;+ ; ; @categories ; For OPA ; ; @param UNIT ; ; @param PARAMS ; ; @param NUM ; ; @restrictions ; bug for etab and etan written on the same record??? ; ; @history ; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; June 2002 ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- FUNCTION read2fromopa, unit, params, num ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; offset=params.reclen*params.jpk*(num-1L) a=assoc(unit,dblarr(params.jpiglo,params.jpjglo,/nozero),offset) return, a[0] end ; ;+ ; @categories ; For OPA ; ; @param UNIT ; ; @param PARAMS ; ; @param NUM ; ; @history ; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; June 2002 ;- FUNCTION read3fromopa, unit, params, num ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; offset=params.reclen*params.jpk*(num-1L) a=assoc(unit,dblarr(params.jpiglo,params.jpjglo,params.jpk,/nozero),offset) return, a[0] end ;+ ; @file_comments ; read the old restart files of OPA (before NetCDF) ; based on the OPA subroutine dtrlec included at the end of the file. ; ; @categories ; For OPA ; ; @param FILENAME {in}{required} ; with the whole path if necessary ; ; @param JPIGLO {in}{required} ; ; @param JPJGLO {in}{required} ; ; @param JPK {in}{required} ; dimensions of the opa grid ; ; @keyword IBLOC {default=4096L} ; Ibloc size ; ; @keyword JPBYT {default=8L} ; Jpbyt size ; ; @keyword NUMREC {default=19L*jpk} ; Number of records in the file ; ; @keyword UB ; ; @keyword VB ; ; @keyword TB ; ; @keyword SB ; ; @keyword ROTB ; ; @keyword HDIVB ; ; @keyword UN ; ; @keyword VN ; ; @keyword TN ; ; @keyword SN ; ; @keyword ROTN ; ; @keyword HDIVN ; ; @keyword GCX ; ; @keyword GCXB ; ; @keyword ETAB ; ; @keyword ETAN ; ; @keyword BSFB ; ; @keyword BSFN ; ; @keyword BSFD ; ; @keyword EN ; the variable we want to read. ; ; @returns ; According to the given keywords. ; ; @restrictions ; Bug for etab and etan written on the same record??? ; ; @history ; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; June 2002 ; ; @version ; $Id$ ;- PRO readoldoparestart, filename, jpiglo, jpjglo, jpk, IBLOC=ibloc, JPBYT=jpbyt, NUMREC=numrec, UB=ub, VB=vb, TB=tb, SB=sb, ROTB=rotb, HDIVB=hdivb, UN=un, VN=vn, TN=tn, SN=sn, ROTN=rotn, HDIVN=hdivn, GCX=gcx, GCXB=gcxb, ETAB=etab, ETAN=etan, BSFB=bsfb, BSFN=bsfn, BSFD=bsfd, EN=en ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; iname_file = findfile(filename) if iname_file[0] EQ '' then begin ras = report('Bad file name') return ENDIF ELSE iname_file = iname_file[0] ; open the file openr,numrst , iname_file, /get_lun, /swap_if_little_endian ; check the size of the file fileparameters = fstat(numrst) ; parameter definition IF keyword_set(ibloc) THEN ibloc = long(ibloc) ELSE ibloc = 4096L jpiglo = long(jpiglo) jpjglo = long(jpjglo) jpk = long(jpk) IF keyword_set(jpbyt) THEN jpbyt = long(jpbyt) ELSE jpbyt = 8L ; record length computation reclen = ibloc*((jpiglo*jpjglo*jpbyt-1 )/ibloc+1) IF keyword_set(numrec) THEN numrec = long(numrec) ELSE numrec = 19L*jpk toomuch = reclen-jpiglo*jpjglo*jpbyt ; expected size computation size = numrec*reclen-toomuch if size NE fileparameters.size then begin ras = report(['The size of the file is not the expected one!', $ 'Check your file or the values of ibloc, jpiglo,', $ 'jpjglo, jpk, jpbyt, numrec in this program']) return endif ; first record: six 64-bit integer to read. ; default definition ino1 = long64(9999) it1 = long64(9999) isor1 = long64(9999) ipcg1 = long64(9999) itke1 = long64(9999) idast1 = long64(9999) ; read readu, numrst, ino1, it1, isor1, ipcg1, itke1, idast1 print, ino1, it1, isor1, ipcg1, itke1, idast1 ; other records params = {jpiglo:jpiglo, jpjglo:jpjglo, jpk:jpk, reclen:reclen} ; CALL read3(numrst,ub ,2 ) IF arg_present(ub) THEN ub = read3fromopa(numrst, params, 2) ; CALL read3(numrst,vb ,3 ) IF arg_present(vb) THEN vb = read3fromopa(numrst, params, 3) ; CALL read3(numrst,tb ,5 ) IF arg_present(tb) THEN tb = read3fromopa(numrst, params, 5) ; CALL read3(numrst,sb ,6 ) IF arg_present(sb) THEN sb = read3fromopa(numrst, params, 6) ; CALL read3(numrst,rotb ,7 ) IF arg_present(rotb) THEN rotb = read3fromopa(numrst, params, 7) ; CALL read3(numrst,hdivb,8 ) IF arg_present(hdivb) THEN hdivb = read3fromopa(numrst, params, 8) ; CALL read3(numrst,un ,9 ) IF arg_present(un) THEN un = read3fromopa(numrst, params, 9) ; CALL read3(numrst,vn ,10) IF arg_present(vn) THEN vn = read3fromopa(numrst, params, 10) ; CALL read3(numrst,tn ,12) IF arg_present(tn) THEN tn = read3fromopa(numrst, params, 12) ; CALL read3(numrst,sn ,13) IF arg_present(sn) THEN sn = read3fromopa(numrst, params, 13) ; CALL read3(numrst,rotn ,14) IF arg_present(rotn) THEN rotn = read3fromopa(numrst, params, 14) ; CALL read3(numrst,hdivn,15) IF arg_present(hdivn) THEN hdivn = read3fromopa(numrst, params, 15) ;C ;C ... Read elliptic solver arrays ;C ; CALL read2(numrst,gcx ,jpk,17) IF arg_present(gcx) THEN gcx = read2fromopa(numrst, params, 17) ; CALL read2(numrst,gcxb,jpk,18) IF arg_present(gcxb) THEN gcxb = read2fromopa(numrst, params, 18) ;C ;#ifdef key_freesurf_cstvol ;C ;C ... free surface formulation (eta) ;C ; CALL read2(numrst,etab ,jpk,4 ) IF arg_present(etab) THEN etab = read2fromopa(numrst, params, 4) ; CALL read2(numrst,etan ,jpk,4 ) IF arg_present(etan) THEN etan = read2fromopa(numrst, params, 4) ;# else ;C ;C ... Rigid-lid formulation (bsf) ;C ; CALL read2(numrst,bsfb ,jpk,4 ) IF arg_present(bsfb) THEN bsfb = read2fromopa(numrst, params, 4) ; CALL read2(numrst,bsfn ,jpk,11) IF arg_present(bsfn) THEN bsfn = read2fromopa(numrst, params, 11) ; CALL read2(numrst,bsfd ,jpk,16) IF arg_present(bsfd) THEN bsfd = read2fromopa(numrst, params, 16) ;#endif ;#ifdef key_zdftke ; CALL read3(numrst,en,19) IF arg_present(en) THEN en = read3fromopa(numrst, params, 19) close, numrst free_lun, numrst return end ;CDIR$ LIST ; SUBROUTINE dtrlec ;CCC--------------------------------------------------------------------- ;CCC ;CCC ROUTINE dtrlec ;CCC ****************** ;CCC ;CCC Purpose : ;CCC -------- ;CCC Read files for restart ;CCC ;CC Method : ;CC ------- ;CC Read the previous fields on the file numrst ;CC the first record indicates previous characteristics ;CC after control with the present run, we read : ;CC - prognostic variables on the second record ;CC - elliptic solver arrays ;CC - barotropic stream function arrays (default option) ;CC or free surface arrays ("key_freesurf_cstvol" defined) ;CC - tke arrays ("key_zdftke" defined) ;CC for this last three records, the previous characteristics ;CC could be different with those used in the present run. ;CC ;CC Input : ;CC ------ ;CC common ;CC /comrst/ : restart parameter ;CC /comctl/ : parameters for the control ;CC ;CC Output : ;CC ------- ;CC common ;CC /combef/ : previous fields (before) ;CC /comnow/ : present fields (now) ;CC /combsf/ : barotropic stream function ;CC /comspg/ : surface pressure ;CC /comsol/ : diagonal preconditioned conjugate ;CC ;CC Modifications : ;CC -------------- ;CC original : 91-03 () ;CC additions : 92-01 (M. Imbard) ;CC : 92-06 correction restart file (M. Imbard) ;CC : 98-02 (M. Guyon) FETI method ;CC addition : 98-05 (G. Roullet) free surface ;CC---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;CC parameters and commons ;CC ====================== ;CDIR$ NOLIST ;#include "parameter.h" ;#include "common.h" ;CDIR$ LIST ;CC---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;CC local declarations ;CC ================== ; INTEGER ji, jj, jk, jl ; INTEGER ino0, it0, ipcg0, isor0, itke0 ; INTEGER ino1, it1, isor1, ipcg1, itke1, idast1 ;CC---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;CC statement functions ;CC =================== ;CDIR$ NOLIST ;#include "stafun.h" ;CDIR$ LIST ;CCC--------------------------------------------------------------------- ;CCC OPA8, LODYC (1997) ;CCC--------------------------------------------------------------------- ;C ;C ;C 0. Initialisations ;C ------------------ ;C ; ino0 = no ; it0 = nit000 ; ipcg0 = 0 ; isor0 = 0 ; itke0 = 0 ; isor0 = nsolv-1 ; ipcg0 = 2-nsolv ;#ifdef key_zdftke ; itke0 = 1 ;#endif ;C FETI method ; IF (nsolv .EQ. 3) THEN ; isor0=2 ; ipcg0=2 ; ENDIF ;C ; IF(lwp) THEN ; WRITE(numout,*) ' ' ; WRITE(numout,*) ' *** dtrlec: beginning of restart' ; WRITE(numout,*) ' ' ; WRITE(numout,*) ' the present run :' ; WRITE(numout,*) ' job number : ', no ; WRITE(numout,*) ' with nit000 : ', nit000 ; WRITE(numout,*) ' with pcg option ipcg0 : ', ipcg0 ; WRITE(numout,*) ' with sor option isor0 : ', isor0 ; WRITE(numout,*) ' with FETI solver option ipcg0 & isor0 : ', ; $ ipcg0,' & ',isor0 ; WRITE(numout,*) ' with tke option itke0 : ', itke0 ; ENDIF ;C ;C 1. Read numrst ;C -------------- ;C ;C ... First record ;C ; READ(numrst,REC=1) ino1, it1, isor1, ipcg1, itke1, idast1 ;C ; IF(lwp) THEN ; WRITE(numout,*) ' ' ; WRITE(numout,*) ' READ numrst with ' ; WRITE(numout,*) ' job number : ', ino1 ; WRITE(numout,*) ' with time step it : ', it1 ; WRITE(numout,*) ' with pcg option ipcg1 : ', ipcg1 ; WRITE(numout,*) ' with sor option isor1 : ', isor1 ; WRITE(numout,*) ' with tke option itke1 : ', itke1 ; WRITE(numout,*) ' with FETI solver option ipcg1 + isor1 : ', ; $ ipcg1 + isor1 ; WRITE(numout,*) ' ' ; ENDIF ;C ;C ... Control of date ;C ; IF ( (it0-it1).NE.1 .AND. abs(nrstdt).EQ.1 ) THEN ; IF(lwp) THEN ; WRITE(numout,*) ' ===>>>> : problem with nit000 for the', ; $ ' restart' ; WRITE(numout,*) ' ======= ', ; $ ' =======' ; WRITE(numout,*) ' we stop. verify the file' ; WRITE(numout,*) ' or rerun with the value 0 for the' ; WRITE(numout,*) ' control of time parameter nrstdt' ; WRITE(numout,*) ' ' ; ENDIF ; STOP 'dtrlec' ; ENDIF ; IF ( nrstdt.EQ.1 ) ndate0 = idast1 ;C ;C ... Read prognostic variables ;C ; CALL read3(numrst,ub ,2 ) ; CALL read3(numrst,vb ,3 ) ; CALL read3(numrst,tb ,5 ) ; CALL read3(numrst,sb ,6 ) ; CALL read3(numrst,rotb ,7 ) ; CALL read3(numrst,hdivb,8 ) ; CALL read3(numrst,un ,9 ) ; CALL read3(numrst,vn ,10) ; CALL read3(numrst,tn ,12) ; CALL read3(numrst,sn ,13) ; CALL read3(numrst,rotn ,14) ; CALL read3(numrst,hdivn,15) ;C ;C ... Read elliptic solver arrays ;C ; CALL read2(numrst,gcx ,jpk,17) ; CALL read2(numrst,gcxb,jpk,18) ;C ;#ifdef key_freesurf_cstvol ;C ;C ... free surface formulation (eta) ;C ; CALL read2(numrst,etab ,jpk,4 ) ; CALL read2(numrst,etan ,jpk,4 ) ;# else ;C ;C ... Rigid-lid formulation (bsf) ;C ; CALL read2(numrst,bsfb ,jpk,4 ) ; CALL read2(numrst,bsfn ,jpk,11) ; CALL read2(numrst,bsfd ,jpk,16) ;#endif ;C ;#ifdef key_zdftke ;C ;C ... Read tke arrays ;C ; IF(itke1.eq.1) THEN ; CALL read3(numrst,en,19) ; ELSE ; IF(lwp) THEN ; WRITE(numout,*) ' ===>>>> : the previous restart file', ; $ ' did''nt used tke scheme' ; WRITE(numout,*) ' ======= =======' ; ENDIF ; nrstdt=2 ; ENDIF ;#endif ;C ;C ; RETURN ; END