MODULE etat0_dcmip3_mod ! test cases DCMIP 2012, category 3 : Non-hydrostatic gravity waves ! Questions ! Replace ps0 by preff ?? USE genmod USE dcmip_initial_conditions_test_1_2_3 PRIVATE PUBLIC etat0 CONTAINS SUBROUTINE etat0(f_ps,f_phis,f_theta_rhodz,f_u, f_q) USE icosa USE theta2theta_rhodz_mod IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_ps(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_phis(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_theta_rhodz(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_u(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER :: f_q(:) TYPE(t_field),POINTER,SAVE :: f_temp(:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: ps(:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: phis(:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: u(:,:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: Temp(:,:) REAL(rstd),POINTER :: q(:,:,:) INTEGER :: ind CALL allocate_field(f_temp,field_t,type_real,llm,name='temp') DO ind=1,ndomain IF (.NOT. assigned_domain(ind)) CYCLE CALL swap_dimensions(ind) CALL swap_geometry(ind) ps=f_ps(ind) phis=f_phis(ind) u=f_u(ind) q=f_q(ind) temp=f_temp(ind) CALL compute_etat0_DCMIP3(ps,phis,u,Temp,q) ENDDO CALL temperature2theta_rhodz(f_ps,f_temp,f_theta_rhodz) CALL deallocate_field(f_temp) END SUBROUTINE etat0 SUBROUTINE compute_etat0_DCMIP3(ps, phis, u, temp,q) USE icosa USE pression_mod USE theta2theta_rhodz_mod USE wind_mod IMPLICIT NONE REAL(rstd),PARAMETER :: u0=20. ! Maximum amplitude of the zonal wind (m.s-1) REAL(rstd),PARAMETER :: N=0.01 ! Brunt-Vaisala frequency (s-1) REAL(rstd),PARAMETER :: Teq=300. ! Surface temperature at the equator (K) REAL(rstd),PARAMETER :: Peq=1e5 ! Reference surface pressure at the equator (hPa) REAL(rstd),PARAMETER :: d=5000. ! Witdth parameter for theta REAL(rstd),PARAMETER :: lonc=2*pi/3 ! Longitudinal centerpoint of theta REAL(rstd),PARAMETER :: latc=0 ! Longitudinal centerpoint of theta REAL(rstd),PARAMETER :: dtheta=1. ! Maximum amplitude of theta (K) REAL(rstd),PARAMETER :: Lz=20000. ! Vertical wave lenght of the theta perturbation REAL(rstd), INTENT(OUT) :: ps(iim*jjm) REAL(rstd), INTENT(OUT) :: phis(iim*jjm) REAL(rstd), INTENT(OUT) :: u(3*iim*jjm,llm) REAL(rstd), INTENT(OUT) :: Temp(iim*jjm,llm) REAL(rstd), INTENT(OUT) :: q(iim*jjm,llm,nqtot) REAL(rstd) :: Ts(iim*jjm) REAL(rstd) :: s(iim*jjm) REAL(rstd) :: p(iim*jjm,llm+1) REAL(rstd) :: theta(iim*jjm,llm) REAL(rstd) :: ulon(3*iim*jjm,llm) REAL(rstd) :: ulat(3*iim*jjm,llm) INTEGER :: i,j,l,ij REAL(rstd) :: Rd ! gas constant of dry air, P=rho.Rd.T REAL(rstd) :: alpha, rm REAL(rstd) :: C0, C1, GG REAL(rstd) :: p0psk, pspsk,r,zz, thetab, thetap REAL(rstd) :: dummy, pp LOGICAL :: use_dcmip_routine Rd=cpp*kappa GG=(g/N)**2/cpp C0=0.25*u0*(u0+2.