SUBROUTINE vlsplt_p(q,pente_max,masse,w,pbaru,pbarv,pdt) c c Auteurs: P.Le Van, F.Hourdin, F.Forget c c ******************************************************************** c Shema d'advection " pseudo amont " . c ******************************************************************** c q,pbaru,pbarv,w sont des arguments d'entree pour le s-pg .... c c pente_max facteur de limitation des pentes: 2 en general c 0 pour un schema amont c pbaru,pbarv,w flux de masse en u ,v ,w c pdt pas de temps c c -------------------------------------------------------------------- USE parallel_lmdz USE mod_hallo USE Vampir IMPLICIT NONE c !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'dimensions.h' ! ! dimensions.h contient les dimensions du modele ! ndm est tel que iim=2**ndm !----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER iim,jjm,llm,ndm PARAMETER (iim= 128,jjm=96,llm=64,ndm=1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! $Header$ ! ! ! ATTENTION!!!!: ce fichier include est compatible format fixe/format libre ! veillez n'utiliser que des ! pour les commentaires ! et bien positionner les & des lignes de continuation ! (les placer en colonne 6 et en colonne 73) ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'paramet.h' INTEGER iip1,iip2,iip3,jjp1,llmp1,llmp2,llmm1 INTEGER kftd,ip1jm,ip1jmp1,ip1jmi1,ijp1llm INTEGER ijmllm,mvar INTEGER jcfil,jcfllm PARAMETER( iip1= iim+1,iip2=iim+2,iip3=iim+3 & & ,jjp1=jjm+1-1/jjm) PARAMETER( llmp1 = llm+1, llmp2 = llm+2, llmm1 = llm-1 ) PARAMETER( kftd = iim/2 -ndm ) PARAMETER( ip1jm = iip1*jjm, ip1jmp1= iip1*jjp1 ) PARAMETER( ip1jmi1= ip1jm - iip1 ) PARAMETER( ijp1llm= ip1jmp1 * llm, ijmllm= ip1jm * llm ) PARAMETER( mvar= ip1jmp1*( 2*llm+1) + ijmllm ) PARAMETER( jcfil=jjm/2+5, jcfllm=jcfil*llm ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! $Id: logic.h 1520 2011-05-23 11:37:09Z emillour $ ! ! ! NB: keep items of different kinds in seperate common blocs to avoid ! "misaligned commons" issues !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'logic.h' COMMON/logicl/ purmats,forward,leapf,apphys, & & statcl,conser,apdiss,apdelq,saison,ecripar,fxyhypb,ysinus & & ,read_start,ok_guide,ok_strato,tidal,ok_gradsfile & & ,ok_limit,ok_etat0,hybrid & & ,moyzon_mu,moyzon_ch COMMON/logici/ iflag_phys,iflag_trac LOGICAL purmats,forward,leapf,apphys,statcl,conser, & & apdiss,apdelq,saison,ecripar,fxyhypb,ysinus & & ,read_start,ok_guide,ok_strato,tidal,ok_gradsfile & & ,ok_limit,ok_etat0 logical hybrid ! vertical coordinate is hybrid if true (sigma otherwise) ! (only used if disvert_type==2) logical moyzon_mu,moyzon_ch ! used for zonal averages in Titan integer iflag_phys,iflag_trac !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(/logicl/) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(/logici/) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! $Id: comvert.h 1654 2012-09-24 15:07:18Z aslmd $ ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'comvert.h' COMMON/comvertr/ap(llm+1),bp(llm+1),presnivs(llm),dpres(llm), & & pa,preff,nivsigs(llm),nivsig(llm+1), & & aps(llm),bps(llm),scaleheight,pseudoalt(llm) common/comverti/disvert_type, pressure_exner real ap ! hybrid pressure contribution at interlayers real bp ! hybrid sigma contribution at interlayer real presnivs ! (reference) pressure at mid-layers real dpres real pa ! reference pressure (Pa) at which hybrid coordinates ! become purely pressure real preff ! reference surface pressure (Pa) real nivsigs real nivsig real aps ! hybrid pressure contribution at mid-layers real bps ! hybrid sigma contribution at mid-layers real scaleheight ! atmospheric (reference) scale height (km) real pseudoalt ! pseudo-altitude of model levels (km), based on presnivs(), ! preff and scaleheight integer disvert_type ! type of vertical discretization: ! 1: Earth (default for planet_type==earth), ! automatic generation ! 2: Planets (default for planet_type!=earth), ! using 'z2sig.def' (or 'esasig.def) file logical pressure_exner ! compute pressure inside layers using Exner function, else use mean ! of pressure values at interfaces !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! $Id: comconst.h 1437 2010-09-30 08:29:10Z emillour $ ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE comconst.h COMMON/comconsti/im,jm,lllm,imp1,jmp1,lllmm1,lllmp1,lcl, & & iflag_top_bound,mode_top_bound COMMON/comconstr/dtvr,daysec, & & pi,dtphys,dtdiss,rad,r,kappa,cotot,unsim,g,omeg & & ,dissip_fac_mid,dissip_fac_up,dissip_deltaz,dissip_hdelta & & ,dissip_pupstart ,tau_top_bound, & & daylen,molmass, ihf COMMON/cpdetvenus/cpp,nu_venus,t0_venus INTEGER im,jm,lllm,imp1,jmp1,lllmm1,lllmp1,lcl REAL dtvr ! dynamical time step (in s) REAL daysec !length (in s) of a standard day REAL pi ! something like 3.14159.... REAL dtphys ! (s) time step for the physics REAL dtdiss ! (s) time step for the dissipation REAL rad ! (m) radius of the planet REAL r ! Reduced Gas constant r=R/mu ! with R=8.31.. J.K-1.mol-1, mu: mol mass of atmosphere (kg/mol) REAL cpp ! Cp REAL kappa ! kappa=R/Cp REAL cotot REAL unsim ! = 1./iim REAL g ! (m/s2) gravity REAL omeg ! (rad/s) rotation rate of the planet ! Dissipation factors, for Earth model: REAL dissip_factz,dissip_zref !dissip_deltaz ! Dissipation factors, for other planets: REAL dissip_fac_mid,dissip_fac_up,dissip_deltaz,dissip_hdelta REAL dissip_pupstart INTEGER iflag_top_bound,mode_top_bound REAL tau_top_bound REAL daylen ! length of solar day, in 'standard' day length REAL molmass ! (g/mol) molar mass of the atmosphere REAL nu_venus,t0_venus ! coeffs needed for Cp(T), Venus atmosphere REAL ihf ! (W/m2) intrinsic heat flux for giant planets !