MODULE dcmip2016_cyclone_mod !======================================================================= ! ! Date: July 29, 2015 ! ! Function for setting up idealized tropical cyclone initial conditions ! ! SUBROUTINE tropical_cyclone_sample( ! lon,lat,p,z,zcoords,u,v,t,thetav,phis,ps,rho,q) ! ! Given a point specified by: ! lon longitude (radians) ! lat latitude (radians) ! p/z pressure (Pa) / height (m) ! zcoords 1 if z is specified, 0 if p is specified ! ! the functions will return: ! p pressure if z is specified (Pa) ! z geopotential height if p is specified (m) ! u zonal wind (m s^-1) ! v meridional wind (m s^-1) ! t temperature (K) ! thetav virtual potential temperature (K) ! phis surface geopotential (m^2 s^-2) ! ps surface pressure (Pa) ! rho density (kj m^-3) ! q specific humidity (kg/kg) ! ! Initial data are currently identical to: ! ! Reed, K. A., and C. Jablonowski, 2011: An analytic ! vortex initialization technique for idealized tropical ! cyclone studies in AGCMs. Mon. Wea. Rev., 139, 689-710. ! ! Author: Kevin A. Reed ! Stony Brook University ! Email: ! !======================================================================= IMPLICIT NONE !======================================================================= ! Physical constants !======================================================================= REAL(8), PARAMETER :: & a = 6371220.0d0, & ! Reference Earth's Radius (m) Rd = 287.0d0, & ! Ideal gas const dry air (J kg^-1 K^1) g = 9.80616d0, & ! Gravity (m s^2) cp = 1004.5d0, & ! Specific heat capacity (J kg^-1 K^1) Lvap = 2.5d6, & ! Latent heat of vaporization of water Rvap = 461.5d0, & ! Ideal gas constnat for water vapor Mvap = 0.608d0, & ! Ratio of molar mass of dry air/water pi = 3.14159265358979d0, & ! pi p0 = 100000.0d0, & ! surface pressure (Pa) kappa = 2.d0/7.d0, & ! Ratio of Rd to cp omega = 7.29212d-5, & ! Reference rotation rate of the Earth (s^-1) deg2rad = pi/180.d0 ! Conversion factor of degrees to radians !======================================================================= ! Test case parameters !======================================================================= REAL(8), PARAMETER :: & rp = 282000.d0, & ! Radius for calculation of PS dp = 1115.d0, & ! Delta P for calculation of PS zp = 7000.d0, & ! Height for calculation of P q0 = 0.021d0, & ! q at surface from Jordan gamma = 0.007d0, & ! lapse rate Ts0 = 302.15d0, & ! Surface temperature (SST) p00 = 101500.d0, & ! global mean surface pressure cen_lat = 10.d0, & ! Center latitude of initial vortex cen_lon = 180.d0, & ! Center longitufe of initial vortex zq1 = 3000.d0, & ! Height 1 for q calculation zq2 = 8000.d0, & ! Height 2 for q calculation exppr = 1.5d0, & ! Exponent for r dependence of p exppz = 2.d0, & ! Exponent for z dependence of p ztrop = 15000.d0, & ! Tropopause Height qtrop = 1.d-11, & ! Tropopause specific humidity rfpi = 1000000.d0, & ! Radius within which to use fixed-point iter. constTv = 0.608d0, & ! Constant for Virtual Temp Conversion deltaz = 2.d-13, & ! Small number to ensure convergence in FPI epsilon = 1.d-25, & ! Small number to aviod dividing by zero in wind calc exponent = Rd*gamma/g, & ! exponent T0 = Ts0*(1.d0+constTv*q0), & ! Surface temp Ttrop = T0 - gamma*ztrop, & ! Tropopause temp ptrop = p00*(Ttrop/T0)**(1.d0/exponent) ! Tropopause pressure CONTAINS !======================================================================= ! Evaluate the tropical cyclone initial conditions !======================================================================= SUBROUTINE tropical_cyclone_test(lon,lat,p,z,zcoords,u,v,t,thetav,phis,ps,rho,q) & BIND(c, name = "tropical_cyclone_test") IMPLICIT NONE !------------------------------------------------ ! Input / output parameters !------------------------------------------------ REAL(8), INTENT(IN) :: & lon, & ! Longitude (radians) lat ! Latitude (radians) REAL(8), INTENT(INOUT) :: & p, & ! Pressure (Pa) z ! Height (m) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: zcoords ! 1 if z coordinates are specified ! 0 if p coordinates are specified REAL(8), INTENT(OUT) :: & u, & ! Zonal wind (m s^-1) v, & ! Meridional wind (m s^-1) t, & ! Temperature (K) thetav, & ! Virtual potential temperature (K) phis, & ! Surface Geopotential (m^2 s^-2) ps, & ! Surface Pressure (Pa) rho, & ! Density (kg m^-3) q ! Specific Humidity (kg/kg) !------------------------------------------------ ! Local variables !