*Omega*radius) q(:,:,:)=0 ! use_dcmip_routine=.TRUE. use_dcmip_routine=.FALSE. dummy=0. pp=peq DO j=jj_begin,jj_end DO i=ii_begin,ii_end ij=(j-1)*iim+i IF(use_dcmip_routine) THEN CALL test3_gravity_wave(lon_i(ij),lat_i(ij),pp,dummy,0, dummy,dummy,dummy,dummy,phis(ij),ps(ij),dummy,dummy) ELSE C1=C0*(cos(2*lat_i(ij))-1) !--- GROUND GEOPOTENTIAL phis(ij)=0. !--- GROUND TEMPERATURE Ts(ij) = GG+(Teq-GG)*EXP(-C1*(N/g)**2) !--- GROUND PRESSURE Ps(ij) = peq*EXP(C1/GG/Rd)*(Ts(ij)/Teq)**(1/kappa) r=radius*acos(sin(latc)*sin(lat_i(ij))+cos(latc)*cos(lat_i(ij))*cos(lon_i(ij)-lonc)) s(ij)= d**2/(d**2+r**2) END IF END DO END DO !$OMP BARRIER CALL compute_pression(ps,p,0) !$OMP BARRIER DO l=1,llm DO j=jj_begin,jj_end DO i=ii_begin,ii_end ij=(j-1)*iim+i pp=0.5*(p(ij,l+1)+p(ij,l)) ! full-layer pressure IF(use_dcmip_routine) THEN CALL test3_gravity_wave(lon_i(ij),lat_i(ij),pp,dummy,0, & dummy,dummy,dummy,Temp(ij,l),dummy,dummy,dummy,dummy) ELSE pspsk=(pp/ps(ij))**kappa p0psk=(Peq/ps(ij))**kappa thetab = Ts(ij)*p0psk / ( Ts(ij) / GG * ( pspsk-1) +1) ! background pot. temp. zz = -g/N**2*log( Ts(ij)/GG * (pspsk -1)+1) ! altitude thetap = dtheta *sin(2*Pi*zz/Lz) * s(ij) ! perturbation pot. temp. theta(ij,l) = thetab + thetap Temp(ij,l) = theta(ij,l)* ((pp/peq)**kappa) ! T(ij,l) = Ts(ij)*pspsk / ( Ts(ij) / GG * ( pspsk-1) +1) ! background temp. END IF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! IF(use_dcmip_routine) THEN ! CALL compute_temperature2theta_rhodz(ps,T,theta_rhodz,0) ! ELSE ! CALL compute_temperature2theta_rhodz(ps,T,theta_rhodz,0) ! END IF pp=peq DO l=1,llm DO j=jj_begin-1,jj_end+1 DO i=ii_begin-1,ii_end+1 ij=(j-1)*iim+i IF(use_dcmip_routine) THEN CALL test3_gravity_wave(lon_e(ij+u_right),lat_e(ij+u_right), & pp,0.,0, ulon(ij+u_right,l),ulat(ij+u_right,l),& dummy,dummy,dummy,dummy,dummy,dummy) CALL test3_gravity_wave(lon_e(ij+u_lup),lat_e(ij+u_lup), & pp,0.,0, ulon(ij+u_lup,l),ulat(ij+u_lup,l),& dummy,dummy,dummy,dummy,dummy,dummy) CALL test3_gravity_wave(lon_e(ij+u_ldown),lat_e(ij+u_ldown), & pp,0.,0, ulon(ij+u_ldown,l),ulat(ij+u_ldown,l),& dummy,dummy,dummy,dummy,dummy,dummy) ELSE ulon(ij+u_right,l) = u0*cos(lat_e(ij+u_right)) ulat(ij+u_right,l) = 0 ulon(ij+u_lup,l) = u0*cos(lat_e(ij+u_lup)) ulat(ij+u_lup,l) = 0 ulon(ij+u_ldown,l) = u0*cos(lat_e(ij+u_ldown)) ulat(ij+u_ldown,l) = 0 END IF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO CALL compute_wind_perp_from_lonlat_compound(ulon,ulat,u) END SUBROUTINE compute_etat0_DCMIP3 END MODULE etat0_DCMIP3_mod