----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c Arguments: c ---------- REAL masse(ip1jmp1,llm),pente_max c REAL masse(iip1,jjp1,llm),pente_max REAL pbaru( ip1jmp1,llm ),pbarv( ip1jm,llm) REAL q(ip1jmp1,llm) c REAL q(iip1,jjp1,llm) REAL w(ip1jmp1,llm),pdt c c Local c --------- c INTEGER i,ij,l,j,ii INTEGER ijlqmin,iqmin,jqmin,lqmin c REAL zm(ip1jmp1,llm),newmasse REAL mu(ip1jmp1,llm) REAL mv(ip1jm,llm) REAL mw(ip1jmp1,llm+1) REAL zq(ip1jmp1,llm),zz REAL dqx(ip1jmp1,llm),dqy(ip1jmp1,llm),dqz(ip1jmp1,llm) REAL second,temps0,temps1,temps2,temps3 REAL ztemps1,ztemps2,ztemps3 REAL zzpbar, zzw LOGICAL testcpu SAVE testcpu SAVE temps1,temps2,temps3 INTEGER iminn,imaxx REAL qmin,qmax DATA qmin,qmax/0.,1.e33/ DATA testcpu/.false./ DATA temps1,temps2,temps3/0.,0.,0./ INTEGER ijb,ije type(request) :: MyRequest1 type(request) :: MyRequest2 call SetTag(MyRequest1,100) call SetTag(MyRequest2,101) zzpbar = 0.5 * pdt zzw = pdt ijb=ij_begin ije=ij_end if (pole_nord) ijb=ijb+iip1 if (pole_sud) ije=ije-iip1 DO l=1,llm DO ij = ijb,ije mu(ij,l)=pbaru(ij,l) * zzpbar ENDDO ENDDO ijb=ij_begin-iip1 ije=ij_end if (pole_nord) ijb=ij_begin if (pole_sud) ije=ij_end-iip1 DO l=1,llm DO ij=ijb,ije mv(ij,l)=pbarv(ij,l) * zzpbar ENDDO ENDDO ijb=ij_begin ije=ij_end DO l=1,llm DO ij=ijb,ije mw(ij,l)=w(ij,l) * zzw ENDDO ENDDO DO ij=ijb,ije mw(ij,llm+1)=0. ENDDO c CALL SCOPY(ijp1llm,q,1,zq,1) c CALL SCOPY(ijp1llm,masse,1,zm,1) ijb=ij_begin ije=ij_end zq(ijb:ije,:)=q(ijb:ije,:) zm(ijb:ije,:)=masse(ijb:ije,:) c print*,'Entree vlx1' c call minmaxq(zq,qmin,qmax,'avant vlx ') call vlx_p(zq,pente_max,zm,mu,ij_begin,ij_begin+2*iip1-1) call vlx_p(zq,pente_max,zm,mu,ij_end-2*iip1+1,ij_end) call VTb(VTHallo) call Register_Hallo(zq,ip1jmp1,llm,2,2,2,2,MyRequest1) call Register_Hallo(zm,ip1jmp1,llm,1,1,1,1,MyRequest1) call SendRequest(MyRequest1) call VTe(VTHallo) call vlx_p(zq,pente_max,zm,mu,ij_begin+2*iip1,ij_end-2*iip1) c call vlx_p(zq,pente_max,zm,mu,ij_begin,ij_end) call VTb(VTHallo) call WaitRecvRequest(MyRequest1) call VTe(VTHallo) c print*,'Sortie vlx1' c call minmaxq(zq,qmin,qmax,'apres vlx1 ') c print*,'Entree vly1' c call exchange_hallo(zq,ip1jmp1,llm,2,2) c call exchange_hallo(zm,ip1jmp1,llm,1,1) call vly_p(zq,pente_max,zm,mv) c call minmaxq(zq,qmin,qmax,'apres vly1 ') c print*,'Sortie vly1' call vlz_p(zq,pente_max,zm,mw,ij_begin,ij_begin+2*iip1-1) call vlz_p(zq,pente_max,zm,mw,ij_end-2*iip1+1,ij_end) call VTb(VTHallo) call Register_Hallo(zq,ip1jmp1,llm,2,2,2,2,MyRequest2) call Register_Hallo(zm,ip1jmp1,llm,1,1,1,1,MyRequest2) call SendRequest(MyRequest2) call VTe(VTHallo) call vlz_p(zq,pente_max,zm,mw,ij_begin+2*iip1,ij_end-2*iip1) call VTb(VTHallo) call WaitRecvRequest(MyRequest2) call VTe(VTHallo) c call minmaxq(zq,qmin,qmax,'apres vlz ') call vly_p(zq,pente_max,zm,mv) c call minmaxq(zq,qmin,qmax,'apres vly ') call vlx_p(zq,pente_max,zm,mu,ij_begin,ij_end) c call minmaxq(zq,qmin,qmax,'apres vlx2 ') ijb=ij_begin ije=ij_end DO l=1,llm DO ij=ijb,ije q(ij,l)=zq(ij,l) ENDDO ENDDO DO l=1,llm DO ij=ijb,ije-iip1+1,iip1 q(ij+iim,l)=q(ij,l) ENDDO ENDDO call WaitSendRequest(MyRequest1) call WaitSendRequest(MyRequest2) RETURN END SUBROUTINE vlx_p(q,pente_max,masse,u_m,ijb_x,ije_x) c Auteurs: P.Le Van, F.Hourdin, F.Forget c c ******************************************************************** c Shema d'advection " pseudo amont " . c ******************************************************************** c nq,iq,q,pbaru,pbarv,w sont des arguments d'entree pour le s-pg .... c c c -------------------------------------------------------------------- USE Parallel_lmdz IMPLICIT NONE c !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'dimensions.h' ! ! dimensions.h contient les dimensions du modele ! ndm est tel que iim=2**ndm !----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER iim,jjm,llm,ndm PARAMETER (iim= 128,jjm=96,llm=64,ndm=1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! $Header$ ! ! ! ATTENTION!!!!: ce fichier include est compatible format fixe/format libre ! veillez n'utiliser que des ! pour les commentaires ! et bien positionner les & des lignes de continuation ! (les placer en colonne 6 et en colonne 73) ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'paramet.h' INTEGER iip1,iip2,iip3,jjp1,llmp1,llmp2,llmm1 INTEGER kftd,ip1jm,ip1jmp1,ip1jmi1,ijp1llm INTEGER ijmllm,mvar INTEGER jcfil,jcfllm PARAMETER( iip1= iim+1,iip2=iim+2,iip3=iim+3 & & ,jjp1=jjm+1-1/jjm) PARAMETER( llmp1 = llm+1, llmp2 = llm+2, llmm1 = llm-1 ) PARAMETER( kftd = iim/2 -ndm ) PARAMETER( ip1jm = iip1*jjm, ip1jmp1= iip1*jjp1 ) PARAMETER( ip1jmi1= ip1jm - iip1 ) PARAMETER( ijp1llm= ip1jmp1 * llm, ijmllm= ip1jm * llm ) PARAMETER( mvar= ip1jmp1*( 2*llm+1) + ijmllm ) PARAMETER( jcfil=jjm/2+5, jcfllm=jcfil*llm ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! $Id: logic.h 1520 2011-05-23 11:37:09Z emillour $ ! ! ! NB: keep items of different kinds in seperate common blocs to avoid ! "misaligned commons" issues !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'logic.h' COMMON/logicl/ purmats,forward,leapf,apphys, & & statcl,conser,apdiss,apdelq,saison,ecripar,fxyhypb,ysinus & & ,read_start,ok_guide,ok_strato,tidal,ok_gradsfile & & ,ok_limit,ok_etat0,hybrid & & ,moyzon_mu,moyzon_ch COMMON/logici/ iflag_phys,iflag_trac LOGICAL purmats,forward,leapf,apphys,statcl,conser, & & apdiss,apdelq,saison,ecripar,fxyhypb,ysinus & & ,read_start,ok_guide,ok_strato,tidal,ok_gradsfile & & ,ok_limit,ok_etat0 logical hybrid ! vertical coordinate is hybrid if true (sigma otherwise) ! (only used if disvert_type==2) logical moyzon_mu,moyzon_ch ! used for zonal averages in Titan integer iflag_phys,iflag_trac !