from dynamico import unstructured as unst from dynamico import dyn from dynamico import time_step from dynamico import DCMIP from dynamico import meshes import math as math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import time #------------------------ initial condition ------------------------- # Parameters for the simulation g = 9.80616 # gravitational acceleration in meters per second squared omega = 7.29211e-5 # Earth's angular velocity in radians per second f0 = 2.0*omega # Coriolis parameter u_0 = 20.0 # velocity in meters per second T_0 = 288.0 # temperature in Kelvin d2 = 1.5e6**2 # square of half width of Gaussian mountain profile in meters h_0 = 2.0e3 # mountain height in meters lon_c = np.pi/2.0 # mountain peak longitudinal location in radians lat_c = np.pi/6.0 # mountain peak latitudinal location in radians radius = 6.371229e6 # mean radius of the Earth in meters ref_press = 100145.6 # reference pressure (mean surface pressure) in Pascals ref_surf_press = 930.0e2 # South Pole surface pressure in Pascals Rd = 287.04 # ideal gas constant for dry air in joules per kilogram Kelvin Cpd = 1004.64 # specific heat at constant pressure in joules per kilogram Kelvin kappa = Rd/Cpd # kappa=R_d/c_p N_freq = np.sqrt(g**2/(Cpd*T_0)) # Brunt-Vaisala buoyancy frequency N2, g2kappa = N_freq**2, g*g*kappa def DCMIP2008c5(grid,llm): def Phis(lon,lat): rgrc = radius*np.arccos(np.sin(lat_c)*np.sin(lat)+np.cos(lat_c)*np.cos(lat)*np.cos(lon-lon_c)) return g*h_0*np.exp(-rgrc**2/d2) def ps(lon, lat, Phis): return ref_surf_press * np.exp( - radius*N2*u_0/(2.0*g2kappa)*(u_0/radius+f0)*(np.sin(lat)**2-1.) - N2/(g2kappa)*Phis ) def ulon(lat): return u_0*np.cos(lat) def ulat(lat): return 0.*lat def f(lon,lat): return f0*np.sin(lat) # Coriolis parameter nqdyn, preff, Treff = 1, 1e5, 300. thermo = dyn.Ideal_perfect(Cpd, Rd, preff, Treff) meshfile = meshes.MPAS_Format('grids/'%grid) mesh = meshes.Unstructured_Mesh(meshfile, llm, nqdyn, radius, f) lev,levp1 = np.arange(llm),np.arange(llm+1) lon_i, lat_i, lon_e, lat_e = mesh.lon_i, mesh.lat_i, mesh.lon_e, mesh.lat_e lat_ik,k_i = np.meshgrid(mesh.lat_i,lev, indexing='ij') lon_ik,k_i = np.meshgrid(mesh.lon_i,lev, indexing='ij') lat_il,l_i = np.meshgrid(mesh.lat_i,levp1, indexing='ij') lon_il,l_i = np.meshgrid(mesh.lon_i,levp1, indexing='ij') lat_ek,k_e = np.meshgrid(mesh.lat_e,lev, indexing='ij') Phis_i = Phis(lon_i, lat_i) ps_i = ps(lon_i, lat_i, Phis_i) if llm==18: ap_l=[0.00251499, 0.00710361, 0.01904260, 0.04607560, 0.08181860, 0.07869805, 0.07463175, 0.06955308, 0.06339061, 0.05621774, 0.04815296, 0.03949230, 0.03058456, 0.02193336, 0.01403670, 0.007458598, 0.002646866, 0.0, 0.0 ] bp_l=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.03756984, 0.08652625, 0.1476709, 0.221864, 0.308222, 0.4053179, 0.509588, 0.6168328, 0.7209891, 0.816061, 0.8952581, 0.953189, 0.985056, 1.0 ] if llm==26: ap_l=[0.002194067, 0.004895209, 0.009882418, 0.01805201, 0.02983724, 0.04462334, 0.06160587, 0.07851243, 0.07731271, 0.07590131, 0.07424086, 0.07228744, 0.06998933, 0.06728574, 0.06410509, 0.06036322, 0.05596111, 0.05078225, 0.04468960, 0.03752191, 0.02908949, 0.02084739, 0.01334443, 0.00708499, 0.00252136, 0.0, 0.0 ] bp_l=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.01505309, 0.03276228, 0.05359622, 0.07810627, 0.1069411, 0.1408637, 0.1807720, 0.2277220, 0.2829562, 0.3479364, 0.4243822, 0.5143168, 0.6201202, 0.7235355, 0.8176768, 0.8962153, 0.9534761, 0.9851122, 1.0 ] ap_l, bp_l = ref_press*np.asarray(ap_l[-1::-1]), bp_l[-1::-1] # revserse indices ptop = ap_l[-1] # pressure BC print ptop, ap_l, bp_l ps_il,ap_il = np.meshgrid(ps_i,ap_l, indexing='ij') ps_il,bp_il = np.meshgrid(ps_i,bp_l, indexing='ij') hybrid_coefs = meshes.mass_coefs_from_pressure_coefs(g, ap_il, bp_il) pb_il = ap_il + bp_il*ps_il mass_ik, pb_ik = mesh.field_mass(), mesh.field_mass() for l in range(llm): pb_ik[:,l]=.5*(pb_il[:,l]+pb_il[:,l+1]) mass_ik[:,l]=(pb_il[:,l]-pb_il[:,l+1])/g Tb_ik = T_0 + 0.