0_r8 ! Halfwidth for for baro test eta0 = 0.252_r8 ! Center of jets (hybrid) for baro test etav = (1._r8-eta0)*0.5_r8*pi ! Auxiliary variable for baro test q0 = 0.021 ! Maximum specific humidity for baro test !=============================================================================== ! ! Definition of local arrays ! !=============================================================================== ! ! Calculate hydrostatic height za of the lowest model level ! do i=1,pcols dlnpint = log(ps(i)) - log(pint(i,pver)) ! ps(i) is identical to pint(i,pver+1), note: this is the correct sign (corrects typo in JAMES paper) za(i) = rair/gravit*t(i,pver)*(1._r8+zvir*q(i,pver))*0.5_r8*dlnpint end do ! ! Set Initial Specific Humidity - For dry mass adjustment at the end ! qini(:pcols,:pver) = q(:pcols,:pver) !-------------------------------------------------------------- ! Set Sea Surface Temperature (constant for tropical cyclone) ! Tsurf needs to be dependent on latitude for the ! moist baroclinic wave test 4-3 with simple-physics !-------------------------------------------------------------- if (test .eq. 1) then ! moist baroclinic wave with simple-physics do i=1,pcols Tsurf(i) = (T00 + pi*u0/rair * 1.5_r8 * sin(etav) * (cos(etav))**0.5_r8 * & ((-2._r8*(sin(lat(i)))**6 * ((cos(lat(i)))**2 + 1._r8/3._r8) + 10._r8/63._r8)* & u0 * (cos(etav))**1.5_r8 + & (8._r8/5._r8*(cos(lat(i)))**3 * ((sin(lat(i)))**2 + 2._r8/3._r8) - pi/4._r8)*a*omega*0.5_r8 ))/ & (1._r8+zvir*q0*exp(-(lat(i)/latw)**4)) end do else do i=1,pcols ! constant SST for the tropical cyclone test case Tsurf(i) = SST_tc end do end if !=============================================================================== ! ! Set initial physics time tendencies and precipitation field to zero ! !=============================================================================== dtdt(:pcols,:pver) = 0._r8 ! initialize temperature tendency with zero dqdt(:pcols,:pver) = 0._r8 ! initialize specific humidity tendency with zero dudt(:pcols,:pver) = 0._r8 ! initialize zonal wind tendency with zero dvdt(:pcols,:pver) = 0._r8 ! initialize meridional wind tendency with zero precl(:pcols) = 0._r8 ! initialize precipitation rate with zero !=============================================================================== ! ! Large-Scale Condensation and Precipitation Rate ! !=============================================================================== ! ! Calculate Tendencies ! do k=1,pver do i=1,pcols qsat = epsilo*e0/pmid(i,k)*exp(-latvap/rh2o*((1._r8/t(i,k))-1._r8/T0)) ! saturation specific humidity ! out_i(i,llm+1-k)=q(i,k)-qsat if (q(i,k) > qsat) then ! saturated? tmp = 1._r8/dtime*(q(i,k)-qsat)/(1._r8+(latvap/cpair)*(epsilo*latvap*qsat/(rair*t(i,k)**2))) dtdt(i,k) = dtdt(i,k)+latvap/cpair*tmp dqdt(i,k) = dqdt(i,k)-tmp precl(i) = precl(i) + tmp*pdel(i,k)/(gravit*rhow) ! precipitation rate, computed via a vertical integral ! corrected in version 1.3 end if end do end do ! ! Update moisture and temperature fields from Large-Scale Precipitation Scheme ! do k=1,pver do i=1,pcols t(i,k) = t(i,k) + dtdt(i,k)*dtime ! update the state variables T and q q(i,k) = q(i,k) + dqdt(i,k)*dtime end do end do !