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(/logicl/) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(/logici/) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! $Id: comvert.h 1654 2012-09-24 15:07:18Z aslmd $ ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'comvert.h' COMMON/comvertr/ap(llm+1),bp(llm+1),presnivs(llm),dpres(llm), & & pa,preff,nivsigs(llm),nivsig(llm+1), & & aps(llm),bps(llm),scaleheight,pseudoalt(llm) common/comverti/disvert_type, pressure_exner real ap ! hybrid pressure contribution at interlayers real bp ! hybrid sigma contribution at interlayer real presnivs ! (reference) pressure at mid-layers real dpres real pa ! reference pressure (Pa) at which hybrid coordinates ! become purely pressure real preff ! reference surface pressure (Pa) real nivsigs real nivsig real aps ! hybrid pressure contribution at mid-layers real bps ! hybrid sigma contribution at mid-layers real scaleheight ! atmospheric (reference) scale height (km) real pseudoalt ! pseudo-altitude of model levels (km), based on presnivs(), ! preff and scaleheight integer disvert_type ! type of vertical discretization: ! 1: Earth (default for planet_type==earth), ! automatic generation ! 2: Planets (default for planet_type!=earth), ! using 'z2sig.def' (or 'esasig.def) file logical pressure_exner ! compute pressure inside layers using Exner function, else use mean ! of pressure values at interfaces !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! $Id: comconst.h 1437 2010-09-30 08:29:10Z emillour $ ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE comconst.h COMMON/comconsti/im,jm,lllm,imp1,jmp1,lllmm1,lllmp1,lcl, & & iflag_top_bound,mode_top_bound COMMON/comconstr/dtvr,daysec, & & pi,dtphys,dtdiss,rad,r,kappa,cotot,unsim,g,omeg & & ,dissip_fac_mid,dissip_fac_up,dissip_deltaz,dissip_hdelta & & ,dissip_pupstart ,tau_top_bound, & & daylen,molmass, ihf COMMON/cpdetvenus/cpp,nu_venus,t0_venus INTEGER im,jm,lllm,imp1,jmp1,lllmm1,lllmp1,lcl REAL dtvr ! dynamical time step (in s) REAL daysec !length (in s) of a standard day REAL pi ! something like 3.14159.... REAL dtphys ! (s) time step for the physics REAL dtdiss ! (s) time step for the dissipation REAL rad ! (m) radius of the planet REAL r ! Reduced Gas constant r=R/mu ! with R=8.31.. J.K-1.mol-1, mu: mol mass of atmosphere (kg/mol) REAL cpp ! Cp REAL kappa ! kappa=R/Cp REAL cotot REAL unsim ! = 1./iim REAL g ! (m/s2) gravity REAL omeg ! (rad/s) rotation rate of the planet ! Dissipation factors, for Earth model: REAL dissip_factz,dissip_zref !dissip_deltaz ! Dissipation factors, for other planets: REAL dissip_fac_mid,dissip_fac_up,dissip_deltaz,dissip_hdelta REAL dissip_pupstart INTEGER iflag_top_bound,mode_top_bound REAL tau_top_bound REAL daylen ! length of solar day, in 'standard' day length REAL molmass ! (g/mol) molar mass of the atmosphere REAL nu_venus,t0_venus ! coeffs needed for Cp(T), Venus atmosphere REAL ihf ! (W/m2) intrinsic heat flux for giant planets !----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c c Arguments: c ---------- REAL masse(ip1jmp1,llm),pente_max REAL u_m( ip1jmp1,llm ),pbarv( iip1,jjm,llm) REAL q(ip1jmp1,llm) REAL w(ip1jmp1,llm) c c Local c --------- c INTEGER ij,l,j,i,iju,ijq,indu(ip1jmp1),niju INTEGER n0,iadvplus(ip1jmp1,llm),nl(llm) c REAL new_m,zu_m,zdum(ip1jmp1,llm) REAL sigu(ip1jmp1),dxq(ip1jmp1,llm),dxqu(ip1jmp1) REAL zz(ip1jmp1) REAL adxqu(ip1jmp1),dxqmax(ip1jmp1,llm) REAL u_mq(ip1jmp1,llm) Logical extremum REAL SSUM EXTERNAL SSUM REAL z1,z2,z3 INTEGER ijb,ije,ijb_x,ije_x c calcul de la pente a droite et a gauche de la maille ijb=ijb_x ije=ije_x if (pole_nord.and.ijb==1) ijb=ijb+iip1 if (pole_sud.and.ije==ip1jmp1) ije=ije-iip1 IF ( THEN c IF ( THEN c calcul des pentes avec limitation, Van Leer scheme I: c ----------------------------------------------------- c calcul de la pente aux points u c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) DO l = 1, llm DO ij=ijb,ije-1 dxqu(ij)=q(ij+1,l)-q(ij,l) c IF(u_m(ij,l).lt.0.) stop'limx n admet pas les U<0' c sigu(ij)=u_m(ij,l)/masse(ij,l) ENDDO DO ij=ijb+iip1-1,ije,iip1 dxqu(ij)=dxqu(ij-iim) c sigu(ij)=sigu(ij-iim) ENDDO DO ij=ijb,ije adxqu(ij)=abs(dxqu(ij)) ENDDO c calcul de la pente maximum dans la maille en valeur absolue DO ij=ijb+1,ije dxqmax(ij,l)=pente_max* , min(adxqu(ij-1),adxqu(ij)) c limitation subtile c , min(adxqu(ij-1)/sigu(ij-1),adxqu(ij)/(1.-sigu(ij))) ENDDO DO ij=ijb+iip1-1,ije,iip1 dxqmax(ij-iim,l)=dxqmax(ij,l) ENDDO DO ij=ijb+1,ije IF(dxqu(ij-1)*dxqu(ij).gt.0) THEN dxq(ij,l)=dxqu(ij-1)+dxqu(ij) ELSE c extremum local dxq(ij,l)=0. ENDIF dxq(ij,l)=0.5*dxq(ij,l) dxq(ij,l)= , sign(min(abs(dxq(ij,l)),dxqmax(ij,l)),dxq(ij,l)) ENDDO ENDDO ! l=1,llm c$OMP END DO NOWAIT c print*,'Ok calcul des pentes' ELSE ! ( c Pentes produits: c ---------------- c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) DO l = 1, llm DO ij=ijb,ije-1 dxqu(ij)=q(ij+1,l)-q(ij,l) ENDDO DO ij=ijb+iip1-1,ije,iip1 dxqu(ij)=dxqu(ij-iim) ENDDO DO ij=ijb+1,ije zz(ij)=dxqu(ij-1)*dxqu(ij) zz(ij)=zz(ij)+zz(ij) IF(zz(ij).gt.0) THEN dxq(ij,l)=zz(ij)/(dxqu(ij-1)+dxqu(ij)) ELSE c extremum local dxq(ij,l)=0. ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO c$OMP END DO NOWAIT ENDIF ! ( c bouclage de la pente en iip1: c ----------------------------- c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) DO l=1,llm DO ij=ijb+iip1-1,ije,iip1 dxq(ij-iim,l)=dxq(ij,l) ENDDO DO ij=ijb,ije iadvplus(ij,l)=0 ENDDO ENDDO c$OMP END DO NOWAIT c print*,'Bouclage en iip1' c calcul des flux a gauche et a droite c on cumule le flux correspondant a toutes les mailles dont la masse c au travers de la paroi pENDant le pas de temps. c print*,'Cumule ....' c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) DO l=1,llm DO ij=ijb,ije-1 c print*,'masse(',ij,')=',masse(ij,l) IF (u_m(ij,l).gt.0.) THEN zdum(ij,l)=1.