*pb_ik gas = thermo.set_pT(pb_ik,Tb_ik) Sik = gas.s*mass_ik # start at hydrostatic geopotential Phi_il = mesh.field_w() Phi_il[:,0]=Phis_i for l in range(llm): Phi_il[:,l+1] = Phi_il[:,l] + g*mass_ik[:,l]*gas.v[:,l] ujk, Wil = mesh.ucov3D(ulon(lat_ek),ulat(lat_ek)), mesh.field_w() print 'ztop (m) = ', Phi_il[0,-1]/g print 'ptop (Pa) = ', gas.p[0,-1], ptop params=dyn.Struct() params.g, params.ptop = g, ptop params.dx, params.dx_g0 = dx, dx/g params.pbot, params.rho_bot = 1e5+0.*mesh.lat_i, 1e6+0.*mesh.lat_i return thermo, mesh, hybrid_coefs, params, (mass_ik,Sik,ujk,Phi_il,Wil), gas #------------------------ main program ------------------------- #grid, llm = 40962, 26 grid, llm = 2562, 26 T, Nslice, courant = 14400, 24, 3.0 caldyn_thermo, caldyn_eta = unst.thermo_entropy, unst.eta_lag #caldyn_thermo, caldyn_eta = unst.thermo_entropy, unst.eta_mass thermo, mesh, hybrid_coefs, params, flow0, gas0 = DCMIP2008c5(grid,llm) llm, dx = mesh.llm, params.dx print 'llm, nb_hex, dx =', llm, mesh.Ai.size, dx if caldyn_eta == unst.eta_lag: print 'Lagrangian coordinate.' else: print 'Mass-based coordinate.' unst.ker.dynamico_init_hybrid(*hybrid_coefs) dt = courant*.5*dx/np.sqrt(gas0.c2.max()) nt = int(math.ceil(T/dt)) dt = T/nt print 'Time step : %g s' % dt mesh.plot_e(mesh.le/ ; plt.title('le/de') plt.savefig('fig_DCMIP2008c5/le_de.png'); plt.close() mesh.plot_i(mesh.Ai) ; plt.title('Ai') plt.savefig('fig_DCMIP2008c5/Ai.png'); plt.close() if False: # time stepping in Python => set precision to np_num caldyn = unst.Caldyn_HPE(caldyn_thermo,caldyn_eta, mesh,thermo,params,params.g) scheme = time_step.ARK2(caldyn.bwd_fast_slow, dt, precision=unst.np_num, a32=0.7) def next_flow(m,S,u): m,S,u = scheme.advance((m,S,u),nt) return m,S,u, caldyn.geopot else: # time stepping in Fortran scheme = time_step.ARK2(None, dt, a32=0.7) caldyn_step = unst.caldyn_step_HPE(mesh,scheme,nt, caldyn_thermo,caldyn_eta, thermo,params,params.g) def next_flow(m,S,u): caldyn_step.mass[:,:], caldyn_step.theta_rhodz[:,:], caldyn_step.u[:,:] = m,S,u caldyn_step.remap() return (caldyn_step.mass.copy(), caldyn_step.theta_rhodz.copy(), caldyn_step.u.copy(), caldyn_step.geopot.copy()) def plots(it): s=S/m for l in range(llm): z[:,l]=.5*(Phi[:,l+1]+Phi[:,l])/params.g vol[:,l]=(Phi[:,l+1]-Phi[:,l])/params.g/m[:,l] # specific volume gas = thermo.set_vs(vol, s) s=.5*(s+abs(s)) t = (it*T)/3600 print( 'ptop, model top (m) :', unst.getvar('ptop'), Phi.max()/unst.getvar('g') ) mesh.plot_i(gas.T[:,llm/2]) plt.title('T at t=%dh'%(t)) plt.savefig('fig_DCMIP2008c5/T%02d.png'%it) plt.close() mesh.plot_i(m[:,llm/2]) plt.title('mass at t=%dh'%(t)) plt.savefig('fig_DCMIP2008c5/m%02d.png'%it) plt.close() mesh.plot_i(Phi[:,0]) plt.title('Surface geopotential at t=%dh'%(t)) plt.savefig('fig_DCMIP2008c5/Phis%02d.png'%it) plt.close() z, vol = mesh.field_mass(), mesh.field_mass() m,S,u,Phi,W = flow0 print 'types of m,S,u :', m.dtype, S.dtype, u.dtype caldyn_step.geopot[:,0]=Phi[:,0] plots(0) for it in range(Nslice): unst.setvar('debug_hevi_solver',False) time1, elapsed1 =time.time(), unst.getvar('elapsed') m,S,u,Phi = next_flow(m,S,u) time2, elapsed2 = time.time(), unst.getvar('elapsed') factor = 1000./nt print 'ms per full time step : ', factor*(time2-time1), factor*(elapsed2-elapsed1) factor = 1e9/(4*nt*m.size) print 'nanosec per gridpoint per call to caldyn_hevi : ', factor*(time2-time1), factor*(elapsed2-elapsed1) plots(it+1)