! ! For Fortran 77/Fortran 90 compliance always use line continuation ! symbols '&' in columns 73 and 6 ! ! Group commons according to their type for minimal performance impact COMMON/callkeys_l/callrad,corrk,calldifv,UseTurbDiff,calladj & & , co2cond,callsoil,callradsponge & & , season,diurnal,tlocked,rings_shadow,lwrite & & , callstats,calleofdump & & , enertest & & , callgasvis,continuum,H2Ocont_simple,graybody & & , radfixed & & , meanOLR, specOLR & & , kastprof & & , nosurf, oblate & & , newtonian, testradtimes & & , check_cpp_match, force_cpp & & , rayleigh & & , stelbbody & & , nearco2cond & & , tracer, mass_redistrib, varactive, varfixed & & , sedimentation,water,watercond,waterrain & & , aeroco2,aeroh2o,aeroh2so4,aeroback2lay & & , aerofixco2,aerofixh2o & & , hydrology, sourceevol & & , CLFvarying & & , strictboundcorrk & & , ok_slab_ocean & & , ok_slab_sic & & , ok_slab_heat_transp COMMON/callkeys_i/iaervar,iddist,iradia,startype COMMON/callkeys_r/topdustref,Nmix_co2,dusttau,Fat1AU,stelTbb, & & Tstrat,tplanet,obs_tau_col_tropo, & & obs_tau_col_strato,pres_bottom_tropo, & & pres_top_tropo,pres_bottom_strato, & & pres_top_strato,size_tropo,size_strato,satval, & & CLFfixval,n2mixratio,co2supsat,pceil,albedosnow,& & maxicethick,Tsaldiff,tau_relax,cloudlvl, & & icetstep,intheat,flatten,Rmean,J2,MassPlanet logical callrad,corrk,calldifv,UseTurbDiff & & , calladj,co2cond,callsoil & & , season,diurnal,tlocked,rings_shadow,lwrite & & , callstats,calleofdump & & , callgasvis,continuum,H2Ocont_simple,graybody & & , strictboundcorrk logical callradsponge logical enertest logical nonideal logical meanOLR logical specOLR logical kastprof logical newtonian logical check_cpp_match logical force_cpp logical testradtimes logical rayleigh logical stelbbody logical ozone logical nearco2cond logical tracer logical mass_redistrib logical varactive logical varfixed logical radfixed logical sedimentation logical water,watercond,waterrain logical aeroco2,aeroh2o,aeroh2so4,aeroback2lay logical aerofixco2,aerofixh2o logical hydrology logical sourceevol logical CLFvarying logical nosurf logical oblate logical ok_slab_ocean logical ok_slab_sic logical ok_slab_heat_transp integer iddist integer iaervar integer iradia integer startype real topdustref real Nmix_co2 real dusttau real Fat1AU real stelTbb real Tstrat real tplanet real obs_tau_col_tropo real obs_tau_col_strato real pres_bottom_tropo real pres_top_tropo real pres_bottom_strato real pres_top_strato real size_tropo real size_strato real satval real CLFfixval real n2mixratio real co2supsat real pceil real albedosnow real maxicethick real Tsaldiff real tau_relax real cloudlvl real icetstep real intheat real flatten real Rmean real J2 real MassPlanet logical :: iscallphys=.false.!existence of callphys.def