-u_m(ij,l)/masse(ij,l) u_mq(ij,l)=u_m(ij,l)*(q(ij,l)+0.5*zdum(ij,l)*dxq(ij,l)) ELSE zdum(ij,l)=1.+u_m(ij,l)/masse(ij+1,l) u_mq(ij,l)=u_m(ij,l)*(q(ij+1,l)-0.5*zdum(ij,l)*dxq(ij+1,l)) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO c$OMP END DO NOWAIT c stop c go to 9999 c detection des points ou on advecte plus que la masse de la c maille c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) DO l=1,llm DO ij=ijb,ije-1 IF(zdum(ij,l).lt.0) THEN iadvplus(ij,l)=1 u_mq(ij,l)=0. ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO c$OMP END DO NOWAIT c print*,'Ok test 1' c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) DO l=1,llm DO ij=ijb+iip1-1,ije,iip1 iadvplus(ij,l)=iadvplus(ij-iim,l) ENDDO ENDDO c$OMP END DO NOWAIT c print*,'Ok test 2' c traitement special pour le cas ou on advecte en longitude plus que le c contenu de la maille. c cette partie est mal vectorisee. c calcul du nombre de maille sur lequel on advecte plus que la maille. n0=0 c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) DO l=1,llm nl(l)=0 DO ij=ijb,ije nl(l)=nl(l)+iadvplus(ij,l) ENDDO n0=n0+nl(l) ENDDO c$OMP END DO NOWAIT cym IF( THEN cym IF( THEN c PRINT*,'Nombre de points pour lesquels on advect plus que le' c & ,'contenu de la maille : ',n0 c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) DO l=1,llm IF(nl(l).gt.0) THEN iju=0 c indicage des mailles concernees par le traitement special DO ij=ijb,ije IF(iadvplus(ij,l).eq.1.and.mod(ij,iip1).ne.0) THEN iju=iju+1 indu(iju)=ij ENDIF ENDDO niju=iju c PRINT*,'niju,nl',niju,nl(l) c traitement des mailles DO iju=1,niju ij=indu(iju) j=(ij-1)/iip1+1 zu_m=u_m(ij,l) u_mq(ij,l)=0. IF( THEN ijq=ij i=ijq-(j-1)*iip1 c accumulation pour les mailles completements advectees do while(,l)) u_mq(ij,l)=u_mq(ij,l)+q(ijq,l)*masse(ijq,l) zu_m=zu_m-masse(ijq,l) i=mod(i-2+iim,iim)+1 ijq=(j-1)*iip1+i ENDDO c ajout de la maille non completement advectee u_mq(ij,l)=u_mq(ij,l)+zu_m* & (q(ijq,l)+0.5*(1.-zu_m/masse(ijq,l))*dxq(ijq,l)) ELSE ijq=ij+1 i=ijq-(j-1)*iip1 c accumulation pour les mailles completements advectees do while(,l)) u_mq(ij,l)=u_mq(ij,l)-q(ijq,l)*masse(ijq,l) zu_m=zu_m+masse(ijq,l) i=mod(i,iim)+1 ijq=(j-1)*iip1+i ENDDO c ajout de la maille non completement advectee u_mq(ij,l)=u_mq(ij,l)+zu_m*(q(ijq,l)- & 0.5*(1.+zu_m/masse(ijq,l))*dxq(ijq,l)) ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO c$OMP END DO NOWAIT cym ENDIF ! 9999 continue c bouclage en latitude c print*,'Avant bouclage en latitude' c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) DO l=1,llm DO ij=ijb+iip1-1,ije,iip1 u_mq(ij,l)=u_mq(ij-iim,l) ENDDO ENDDO c$OMP END DO NOWAIT c calcul des tENDances c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) DO l=1,llm DO ij=ijb+1,ije new_m=masse(ij,l)+u_m(ij-1,l)-u_m(ij,l) q(ij,l)=(q(ij,l)*masse(ij,l)+ & u_mq(ij-1,l)-u_mq(ij,l)) & /new_m masse(ij,l)=new_m ENDDO c ModIF Fred 22 03 96 correction d'un bug (les scopy ci-dessous) DO ij=ijb+iip1-1,ije,iip1 q(ij-iim,l)=q(ij,l) masse(ij-iim,l)=masse(ij,l) ENDDO ENDDO c$OMP END DO NOWAIT c CALL SCOPY((jjm-1)*llm,q(iip1+iip1,1),iip1,q(iip2,1),iip1) c CALL SCOPY((jjm-1)*llm,masse(iip1+iip1,1),iip1,masse(iip2,1),iip1) RETURN END SUBROUTINE vly_p(q,pente_max,masse,masse_adv_v) c c Auteurs: P.Le Van, F.Hourdin, F.Forget c c ******************************************************************** c Shema d'advection " pseudo amont " . c ******************************************************************** c q,masse_adv_v,w sont des arguments d'entree pour le s-pg .... c dq sont des arguments de sortie pour le s-pg .... c c c -------------------------------------------------------------------- USE parallel_lmdz IMPLICIT NONE c !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'dimensions.h' ! ! dimensions.h contient les dimensions du modele ! ndm est tel que iim=2**ndm !----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER iim,jjm,llm,ndm PARAMETER (iim= 128,jjm=96,llm=64,ndm=1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! $Header$ ! ! ! ATTENTION!!!!: ce fichier include est compatible format fixe/format libre ! veillez n'utiliser que des ! pour les commentaires ! et bien positionner les & des lignes de continuation ! (les placer en colonne 6 et en colonne 73) ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'paramet.h' INTEGER iip1,iip2,iip3,jjp1,llmp1,llmp2,llmm1 INTEGER kftd,ip1jm,ip1jmp1,ip1jmi1,ijp1llm INTEGER ijmllm,mvar INTEGER jcfil,jcfllm PARAMETER( iip1= iim+1,iip2=iim+2,iip3=iim+3 & & ,jjp1=jjm+1-1/jjm) PARAMETER( llmp1 = llm+1, llmp2 = llm+2, llmm1 = llm-1 ) PARAMETER( kftd = iim/2 -ndm ) PARAMETER( ip1jm = iip1*jjm, ip1jmp1= iip1*jjp1 ) PARAMETER( ip1jmi1= ip1jm - iip1 ) PARAMETER( ijp1llm= ip1jmp1 * llm, ijmllm= ip1jm * llm ) PARAMETER( mvar= ip1jmp1*( 2*llm+1) + ijmllm ) PARAMETER( jcfil=jjm/2+5, jcfllm=jcfil*llm ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! $Id: logic.h 1520 2011-05-23 11:37:09Z emillour $ ! ! ! NB: keep items of different kinds in seperate common blocs to avoid ! "misaligned commons" issues !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'logic.h' COMMON/logicl/ purmats,forward,leapf,apphys, & & statcl,conser,apdiss,apdelq,saison,ecripar,fxyhypb,ysinus & & ,read_start,ok_guide,ok_strato,tidal,ok_gradsfile & & ,ok_limit,ok_etat0,hybrid & & ,moyzon_mu,moyzon_ch COMMON/logici/ iflag_phys,iflag_trac LOGICAL purmats,forward,leapf,apphys,statcl,conser, & & apdiss,apdelq,saison,ecripar,fxyhypb,ysinus & & ,read_start,ok_guide,ok_strato,tidal,ok_gradsfile & & ,ok_limit,ok_etat0 logical hybrid ! vertical coordinate is hybrid if true (sigma otherwise) ! (only used if disvert_type==2) logical moyzon_mu,moyzon_ch ! used for zonal averages in Titan integer iflag_phys,iflag_trac !