MODULE guided_ncar_mod USE icosa PRIVATE INTEGER,SAVE :: case_wind REAL(rstd), PARAMETER :: alpha=0.0 ! tilt of solid-body rotation REAL(rstd), PARAMETER :: tau = 12*daysec ! 12 days ! see p. 16 REAL(rstd), PARAMETER :: w0_deform = 23000*pi/tau, b=0.2, ptop=25494.4 ! see p. 16 REAL(rstd), PARAMETER :: u0_hadley=40.,w0_hadley=0.15 ,ztop= 12000. INTEGER, PARAMETER :: K_hadley=5 PUBLIC init_guided, guided CONTAINS SUBROUTINE init_guided IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(LEN=255) :: wind wind='deform' CALL getin('ncar_adv_wind',wind) SELECT CASE(TRIM(wind)) CASE('solid') case_wind=0 CASE('deform') case_wind=1 CASE('hadley') case_wind=2 CASE DEFAULT PRINT*,'Bad selector for variable ncar_adv_wind : <', TRIM(wind),'> options are , , ' END SELECT END SUBROUTINE init_guided SUBROUTINE guided(tt, f_ps, f_theta_rhodz, f_u, f_q) USE icosa IMPLICIT NONE REAL(rstd), INTENT(IN):: tt TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_ps(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_phis(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_theta_rhodz(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_u(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_q(:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: ue(:,:) INTEGER :: ind DO ind = 1 , ndomain CALL swap_dimensions(ind) CALL swap_geometry(ind) ue = f_u(ind) CALL wind_profile(tt,ue) END DO END SUBROUTINE guided SUBROUTINE wind_profile(tt,ue) USE icosa USE disvert_mod IMPLICIT NONE REAL(rstd),INTENT(IN) :: tt ! current time REAL(rstd),INTENT(OUT) :: ue(iim*3*jjm,llm) REAL(rstd) :: lon, lat REAL(rstd) :: nx(3),n_norm,Velocity(3,llm) REAL(rstd) :: rr1,rr2,bb,cc,aa,hmx REAL(rstd) :: v1(3),v2(3),ny(3) INTEGER :: i,j,n,l REAL(rstd) :: pitbytau,kk, pr, zr, u0, u1, v0 pitbytau = pi*tt/tau kk = 10*radius/tau u0 = 2*pi*radius/tau ! for solid-body rotation !--------------------------------------------------------- DO l = 1,llm pr = presnivs(l) zr = -kappa*cpp*ncar_T0/g*log(pr/ncar_p0) ! reciprocal of (1) p. 13, isothermal atmosphere u1 = w0_deform*radius/b/ptop*cos(2*pitbytau)*(exp((ptop-pr)/b/ptop)-exp((pr-ncar_p0)/b/ptop)) v0 = -radius*w0_hadley*pi/(5.0*ztop)*(ncar_p0/pr)*cos(pi*zr/ztop)*cos(pitbytau) ! for Hadley cell DO j=jj_begin-1,jj_end+1 DO i=ii_begin-1,ii_end+1 n=(j-1)*iim+i CALL compute_velocity(xyz_e(n+u_right,:),l,velocity(:,l)) CALL cross_product2(xyz_v(n+z_rdown,:)/radius,xyz_v(n+z_rup,:)/radius,nx) ue(n+u_right,l)=1e-10 n_norm=sqrt(sum(nx(:)**2)) IF (n_norm>1e-30) THEN nx=-nx/n_norm*ne(n,right) ue(n+u_right,l)=sum(nx(:)*velocity(:,l)) IF (ABS(ue(n+u_right,l))<1e-100) PRINT *,"ue(n+u_right)==0",i,j,velocity(:,1) ENDIF CALL compute_velocity(xyz_e(n+u_lup,:),l,velocity(:,l)) CALL cross_product2(xyz_v(n+z_up,:)/radius,xyz_v(n+z_lup,:)/radius,nx) ue(n+u_lup,l)=1e-10 n_norm=sqrt(sum(nx(:)**2)) IF (n_norm>1e-30) THEN nx=-nx/n_norm*ne(n,lup) ue(n+u_lup,l)=sum(nx(:)*velocity(:,l)) ENDIF CALL compute_velocity(xyz_e(n+u_ldown,:),l,velocity(:,l)) CALL cross_product2(xyz_v(n+z_ldown,:)/radius,xyz_v(n+z_down,:)/radius,nx) ue(n+u_ldown,l)=1e-10 n_norm=sqrt(sum(nx(:)**2)) IF (n_norm>1e-30) THEN nx=-nx/n_norm*ne(n,ldown) ue(n+u_ldown,l)=sum(nx(:)*velocity(:,l)) IF (ABS(ue(n+u_ldown,l))<1e-100) PRINT *,"ue(n+u_ldown)==0",i,j ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO END DO CONTAINS SUBROUTINE compute_velocity(x,l,velocity) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(rstd),INTENT(IN) :: x(3) INTEGER,INTENT(IN)::l REAL(rstd),INTENT(OUT) :: velocity(3) REAL(rstd) :: e_lat(3), e_lon(3) REAL(rstd) :: lon,lat REAL(rstd) :: u,v CALL xyz2lonlat(x/radius,lon,lat) e_lat(1) = -cos(lon)*sin(lat) e_lat(2) = -sin(lon)*sin(lat) e_lat(3) = cos(lat) e_lon(1) = -sin(lon) e_lon(2) = cos(lon) e_lon(3) = 0 u = 0.0 ; v = 0.0 SELECT CASE(case_wind) CASE(0) ! Solid-body rotation u=u0*(cos(lat)*cos(alpha)+sin(lat)*sin(alpha)*cos(lon)) v=-u0*sin(lon)*sin(alpha) CASE(1) ! 3D Deformational flow - lon = lon-2*pitbytau u = kk*sin(lon)*sin(lon)*sin(2*lat)*cos(pitbytau)+ u0*cos(lat) u = u + u1*cos(lon)*cos(lat)**2 v = kk*sin(2*lon)*cos(lat)*cos(pitbytau) CASE(2) ! Hadley-like flow u = u0_hadley*cos(lat) v = v0*cos(lat)*sin(5.*lat) ! Eq. 37 p. 19 CASE DEFAULT PRINT*,"not valid choice of wind" END SELECT Velocity(:)=(u*e_lon(:)+v*e_lat(:)+1e-50) END SUBROUTINE compute_velocity END SUBROUTINE wind_profile END MODULE guided_ncar_mod