------------------------------------------------ real(8) :: d1, d2, d, vfac, ufac, height, zhere, gr, f, zn integer n !------------------------------------------------ ! Define Great circle distance (gr) and ! Coriolis parameter (f) !------------------------------------------------ f = 2.d0*omega*sin(cen_lat*deg2rad) ! Coriolis parameter gr = a*acos(sin(cen_lat*deg2rad)*sin(lat) + & ! Great circle radius (cos(cen_lat*deg2rad)*cos(lat)*cos(lon-cen_lon*deg2rad))) !------------------------------------------------ ! Initialize PS (surface pressure) !------------------------------------------------ ps = p00-dp*exp(-(gr/rp)**exppr) !------------------------------------------------ ! Initialize altitude (z) if pressure provided ! or pressure if altitude (z) is provided !------------------------------------------------ if (zcoords .eq. 1) then height = z if (height > ztrop) then p = ptrop*exp(-(g*(height-ztrop))/(Rd*Ttrop)) else p = (p00-dp*exp(-(gr/rp)**exppr)*exp(-(height/zp)**exppz)) & * ((T0-gamma*height)/T0)**(1/exponent) end if else height = (T0/gamma)*(1.d0-(p/ps)**exponent) ! If inside a certain distance of the center of the storm ! perform a Fixed-point iteration to calculate the height ! more accurately if (gr < rfpi ) then zhere = height n = 1 20 continue n = n+1 zn = zhere - fpiF(p,gr,zhere)/fpidFdz(gr,zhere) if ( then PRINT *,'FPI did not converge after 20 interations in q & T!!!' else if ( abs(zn-zhere)/abs(zn) > deltaz) then zhere = zn goto 20 end if height = zn end if end if !------------------------------------------------ ! Initialize U and V (wind components) !------------------------------------------------ d1 = sin(cen_lat*deg2rad)*cos(lat) - & cos(cen_lat*deg2rad)*sin(lat)*cos(lon-cen_lon*deg2rad) d2 = cos(cen_lat*deg2rad)*sin(lon-cen_lon*deg2rad) d = max(epsilon, sqrt(d1**2.d0 + d2**2.d0)) ufac = d1/d vfac = d2/d if (height > ztrop) then u = 0.d0 v = 0.d0 else v = vfac*(-f*gr/2.d0+sqrt((f*gr/2.d0)**(2.d0) & - exppr*(gr/rp)**exppr*Rd*(T0-gamma*height) & /(exppz*height*Rd*(T0-gamma*height)/(g*zp**exppz) & +(1.d0-p00/dp*exp((gr/rp)**exppr)*exp((height/zp)**exppz))))) u = ufac*(-f*gr/2.d0+sqrt((f*gr/2.d0)**(2.d0) & - exppr*(gr/rp)**exppr*Rd*(T0-gamma*height) & /(exppz*height*Rd*(T0-gamma*height)/(g*zp**exppz) & +(1.d0-p00/dp*exp((gr/rp)**exppr)*exp((height/zp)**exppz))))) end if !------------------------------------------------ ! Initialize water vapor mixing ratio (q) !------------------------------------------------ if (height > ztrop) then q = qtrop else q = q0*exp(-height/zq1)*exp(-(height/zq2)**exppz) end if !------------------------------------------------ ! Initialize temperature (T) !------------------------------------------------ if (height > ztrop) then t = Ttrop else t = (T0-gamma*height)/(1.d0+constTv*q)/(1.d0+exppz*Rd*(T0-gamma*height)*height & /(g*zp**exppz*(1.d0-p00/dp*exp((gr/rp)**exppr)*exp((height/zp)**exppz)))) end if !----------------------------------------------------- ! Initialize virtual potential temperature (thetav) !----------------------------------------------------- thetav = t * (1.d0+constTv*q) * (p0/p)**(Rd/cp) !----------------------------------------------------- ! Initialize surface geopotential (PHIS) !----------------------------------------------------- phis = 0.d0 ! constant !----------------------------------------------------- ! Initialize density (rho) !----------------------------------------------------- rho = p/(Rd*t*(1.d0+constTv*q)) END SUBROUTINE tropical_cyclone_test !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! First function for fixed point iterations !----------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(8) FUNCTION fpiF(phere, gr, zhere) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(8), INTENT(IN) :: phere, gr, zhere fpiF = phere-(p00-dp*exp(-(gr/rp)**exppr)*exp(-(zhere/zp)**exppz)) & *((T0-gamma*zhere)/T0)**(g/(Rd*gamma)) END FUNCTION fpiF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Second function for fixed point iterations !----------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(8) FUNCTION fpidFdz(gr, zhere) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(8), INTENT(IN) :: gr, zhere fpidFdz =-exppz*zhere*dp*exp(-(gr/rp)**exppr)*exp(-(zhere/zp)**exppz)/(zp*zp)*((T0-gamma*zhere)/T0)**(g/(Rd*gamma)) & +g/(Rd*T0)*(p00-dp*exp(-(gr/rp)**exppr)*exp(-(zhere/zp)**exppz))*((T0-gamma*zhere)/T0)**(g/(Rd*gamma)-1.d0) END FUNCTION fpidFdz END MODULE dcmip2016_cyclone_mod