;+ ; @file_comments ; Count number of occurrences of a substring in a string. ; ; @categories ; Text, String ; ; @param STRN {in}{required}{type=string} ; The string in which to count occurrences. ; ; @param SUBSTRN {in}{required}{type=string} ; The substring to count occurrences of. ; ; @param STARTPOS {in}{required} ; The position at which to begin the search. ; If not supplied, start at beginning of string. ; ; @keyword HELP ; Print useful message and return. ; ; @returns ; Number of occurrences of substring in string. ; ; @restrictions ; Overlapping occurrences are not counted separately. For ; example, counting occurrences of 'bb' in 'blah bbb' returns one ; occurrence. ; ; @history ; $Log: strcnt.pro,v $ ; Revision 1.3 1996/06/14 20:00:27 mcraig ; Updated Copyright info. ; ; Revision 1.2 1996/05/09 00:22:17 mcraig ; Added fast processing using BYTE arrays if we are counting occurrences ; of a single character. Added error handling. ; ; Revision 1.1 1996/01/31 18:47:37 mcraig ; Initial revision ; ; Copyright (C) 1996 The Regents of the University of California, All ; Rights Reserved. Written by Matthew W. Craig. ; See the file COPYRIGHT for restrictions on distributing this code. ; This code comes with absolutely NO warranty; see DISCLAIMER for details. ; ; @version ; $Id$ ;- FUNCTION strcnt, strn, substrn, startpos, $ HELP=Help ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; ; Return to caller if error. On_error, 2 ; Help user, if needed. IF (n_params() LT 2) OR keyword_set(Help) THEN BEGIN offset = ' ' print, offset+'Count number of occurrences of a substring in a string.' print, offset+'num = strcnt(strn, substring, [pos])' print, offset+'Inputs:' print,offset+offset+'string -- The string in which to count occurrences. in' print,offset+offset+'substring -- The substring to count occurrences of. in' print,offset+offset+'pos -- the position at which to begin the search. [in]' print,offset+offset+' If not supplied, start at beginning of' print,offset+offset+' string.' print, offset+'Keywords:' print,offset+offset+'/HELP -- Print useful message and return.' print, offset+'Outputs:' print,offset+offset+'num -- Number of occurrences of substring in string. out' return, -1 ENDIF IF n_params() EQ 2 THEN startpos = 0 ; return if we weren't really given a substring to search for. . . IF strlen(substrn) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN print, "Error: Can't count occurrences of null string." return, -1 ENDIF ; . . .or if we were told to start at the end of the string. tmpstrn = strmid(strn, startpos, strlen(strn)) IF strlen(tmpstrn) EQ 0 THEN return, 0 ; If looking for occurrences of single character, process using BYTE ; array. IF strlen(substrn) EQ 1 THEN BEGIN tmpstrn = byte(TmpStrn) count = n_elements(where(TmpStrn EQ (byte(substrn))[0])) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN count = 0L pos = rstrpos(tmpstrn, substrn) WHILE pos GE 0 DO BEGIN count = count + 1 pos = rstrpos(tmpstrn, substrn, pos) ENDWHILE ENDELSE return, count END