=============================================================================== ! Send variables to history file - THIS PROCESS WILL BE MODEL SPECIFIC ! ! note: The variables, as done in many GCMs, are written to the history file ! after the moist physics process. This ensures that the moisture fields ! are somewhat in equilibrium. !=============================================================================== ! call diag_phys_writeout(state) ! This is for CESM/CAM !=============================================================================== ! ! Turbulent mixing coefficients for the PBL mixing of horizontal momentum, ! sensible heat and latent heat ! ! We are using Simplified Ekman theory to compute the diffusion coefficients ! Kx for the boundary-layer mixing. The Kx values are calculated at each time step ! and in each column. ! !=============================================================================== ! ! Compute magnitude of the wind and drag coeffcients for turbulence scheme: ! they depend on the conditions at the lowest model level and stay constant ! up to the 850 hPa level. Above this level the coefficients are decreased ! and tapered to zero. At the 700 hPa level the strength of the K coefficients ! is about 10% of the maximum strength. ! do i=1,pcols wind(i) = sqrt(u(i,pver)**2+v(i,pver)**2) ! wind magnitude at the lowest level end do do i=1,pcols Ke(i,pver+1) = C*wind(i)*za(i) if( wind(i) .lt. v20) then Cd(i) = Cd0+Cd1*wind(i) Km(i,pver+1) = Cd(i)*wind(i)*za(i) else Cd(i) = Cm Km(i,pver+1) = Cm*wind(i)*za(i) endif end do do k=1,pver do i=1,pcols if( pint(i,k) .ge. pbltop) then Km(i,k) = Km(i,pver+1) ! constant Km below 850 hPa level Ke(i,k) = Ke(i,pver+1) ! constant Ke below 850 hPa level else Km(i,k) = Km(i,pver+1)*exp(-(pbltop-pint(i,k))**2/(pblconst)**2) ! Km tapered to 0 Ke(i,k) = Ke(i,pver+1)*exp(-(pbltop-pint(i,k))**2/(pblconst)**2) ! Ke tapered to 0 end if end do end do !=============================================================================== ! Update the state variables u, v, t, q with the surface fluxes at the ! lowest model level, this is done with an implicit approach ! see Reed and Jablonowski (JAMES, 2012) ! ! Sea Surface Temperature Tsurf is constant for tropical cyclone test 5-1 ! Tsurf needs to be dependent on latitude for the ! moist baroclinic wave test 4-3 with simple-physics, adjust !=============================================================================== do i=1,pcols qsats = epsilo*e0/ps(i)*exp(-latvap/rh2o*((1._r8/Tsurf(i))-1._r8/T0)) ! saturation specific humidity at the surface dudt(i,pver) = dudt(i,pver) + (u(i,pver) & /(1._r8+Cd(i)*wind(i)*dtime/za(i))-u(i,pver))/dtime dvdt(i,pver) = dvdt(i,pver) + (v(i,pver) & /(1._r8+Cd(i)*wind(i)*dtime/za(i))-v(i,pver))/dtime u(i,pver) = u(i,pver)/(1._r8+Cd(i)*wind(i)*dtime/za(i)) v(i,pver) = v(i,pver)/(1._r8+Cd(i)*wind(i)*dtime/za(i)) dtdt(i,pver) = dtdt(i,pver) +((t(i,pver)+C*wind(i)*Tsurf(i)*dtime/za(i)) & /(1._r8+C*wind(i)*dtime/za(i))-t(i,pver))/dtime t(i,pver) = (t(i,pver)+C*wind(i)*Tsurf(i)*dtime/za(i)) & /(1._r8+C*wind(i)*dtime/za(i)) dqdt(i,pver) = dqdt(i,pver) +((q(i,pver)+C*wind(i)*qsats*dtime/za(i)) & /(1._r8+C*wind(i)*dtime/za(i))-q(i,pver))/dtime q(i,pver) = (q(i,pver)+C*wind(i)*qsats*dtime/za(i))/(1._r8+C*wind(i)*dtime/za(i)) end do !