;+ ; ; @file_comments ; ; @categories ; ; @param PROCEDURE ; ; @keyword TYPE ; ; @keyword MIN ; ; @keyword MAX ; ; @keyword XY ; ; @keyword XZ ; ; @keyword YZ ; ; @keyword XT ; ; @keyword YT ; ; @keyword ZT ; ; @keyword TT ; ; @keyword XX ; ; @keyword YY ; ; @keyword ZZ ; ; @keyword XINDEX ; ; @keyword YINDEX ; ; @keyword ENDPOINTS ; ; @keyword _EXTRA ; Used to pass keywords ; ; @returns ; ; @uses ; common ; ; @restrictions ; ; @examples ; ; @history ; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ; @todo seb ;- PRO checktypeminmax, procedure, TYPE=type, MIN=min, MAX=max, XY=xy $ , XZ=xz, YZ=yz, XT=XT, YT=YT, ZT=zt $ , TT=tt, XX=xx, YY=yy, ZZ=zz $ , XINDEX=xindex, YINDEX=yindex $ , ENDPOINTS=endpoints, _EXTRA=ex ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; @common ;-------------------------------------------------------------- case size(type, /type) of 0: 7: ELSE:BEGIN vraimin = type case size(min, /type) of 0:BEGIN min = vraimin type = 0 END 7:BEGIN type = min min = vraimin end ELSE:BEGIN case size(max, /type) of 0:BEGIN max = min min = vraimin type = 0 END 7:BEGIN type = max max = min min = vraimin end ELSE:BEGIN rien = report('Probleme dans la definition des arguments en entree de ' $ +procedure, /chkwidget) return end endcase end endcase end endcase ; if keyword_set(xy) then type = 'xy' if keyword_set(xz) then type = 'xz' if keyword_set(yz) then type = 'yz' if keyword_set(xt) then type = 'xt' if keyword_set(yt) then type = 'yt' if keyword_set(zt) then type = 'zt' if keyword_set(tt) then type = 't' if keyword_set(xx) then type = 'x' if keyword_set(yy) then type = 'y' if keyword_set(zz) then type = 'z' ; if keyword_set(type) then begin if type EQ 'plt' then type = '' if type EQ 'pltz' then type = '' if type EQ 'pltt' then type = '' if type EQ 'plt1d' then type = '' endif ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; determination du type de plot que l''on veut faire ;-------------------------------------------------------------- if NOT keyword_set(type) then BEGIN case procedure of 'plt':type = 'xy' 'pltz':BEGIN if keyword_set(endpoints) then BEGIN lon1 = min([endpoints[0], endpoints[2]], max = lon2) lat1 = min([endpoints[1], endpoints[3]], max = lat2) if (lon2-lon1) gt (lat2-lat1) then type = 'xz' else type = 'yz' ENDIF ELSE type = 'z' END 'pltt':BEGIN if keyword_set(endpoints) then BEGIN lon1 = min([endpoints[0], endpoints[2]], max = lon2) lat1 = min([endpoints[1], endpoints[3]], max = lat2) lat2 = max([endpoints[1], endpoints[3]]) if (lon2-lon1) gt (lat2-lat1) then type = 'xt' else type = 'yt' ENDIF ELSE type = 'unkownpltt' END 'plt1d':BEGIN if keyword_set(endpoints) then BEGIN lon1 = min([endpoints[0], endpoints[2]], max = lon2) lat1 = min([endpoints[1], endpoints[3]], max = lat2) if (lon2-lon1) gt (lat2-lat1) then type = 'x' else type = 'y' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN type = '' WHILE type NE 'x' AND type NE 'y' AND type NE 'z' AND type NE 't' DO BEGIN type = xquestion('What kind of plot do you want to do? x,y,z ou t ?' $ , /chkwidget) type = strlowcase(type) endwhile ENDELSE END endcase ENDIF WHILE type NE 'xy' AND type NE 'xz' AND type NE 'yz' $ AND type NE 'xt' AND type NE 'yt' AND type NE 'zt' $ AND type NE 't' AND type NE 'x' AND type NE 'y' $ AND type NE 'z' AND type NE 'unkownpltt' DO BEGIN type = xquestion('What kind of plot do you want to do? xy,xz,yz,xt,yt,zt,t,x,y,z ? ' $ , /chkwidget) type = strlowcase(type) ENDWHILE ; return end