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(/logicl/) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(/logici/) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! $Id: comvert.h 1654 2012-09-24 15:07:18Z aslmd $ ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'comvert.h' COMMON/comvertr/ap(llm+1),bp(llm+1),presnivs(llm),dpres(llm), & & pa,preff,nivsigs(llm),nivsig(llm+1), & & aps(llm),bps(llm),scaleheight,pseudoalt(llm) common/comverti/disvert_type, pressure_exner real ap ! hybrid pressure contribution at interlayers real bp ! hybrid sigma contribution at interlayer real presnivs ! (reference) pressure at mid-layers real dpres real pa ! reference pressure (Pa) at which hybrid coordinates ! become purely pressure real preff ! reference surface pressure (Pa) real nivsigs real nivsig real aps ! hybrid pressure contribution at mid-layers real bps ! hybrid sigma contribution at mid-layers real scaleheight ! atmospheric (reference) scale height (km) real pseudoalt ! pseudo-altitude of model levels (km), based on presnivs(), ! preff and scaleheight integer disvert_type ! type of vertical discretization: ! 1: Earth (default for planet_type==earth), ! automatic generation ! 2: Planets (default for planet_type!=earth), ! using 'z2sig.def' (or 'esasig.def) file logical pressure_exner ! compute pressure inside layers using Exner function, else use mean ! of pressure values at interfaces !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! $Id: comconst.h 1437 2010-09-30 08:29:10Z emillour $ ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE comconst.h COMMON/comconsti/im,jm,lllm,imp1,jmp1,lllmm1,lllmp1,lcl, & & iflag_top_bound,mode_top_bound COMMON/comconstr/dtvr,daysec, & & pi,dtphys,dtdiss,rad,r,kappa,cotot,unsim,g,omeg & & ,dissip_fac_mid,dissip_fac_up,dissip_deltaz,dissip_hdelta & & ,dissip_pupstart ,tau_top_bound, & & daylen,molmass, ihf COMMON/cpdetvenus/cpp,nu_venus,t0_venus INTEGER im,jm,lllm,imp1,jmp1,lllmm1,lllmp1,lcl REAL dtvr ! dynamical time step (in s) REAL daysec !length (in s) of a standard day REAL pi ! something like 3.14159.... REAL dtphys ! (s) time step for the physics REAL dtdiss ! (s) time step for the dissipation REAL rad ! (m) radius of the planet REAL r ! Reduced Gas constant r=R/mu ! with R=8.31.. J.K-1.mol-1, mu: mol mass of atmosphere (kg/mol) REAL cpp ! Cp REAL kappa ! kappa=R/Cp REAL cotot REAL unsim ! = 1./iim REAL g ! (m/s2) gravity REAL omeg ! (rad/s) rotation rate of the planet ! Dissipation factors, for Earth model: REAL dissip_factz,dissip_zref !dissip_deltaz ! Dissipation factors, for other planets: REAL dissip_fac_mid,dissip_fac_up,dissip_deltaz,dissip_hdelta REAL dissip_pupstart INTEGER iflag_top_bound,mode_top_bound REAL tau_top_bound REAL daylen ! length of solar day, in 'standard' day length REAL molmass ! (g/mol) molar mass of the atmosphere REAL nu_venus,t0_venus ! coeffs needed for Cp(T), Venus atmosphere REAL ihf ! (W/m2) intrinsic heat flux for giant planets !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! $Header$ ! !CDK comgeom COMMON/comgeom/ & & cu(ip1jmp1),cv(ip1jm),unscu2(ip1jmp1),unscv2(ip1jm), & & aire(ip1jmp1),airesurg(ip1jmp1),aireu(ip1jmp1), & & airev(ip1jm),unsaire(ip1jmp1),apoln,apols, & & unsairez(ip1jm),airuscv2(ip1jm),airvscu2(ip1jm), & & aireij1(ip1jmp1),aireij2(ip1jmp1),aireij3(ip1jmp1), & & aireij4(ip1jmp1),alpha1(ip1jmp1),alpha2(ip1jmp1), & & alpha3(ip1jmp1),alpha4(ip1jmp1),alpha1p2(ip1jmp1), & & alpha1p4(ip1jmp1),alpha2p3(ip1jmp1),alpha3p4(ip1jmp1), & & fext(ip1jm),constang(ip1jmp1),rlatu(jjp1),rlatv(jjm), & & rlonu(iip1),rlonv(iip1),cuvsurcv(ip1jm),cvsurcuv(ip1jm), & & cvusurcu(ip1jmp1),cusurcvu(ip1jmp1),cuvscvgam1(ip1jm), & & cuvscvgam2(ip1jm),cvuscugam1(ip1jmp1), & & cvuscugam2(ip1jmp1),cvscuvgam(ip1jm),cuscvugam(ip1jmp1), & & unsapolnga1,unsapolnga2,unsapolsga1,unsapolsga2, & & unsair_gam1(ip1jmp1),unsair_gam2(ip1jmp1),unsairz_gam(ip1jm), & & aivscu2gam(ip1jm),aiuscv2gam(ip1jm),xprimu(iip1),xprimv(iip1) ! REAL & & cu,cv,unscu2,unscv2,aire,airesurg,aireu,airev,unsaire,apoln ,& & apols,unsairez,airuscv2,airvscu2,aireij1,aireij2,aireij3,aireij4,& & alpha1,alpha2,alpha3,alpha4,alpha1p2,alpha1p4,alpha2p3,alpha3p4 ,& & fext,constang,rlatu,rlatv,rlonu,rlonv,cuvscvgam1,cuvscvgam2 ,& & cvuscugam1,cvuscugam2,cvscuvgam,cuscvugam,unsapolnga1,unsapolnga2& & ,unsapolsga1,unsapolsga2,unsair_gam1,unsair_gam2,unsairz_gam ,& & aivscu2gam ,aiuscv2gam,cuvsurcv,cvsurcuv,cvusurcu,cusurcvu,xprimu& & , xprimv ! c c c Arguments: c ---------- REAL masse(ip1jmp1,llm),pente_max REAL masse_adv_v( ip1jm,llm) REAL q(ip1jmp1,llm), dq( ip1jmp1,llm) c c Local c --------- c INTEGER i,ij,l c REAL airej2,airejjm,airescb(iim),airesch(iim) REAL dyq(ip1jmp1,llm),dyqv(ip1jm),zdvm(ip1jmp1,llm) REAL adyqv(ip1jm),dyqmax(ip1jmp1) REAL qbyv(ip1jm,llm) REAL qpns,qpsn,appn,apps,dyn1,dys1,dyn2,dys2,newmasse,fn,fs c REAL newq,oldmasse Logical extremum,first,testcpu REAL temps0,temps1,temps2,temps3,temps4,temps5,second SAVE temps0,temps1,temps2,temps3,temps4,temps5 c$OMP THREADPRIVATE(temps0,temps1,temps2,temps3,temps4,temps5) SAVE first,testcpu c$OMP THREADPRIVATE(first,testcpu) REAL convpn,convps,convmpn,convmps real massepn,masseps,qpn,qps REAL sinlon(iip1),sinlondlon(iip1) REAL coslon(iip1),coslondlon(iip1) SAVE sinlon,coslon,sinlondlon,coslondlon c$OMP THREADPRIVATE(sinlon,coslon,sinlondlon,coslondlon) SAVE