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Main page of SAXO

svn Id of xml source file : $Id: websaxo.xml 345 2008-04-16 09:15:20Z pinsard $


This page is a mirror of SAXO web page and allows you to browse SAXO help pages in local.

SAXO is a package (~400 routines, ~60 000 code lines) used to easily and quickly visualize and analyze models outputs or data observations. It is based on IDL and contains a Graphic User Interface. Developed in collaboration with LOCEAN researchers, it allows to explore four dimension data which may be gridded or irregularly spaced. It is particularly adapted to the “Arakawa C grid” discretization used in NEMO. In addition to graphical procedures, interpolation modules and other things …, it contains a set of programs dedicated to oceanographic diagnostics.

More …

First Steps with SAXO. See also plots of First Steps in All plots

A short overview and documentation of xxx widget is now available.

A complete and convenient description of all SAXO routines can be found in the web pages created by IDLdoc.

Some useful Tips and links.