=============================================================================== !=============================================================================== ! Boundary layer mixing, see Reed and Jablonowski (JAMES, 2012) !=============================================================================== ! Calculate Diagonal Variables for Implicit PBL Scheme ! do k=1,pver-1 do i=1,pcols rho = (pint(i,k+1)/(rair*(t(i,k+1)+t(i,k))/2.0_r8)) CAm(i,k) = rpdel(i,k)*dtime*gravit*gravit*Km(i,k+1)*rho*rho & /(pmid(i,k+1)-pmid(i,k)) CCm(i,k+1) = rpdel(i,k+1)*dtime*gravit*gravit*Km(i,k+1)*rho*rho & /(pmid(i,k+1)-pmid(i,k)) CA(i,k) = rpdel(i,k)*dtime*gravit*gravit*Ke(i,k+1)*rho*rho & /(pmid(i,k+1)-pmid(i,k)) CC(i,k+1) = rpdel(i,k+1)*dtime*gravit*gravit*Ke(i,k+1)*rho*rho & /(pmid(i,k+1)-pmid(i,k)) end do end do do i=1,pcols CAm(i,pver) = 0._r8 CCm(i,1) = 0._r8 CEm(i,pver+1) = 0._r8 CA(i,pver) = 0._r8 CC(i,1) = 0._r8 CE(i,pver+1) = 0._r8 CFu(i,pver+1) = 0._r8 CFv(i,pver+1) = 0._r8 CFt(i,pver+1) = 0._r8 CFq(i,pver+1) = 0._r8 end do do i=1,pcols do k=pver,1,-1 CE(i,k) = CC(i,k)/(1._r8+CA(i,k)+CC(i,k)-CA(i,k)*CE(i,k+1)) CEm(i,k) = CCm(i,k)/(1._r8+CAm(i,k)+CCm(i,k)-CAm(i,k)*CEm(i,k+1)) CFu(i,k) = (u(i,k)+CAm(i,k)*CFu(i,k+1)) & /(1._r8+CAm(i,k)+CCm(i,k)-CAm(i,k)*CEm(i,k+1)) CFv(i,k) = (v(i,k)+CAm(i,k)*CFv(i,k+1)) & /(1._r8+CAm(i,k)+CCm(i,k)-CAm(i,k)*CEm(i,k+1)) CFt(i,k) = ((p0/pmid(i,k))**(rair/cpair)*t(i,k)+CA(i,k)*CFt(i,k+1)) & /(1._r8+CA(i,k)+CC(i,k)-CA(i,k)*CE(i,k+1)) CFq(i,k) = (q(i,k)+CA(i,k)*CFq(i,k+1)) & /(1._r8+CA(i,k)+CC(i,k)-CA(i,k)*CE(i,k+1)) end do end do ! ! Calculate the updated temperature, specific humidity and horizontal wind ! ! First we need to calculate the updates at the top model level ! do i=1,pcols dudt(i,1) = dudt(i,1)+(CFu(i,1)-u(i,1))/dtime dvdt(i,1) = dvdt(i,1)+(CFv(i,1)-v(i,1))/dtime u(i,1) = CFu(i,1) v(i,1) = CFv(i,1) dtdt(i,1) = dtdt(i,1)+(CFt(i,1)*(pmid(i,1)/p0)**(rair/cpair)-t(i,1))/dtime ! corrected in version 1.3 t(i,1) = CFt(i,1)*(pmid(i,1)/p0)**(rair/cpair) dqdt(i,1) = dqdt(i,1)+(CFq(i,1)-q(i,1))/dtime q(i,1) = CFq(i,1) end do ! ! Loop over the remaining level ! do i=1,pcols do k=2,pver dudt(i,k) = dudt(i,k)+(CEm(i,k)*u(i,k-1)+CFu(i,k)-u(i,k))/dtime dvdt(i,k) = dvdt(i,k)+(CEm(i,k)*v(i,k-1)+CFv(i,k)-v(i,k))/dtime u(i,k) = CEm(i,k)*u(i,k-1)+CFu(i,k) v(i,k) = CEm(i,k)*v(i,k-1)+CFv(i,k) dtdt(i,k) = dtdt(i,k)+((CE(i,k)*t(i,k-1) & *(p0/pmid(i,k-1))**(rair/cpair)+CFt(i,k)) & *(pmid(i,k)/p0)**(rair/cpair)-t(i,k))/dtime t(i,k) = (CE(i,k)*t(i,k-1)*(p0/pmid(i,k-1))**(rair/cpair)+CFt(i,k)) & *(pmid(i,k)/p0)**(rair/cpair) dqdt(i,k) = dqdt(i,k)+(CE(i,k)*q(i,k-1)+CFq(i,k)-q(i,k))/dtime q(i,k) = CE(i,k)*q(i,k-1)+CFq(i,k) end do end do !=============================================================================== ! ! Dry Mass Adjustment - THIS PROCESS WILL BE MODEL SPECIFIC ! ! note: Care needs to be taken to ensure that the model conserves the total ! dry air mass. Add your own routine here. !=============================================================================== ! call physics_dme_adjust(state, tend, qini, dtime) ! This is for CESM/CAM return end subroutine simple_physics