airej2,airejjm c$OMP THREADPRIVATE(airej2,airejjm) c c REAL SSUM EXTERNAL SSUM DATA first,testcpu/.true.,.false./ DATA temps0,temps1,temps2,temps3,temps4,temps5/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0./ INTEGER ijb,ije IF(first) THEN c PRINT*,'Shema Amont nouveau appele dans Vanleer ' first=.false. do i=2,iip1 coslon(i)=cos(rlonv(i)) sinlon(i)=sin(rlonv(i)) coslondlon(i)=coslon(i)*(rlonu(i)-rlonu(i-1))/pi sinlondlon(i)=sinlon(i)*(rlonu(i)-rlonu(i-1))/pi ENDDO coslon(1)=coslon(iip1) coslondlon(1)=coslondlon(iip1) sinlon(1)=sinlon(iip1) sinlondlon(1)=sinlondlon(iip1) airej2 = SSUM( iim, aire(iip2), 1 ) airejjm= SSUM( iim, aire(ip1jm -iim), 1 ) ENDIF c c PRINT*,'CALCUL EN LATITUDE' c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) DO l = 1, llm c c -------------------------------- c CALCUL EN LATITUDE c -------------------------------- c On commence par calculer la valeur du traceur moyenne sur le premier cercle c de latitude autour du pole (qpns pour le pole nord et qpsn pour c le pole nord) qui sera utilisee pour evaluer les pentes au pole. if (pole_nord) then DO i = 1, iim airescb(i) = aire(i+ iip1) * q(i+ iip1,l) ENDDO qpns = SSUM( iim, airescb ,1 ) / airej2 endif if (pole_sud) then DO i = 1, iim airesch(i) = aire(i+ ip1jm- iip1) * q(i+ ip1jm- iip1,l) ENDDO qpsn = SSUM( iim, airesch ,1 ) / airejjm endif c calcul des pentes aux points v ijb=ij_begin-2*iip1 ije=ij_end+iip1 if (pole_nord) ijb=ij_begin if (pole_sud) ije=ij_end-iip1 DO ij=ijb,ije dyqv(ij)=q(ij,l)-q(ij+iip1,l) adyqv(ij)=abs(dyqv(ij)) ENDDO c calcul des pentes aux points scalaires ijb=ij_begin-iip1 ije=ij_end+iip1 if (pole_nord) ijb=ij_begin+iip1 if (pole_sud) ije=ij_end-iip1 DO ij=ijb,ije dyq(ij,l)=.5*(dyqv(ij-iip1)+dyqv(ij)) dyqmax(ij)=min(adyqv(ij-iip1),adyqv(ij)) dyqmax(ij)=pente_max*dyqmax(ij) ENDDO c calcul des pentes aux poles IF (pole_nord) THEN DO ij=1,iip1 dyq(ij,l)=qpns-q(ij+iip1,l) ENDDO dyn1=0. dyn2=0. DO ij=1,iim dyn1=dyn1+sinlondlon(ij)*dyq(ij,l) dyn2=dyn2+coslondlon(ij)*dyq(ij,l) ENDDO DO ij=1,iip1 dyq(ij,l)=dyn1*sinlon(ij)+dyn2*coslon(ij) ENDDO DO ij=1,iip1 dyq(ij,l)=0. ENDDO c ym tout cela ne sert pas a grand chose ENDIF IF (pole_sud) THEN DO ij=1,iip1 dyq(ip1jm+ij,l)=q(ip1jm+ij-iip1,l)-qpsn ENDDO dys1=0. dys2=0. DO ij=1,iim dys1=dys1+sinlondlon(ij)*dyq(ip1jm+ij,l) dys2=dys2+coslondlon(ij)*dyq(ip1jm+ij,l) ENDDO DO ij=1,iip1 dyq(ip1jm+ij,l)=dys1*sinlon(ij)+dys2*coslon(ij) ENDDO DO ij=1,iip1 dyq(ip1jm+ij,l)=0. ENDDO c ym tout cela ne sert pas a grand chose ENDIF c filtrage de la derivee c calcul des pentes limites aux poles c ym partie inutile c goto 8888 c fn=1. c fs=1. c DO ij=1,iim c IF(pente_max*adyqv(ij).lt.abs(dyq(ij,l))) THEN c fn=min(pente_max*adyqv(ij)/abs(dyq(ij,l)),fn) c ENDIF c IF(pente_max*adyqv(ij+ip1jm-iip1).lt.abs(dyq(ij+ip1jm,l))) THEN c fs=min(pente_max*adyqv(ij+ip1jm-iip1)/abs(dyq(ij+ip1jm,l)),fs) c ENDIF c ENDDO c DO ij=1,iip1 c dyq(ij,l)=fn*dyq(ij,l) c dyq(ip1jm+ij,l)=fs*dyq(ip1jm+ij,l) c ENDDO c 8888 continue CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C En memoire de dIFferents tests sur la C limitation des pentes aux poles. CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C PRINT*,dyq(1) C PRINT*,dyqv(iip1+1) C appn=abs(dyq(1)/dyqv(iip1+1)) C PRINT*,dyq(ip1jm+1) C PRINT*,dyqv(ip1jm-iip1+1) C apps=abs(dyq(ip1jm+1)/dyqv(ip1jm-iip1+1)) C DO ij=2,iim C appn=amax1(abs(dyq(ij)/dyqv(ij)),appn) C apps=amax1(abs(dyq(ip1jm+ij)/dyqv(ip1jm-iip1+ij)),apps) C ENDDO C appn=min(pente_max/appn,1.) C apps=min(pente_max/apps,1.) C C C cas ou on a un extremum au pole C C IF(dyqv(ismin(iim,dyqv,1))*dyqv(ismax(iim,dyqv,1)).le.0.) C & appn=0. C IF(dyqv(ismax(iim,dyqv(ip1jm-iip1+1),1)+ip1jm-iip1+1)* C & dyqv(ismin(iim,dyqv(ip1jm-iip1+1),1)+ip1jm-iip1+1).le.0.) C & apps=0. C C limitation des pentes aux poles C DO ij=1,iip1 C dyq(ij)=appn*dyq(ij) C dyq(ip1jm+ij)=apps*dyq(ip1jm+ij) C ENDDO C C test C DO ij=1,iip1 C dyq(iip1+ij)=0. C dyq(ip1jm+ij-iip1)=0. C ENDDO C DO ij=1,ip1jmp1 C dyq(ij)=dyq(ij)*cos(rlatu((ij-1)/iip1+1)) C ENDDO C C changement 10 07 96 C IF(dyqv(ismin(iim,dyqv,1))*dyqv(ismax(iim,dyqv,1)).le.0.) C & THEN C DO ij=1,iip1 C dyqmax(ij)=0. C ENDDO C ELSE C DO ij=1,iip1 C dyqmax(ij)=pente_max*abs(dyqv(ij)) C ENDDO C ENDIF C C IF(dyqv(ismax(iim,dyqv(ip1jm-iip1+1),1)+ip1jm-iip1+1)* C & dyqv(ismin(iim,dyqv(ip1jm-iip1+1),1)+ip1jm-iip1+1).le.0.) C &THEN C DO ij=ip1jm+1,ip1jmp1 C dyqmax(ij)=0. C ENDDO C ELSE C DO ij=ip1jm+1,ip1jmp1 C dyqmax(ij)=pente_max*abs(dyqv(ij-iip1)) C ENDDO C ENDIF C fin changement 10 07 96 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC c calcul des pentes limitees ijb=ij_begin-iip1 ije=ij_end+iip1 if (pole_nord) ijb=ij_begin+iip1 if (pole_sud) ije=ij_end-iip1 DO ij=ijb,ije IF(dyqv(ij)*dyqv(ij-iip1).gt.0.) THEN dyq(ij,l)=sign(min(abs(dyq(ij,l)),dyqmax(ij)),dyq(ij,l)) ELSE dyq(ij,l)=0. ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO c$OMP END DO NOWAIT ijb=ij_begin-iip1 ije=ij_end if (pole_nord) ijb=ij_begin if (pole_sud) ije=ij_end-iip1 c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) DO l=1,llm DO ij=ijb,ije IF(masse_adv_v(ij,l).gt.0) THEN qbyv(ij,l)=q(ij+iip1,l)+dyq(ij+iip1,l)* , 0.5*(1.-masse_adv_v(ij,l)/masse(ij+iip1,l)) ELSE qbyv(ij,l)=q(ij,l)-dyq(ij,l)* , 0.5*(1.+masse_adv_v(ij,l)/masse(ij,l)) ENDIF qbyv(ij,l)=masse_adv_v(ij,l)*qbyv(ij,l) ENDDO ENDDO c$OMP END DO NOWAIT ijb=ij_begin ije=ij_end if (pole_nord) ijb=ij_begin+iip1 if (pole_sud) ije=ij_end-iip1 c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) DO l=1,llm DO ij=ijb,ije newmasse=masse(ij,l) & +masse_adv_v(ij,l)-masse_adv_v(ij-iip1,l) q(ij,l)=(q(ij,l)*masse(ij,l)+qbyv(ij,l)-qbyv(ij-iip1,l)) & /newmasse masse(ij,l)=newmasse ENDDO c.