SUBROUTINE vdif_cd( ngrid,nlay,pz0,pg,pz,pu,pv,pts,ph,pcdv,pcdh) IMPLICIT NONE c======================================================================= c c Subject: computation of the surface drag coefficient using the c ------- approch developed by Loui for ECMWF. c c Author: Frederic Hourdin 15 /10 /93 c ------- c c Arguments: c ---------- c c inputs: c ------ c ngrid size of the horizontal grid c pg gravity (m s -2) c pz(ngrid) height of the first atmospheric layer c pu(ngrid) u component of the wind in that layer c pv(ngrid) v component of the wind in that layer c pts(ngrid) surfacte temperature c ph(ngrid) potential temperature T*(p/ps)^kappa c c outputs: c -------- c pcdv(ngrid) Cd for the wind c pcdh(ngrid) Cd for potential temperature c c======================================================================= c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Declarations: c ------------- c Arguments: c ---------- INTEGER ngrid,nlay REAL pz0 REAL pg,pz(ngrid,nlay) REAL pu(ngrid,nlay),pv(ngrid,nlay) REAL pts(ngrid,nlay),ph(ngrid,nlay) REAL pcdv(ngrid),pcdh(ngrid) c Local: c ------ INTEGER ig REAL zu2,z1,zri,zcd0,zz REAL karman,b,c,d,c2b,c3bc,c3b,umin2 LOGICAL firstcal DATA karman,b,c,d,umin2/.4,5.,5.,5.,1.e-12/ DATA firstcal/.true./ SAVE b,c,d,karman,c2b,c3bc,c3b,firstcal,umin2 !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(b,c,d,karman,c2b,c3bc,c3b,firstcal,umin2) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c couche de surface: c ------------------ ! simplified calculation DO ig=1,ngrid z1=1.E+0 + pz(ig,1)/pz0 zcd0=karman/log(z1) zcd0=zcd0*zcd0 pcdv(ig)=zcd0 pcdh(ig)=zcd0 ENDDO c----------------------------------------------------------------------- RETURN END