MODULE earth_const USE prec USE math_const REAL(rstd),SAVE :: radius=6.37122E6 REAL(rstd),SAVE :: g=9.80616 REAL(rstd),PARAMETER :: daysec=86400 REAL(rstd),SAVE :: omega=7.292E-5 REAL(rstd),SAVE :: kappa=0.2857143 REAL(rstd),SAVE :: cpp=1004.70885 REAL(rstd),SAVE :: cppv=1860. REAL(rstd),SAVE :: Rv=461.5 REAL(rstd),SAVE :: Treff=273. REAL(rstd),SAVE :: preff=101325. REAL(rstd),SAVE :: pa=50000. REAL(rstd),SAVE :: scale_height=8000. ! atmospheric scale height (m) REAL(rstd),SAVE :: scale_factor=1. REAL(rstd),SAVE :: gas_constant = 8.3144621 REAL(rstd),SAVE :: mu ! molar mass of the atmosphere INTEGER, PARAMETER,PUBLIC :: thermo_theta=1, thermo_entropy=2, & thermo_moist=3, thermo_moist_debug=10, thermo_dry=4, thermo_fake_moist=5 INTEGER, PUBLIC :: caldyn_thermo, physics_thermo !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(caldyn_thermo) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(physics_thermo) LOGICAL, SAVE :: boussinesq, hydrostatic !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(boussinesq, hydrostatic) CONTAINS SUBROUTINE init_earth_const USE getin_mod IMPLICIT NONE REAL(rstd) :: X=1 CALL getin("radius",radius) CALL getin("g",g) CALL getin("scale_factor",scale_factor) CALL getin("omega",omega) CALL getin("kappa",kappa) CALL getin("cpp",cpp) CALL getin("cppv",cppv) CALL getin("Rv",Rv) CALL getin("preff",preff) CALL getin("Treff",Treff) CALL getin("scale_height",scale_height) boussinesq=.FALSE. CALL getin("boussinesq",boussinesq) hydrostatic=.TRUE. CALL getin("hydrostatic",hydrostatic) IF(boussinesq .AND. .NOT. hydrostatic) THEN PRINT *, 'boussinesq=.TRUE. and hydrostatic=.FALSE. : Non-hydrostatic boussinesq equations are not supported' STOP END IF mu=kappa/cpp radius=radius/scale_factor omega=omega*scale_factor END SUBROUTINE init_earth_const END MODULE earth_const