-. ancienne version c convpn=SSUM(iim,qbyv(1,l),1)/apoln c convmpn=ssum(iim,masse_adv_v(1,l),1)/apoln if (pole_nord) then convpn=SSUM(iim,qbyv(1,l),1) convmpn=ssum(iim,masse_adv_v(1,l),1) massepn=ssum(iim,masse(1,l),1) qpn=0. do ij=1,iim qpn=qpn+masse(ij,l)*q(ij,l) enddo qpn=(qpn+convpn)/(massepn+convmpn) do ij=1,iip1 q(ij,l)=qpn enddo endif c convps=-SSUM(iim,qbyv(ip1jm-iim,l),1)/apols c convmps=-ssum(iim,masse_adv_v(ip1jm-iim,l),1)/apols if (pole_sud) then convps=-SSUM(iim,qbyv(ip1jm-iim,l),1) convmps=-ssum(iim,masse_adv_v(ip1jm-iim,l),1) masseps=ssum(iim, masse(ip1jm+1,l),1) qps=0. do ij = ip1jm+1,ip1jmp1-1 qps=qps+masse(ij,l)*q(ij,l) enddo qps=(qps+convps)/(masseps+convmps) do ij=ip1jm+1,ip1jmp1 q(ij,l)=qps enddo endif c.-. fin ancienne version c._. nouvelle version c convpn=SSUM(iim,qbyv(1,l),1) c convmpn=ssum(iim,masse_adv_v(1,l),1) c oldmasse=ssum(iim,masse(1,l),1) c newmasse=oldmasse+convmpn c newq=(q(1,l)*oldmasse+convpn)/newmasse c newmasse=newmasse/apoln c DO ij = 1,iip1 c q(ij,l)=newq c masse(ij,l)=newmasse*aire(ij) c ENDDO c convps=-SSUM(iim,qbyv(ip1jm-iim,l),1) c convmps=-ssum(iim,masse_adv_v(ip1jm-iim,l),1) c oldmasse=ssum(iim,masse(ip1jm-iim,l),1) c newmasse=oldmasse+convmps c newq=(q(ip1jmp1,l)*oldmasse+convps)/newmasse c newmasse=newmasse/apols c DO ij = ip1jm+1,ip1jmp1 c q(ij,l)=newq c masse(ij,l)=newmasse*aire(ij) c ENDDO c._. fin nouvelle version ENDDO c$OMP END DO NOWAIT RETURN END SUBROUTINE vlz_p(q,pente_max,masse,w,ijb_x,ije_x) c c Auteurs: P.Le Van, F.Hourdin, F.Forget c c ******************************************************************** c Shema d'advection " pseudo amont " . c ******************************************************************** c q,pbaru,pbarv,w sont des arguments d'entree pour le s-pg .... c dq sont des arguments de sortie pour le s-pg .... c c c -------------------------------------------------------------------- USE Parallel_lmdz IMPLICIT NONE c !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'dimensions.h' ! ! dimensions.h contient les dimensions du modele ! ndm est tel que iim=2**ndm !----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER iim,jjm,llm,ndm PARAMETER (iim= 128,jjm=96,llm=64,ndm=1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! $Header$ ! ! ! ATTENTION!!!!: ce fichier include est compatible format fixe/format libre ! veillez n'utiliser que des ! pour les commentaires ! et bien positionner les & des lignes de continuation ! (les placer en colonne 6 et en colonne 73) ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'paramet.h' INTEGER iip1,iip2,iip3,jjp1,llmp1,llmp2,llmm1 INTEGER kftd,ip1jm,ip1jmp1,ip1jmi1,ijp1llm INTEGER ijmllm,mvar INTEGER jcfil,jcfllm PARAMETER( iip1= iim+1,iip2=iim+2,iip3=iim+3 & & ,jjp1=jjm+1-1/jjm) PARAMETER( llmp1 = llm+1, llmp2 = llm+2, llmm1 = llm-1 ) PARAMETER( kftd = iim/2 -ndm ) PARAMETER( ip1jm = iip1*jjm, ip1jmp1= iip1*jjp1 ) PARAMETER( ip1jmi1= ip1jm - iip1 ) PARAMETER( ijp1llm= ip1jmp1 * llm, ijmllm= ip1jm * llm ) PARAMETER( mvar= ip1jmp1*( 2*llm+1) + ijmllm ) PARAMETER( jcfil=jjm/2+5, jcfllm=jcfil*llm ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! $Id: logic.h 1520 2011-05-23 11:37:09Z emillour $ ! ! ! NB: keep items of different kinds in seperate common blocs to avoid ! "misaligned commons" issues !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'logic.h' COMMON/logicl/ purmats,forward,leapf,apphys, & & statcl,conser,apdiss,apdelq,saison,ecripar,fxyhypb,ysinus & & ,read_start,ok_guide,ok_strato,tidal,ok_gradsfile & & ,ok_limit,ok_etat0,hybrid & & ,moyzon_mu,moyzon_ch COMMON/logici/ iflag_phys,iflag_trac LOGICAL purmats,forward,leapf,apphys,statcl,conser, & & apdiss,apdelq,saison,ecripar,fxyhypb,ysinus & & ,read_start,ok_guide,ok_strato,tidal,ok_gradsfile & & ,ok_limit,ok_etat0 logical hybrid ! vertical coordinate is hybrid if true (sigma otherwise) ! (only used if disvert_type==2) logical moyzon_mu,moyzon_ch ! used for zonal averages in Titan integer iflag_phys,iflag_trac !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(/logicl/) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(/logici/) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! $Id: comvert.h 1654 2012-09-24 15:07:18Z aslmd $ ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'comvert.h' COMMON/comvertr/ap(llm+1),bp(llm+1),presnivs(llm),dpres(llm), & & pa,preff,nivsigs(llm),nivsig(llm+1), & & aps(llm),bps(llm),scaleheight,pseudoalt(llm) common/comverti/disvert_type, pressure_exner real ap ! hybrid pressure contribution at interlayers real bp ! hybrid sigma contribution at interlayer real presnivs ! (reference) pressure at mid-layers real dpres real pa ! reference pressure (Pa) at which hybrid coordinates ! become purely pressure real preff ! reference surface pressure (Pa) real nivsigs real nivsig real aps ! hybrid pressure contribution at mid-layers real bps ! hybrid sigma contribution at mid-layers real scaleheight ! atmospheric (reference) scale height (km) real pseudoalt ! pseudo-altitude of model levels (km), based on presnivs(), ! preff and scaleheight integer disvert_type ! type of vertical discretization: ! 1: Earth (default for planet_type==earth), ! automatic generation ! 2: Planets (default for planet_type!=earth), ! using 'z2sig.def' (or 'esasig.def) file logical pressure_exner ! compute pressure inside layers using Exner function, else use mean ! of pressure values at interfaces !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! $Id: comconst.h 1437 2010-09-30 08:29:10Z emillour $ ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE comconst.h COMMON/comconsti/im,jm,lllm,imp1,jmp1,lllmm1,lllmp1,lcl, & & iflag_top_bound,mode_top_bound COMMON/comconstr/dtvr,daysec, & & pi,dtphys,dtdiss,rad,r,kappa,cotot,unsim,g,omeg & & ,dissip_fac_mid,dissip_fac_up,dissip_deltaz,dissip_hdelta & & ,dissip_pupstart ,tau_top_bound, & & daylen,molmass, ihf COMMON/cpdetvenus/cpp,nu_venus,t0_venus INTEGER im,jm,lllm,imp1,jmp1,lllmm1,lllmp1,lcl REAL dtvr ! dynamical time step (in s) REAL daysec !length (in s) of a standard day REAL pi ! something like 3.14159.... REAL dtphys ! (s) time step for the physics REAL dtdiss ! (s) time step for the dissipation REAL rad ! (m) radius of the planet REAL r ! Reduced Gas constant r=R/mu ! with R=8.31.. J.K-1.mol-1, mu: mol mass of atmosphere (kg/mol) REAL cpp ! Cp REAL kappa ! kappa=R/Cp REAL cotot REAL unsim ! = 1./iim REAL g ! (m/s2) gravity REAL omeg ! (rad/s) rotation rate of the planet ! Dissipation factors, for Earth model: REAL dissip_factz,dissip_zref !dissip_deltaz ! Dissipation factors, for other planets: REAL dissip_fac_mid,dissip_fac_up,dissip_deltaz,dissip_hdelta REAL dissip_pupstart INTEGER iflag_top_bound,mode_top_bound REAL tau_top_bound REAL daylen ! length of solar day, in 'standard' day length REAL molmass ! (g/mol) molar mass of the atmosphere REAL nu_venus,t0_venus ! coeffs needed for Cp(T), Venus atmosphere REAL ihf ! (W/m2) intrinsic heat flux for giant planets !----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c c Arguments: c ---------- REAL masse(ip1jmp1,llm),pente_max REAL q(ip1jmp1,llm) REAL w(ip1jmp1,llm+1) c c Local c --------- c INTEGER i,ij,l,j,ii c REAL,SAVE :: wq(ip1jmp1,llm+1) REAL newmasse REAL,SAVE :: dzq(ip1jmp1,llm),dzqw(ip1jmp1,llm),adzqw(ip1jmp1,llm) REAL dzqmax REAL sigw LOGICAL testcpu SAVE testcpu c$OMP THREADPRIVATE(testcpu) REAL temps0,temps1,temps2,temps3,temps4,temps5,second SAVE temps0,temps1,temps2,temps3,temps4,temps5 c$OMP THREADPRIVATE(temps0,temps1,temps2,temps3,temps4,temps5) REAL SSUM EXTERNAL SSUM DATA testcpu/.false./ DATA temps0,temps1,temps2,temps3,temps4,temps5/0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0./ INTEGER ijb,ije,ijb_x,ije_x c On oriente tout dans le sens de la pression c'est a dire dans le c sens de W ijb=ijb_x ije=ije_x c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) DO l=2,llm DO ij=ijb,ije dzqw(ij,l)=q(ij,l-1)-q(ij,l) adzqw(ij,l)=abs(dzqw(ij,l)) ENDDO ENDDO c$OMP END DO c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) DO l=2,llm-1 DO ij=ijb,ije IF(dzqw(ij,l)*dzqw(ij,l+1).gt.0.) THEN dzq(ij,l)=0.5*(dzqw(ij,l)+dzqw(ij,l+1)) ELSE dzq(ij,l)=0. ENDIF dzqmax=pente_max*min(adzqw(ij,l),adzqw(ij,l+1)) dzq(ij,l)=sign(min(abs(dzq(ij,l)),dzqmax),dzq(ij,l)) ENDDO ENDDO c$OMP END DO NOWAIT c$OMP MASTER DO ij=ijb,ije dzq(ij,1)=0. dzq(ij,llm)=0. ENDDO c$OMP END MASTER c$OMP BARRIER c --------------------------------------------------------------- c .... calcul des termes d'advection verticale ....... c --------------------------------------------------------------- c calcul de - d( q * w )/ d(sigma) qu'on ajoute a dq pour calculer dq c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) DO l = 1,llm-1 do ij = ijb,ije IF(w(ij,l+1).gt.0.) THEN sigw=w(ij,l+1)/masse(ij,l+1) wq(ij,l+1)=w(ij,l+1)*(q(ij,l+1)+0.5*(1.-sigw)*dzq(ij,l+1)) ELSE sigw=w(ij,l+1)/masse(ij,l) wq(ij,l+1)=w(ij,l+1)*(q(ij,l)-0.5*(1.+sigw)*dzq(ij,l)) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO c$OMP END DO NOWAIT c$OMP MASTER DO ij=ijb,ije wq(ij,llm+1)=0. wq(ij,1)=0. ENDDO c$OMP END MASTER c$OMP BARRIER c$OMP DO SCHEDULE(STATIC,OMP_CHUNK) DO l=1,llm DO ij=ijb,ije newmasse=masse(ij,l)+w(ij,l+1)-w(ij,l) q(ij,l)=(q(ij,l)*masse(ij,l)+wq(ij,l+1)-wq(ij,l)) & /newmasse masse(ij,l)=newmasse ENDDO ENDDO c$OMP END DO NOWAIT RETURN END c SUBROUTINE minmaxq(zq,qmin,qmax,comment) c c#include "dimensions.h" c#include "paramet.h" c CHARACTER*(*) comment c real qmin,qmax c real zq(ip1jmp1,llm) c INTEGER jadrs(ip1jmp1), jbad, k, i c DO k = 1, llm c jbad = 0 c DO i = 1, ip1jmp1 c IF (zq(i,k).GT.qmax .OR. zq(i,k).LT.qmin) THEN c jbad = jbad + 1 c jadrs(jbad) = i c ENDIF c ENDDO c IF (jbad.GT.0) THEN c PRINT*, comment c DO i = 1, jbad cc PRINT*, "i,k,zq=", jadrs(i),k,zq(jadrs(i),k) c ENDDO c ENDIF c ENDDO c return c end subroutine minmaxq_p(zq,qmin,qmax,comment) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'dimensions.h' ! ! dimensions.h contient les dimensions du modele ! ndm est tel que iim=2**ndm !----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER iim,jjm,llm,ndm PARAMETER (iim= 128,jjm=96,llm=64,ndm=1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! $Header$ ! ! ! ATTENTION!!!!: ce fichier include est compatible format fixe/format libre ! veillez n'utiliser que des ! pour les commentaires ! et bien positionner les & des lignes de continuation ! (les placer en colonne 6 et en colonne 73) ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'paramet.h' INTEGER iip1,iip2,iip3,jjp1,llmp1,llmp2,llmm1 INTEGER kftd,ip1jm,ip1jmp1,ip1jmi1,ijp1llm INTEGER ijmllm,mvar INTEGER jcfil,jcfllm PARAMETER( iip1= iim+1,iip2=iim+2,iip3=iim+3 & & ,jjp1=jjm+1-1/jjm) PARAMETER( llmp1 = llm+1, llmp2 = llm+2, llmm1 = llm-1 ) PARAMETER( kftd = iim/2 -ndm ) PARAMETER( ip1jm = iip1*jjm, ip1jmp1= iip1*jjp1 ) PARAMETER( ip1jmi1= ip1jm - iip1 ) PARAMETER( ijp1llm= ip1jmp1 * llm, ijmllm= ip1jm * llm ) PARAMETER( mvar= ip1jmp1*( 2*llm+1) + ijmllm ) PARAMETER( jcfil=jjm/2+5, jcfllm=jcfil*llm ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character*20 comment real qmin,qmax real zq(ip1jmp1,llm) real zzq(iip1,jjp1,llm) integer imin,jmin,lmin,ijlmin integer imax,jmax,lmax,ijlmax integer ismin,ismax return 9999 format(a20,' q(',i3,',',i2,',',i2,')=',e12.5,e12.5) end