;+ ; Name: ; binary ; Purpose: ; Returns the binary representation of a number of any numerical type. ; Argument: ; number scalar or array of numbers (any numerical type) ; Returns: ; Byte array with binary representation of numbers. ; Examples: ; Binary representation of 11b: ; IDL> print, binary(11b) ; 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 ; Binary representation of pi (x86: Little-endian IEEE representation): ; IDL> print, format='(z9.8,5x,4(1x,8i1))', long(!pi,0), binary(!pi) ; 40490fdb 01000000 01001001 00001111 11011011 (x86 Linux) ; 0fdb4149 00001111 11011011 01000001 01001001 (Alpha OpenVMS) ; IDL> print, format='(8(1x,8i0))', binary(!dpi) ; 01000000 00001001 00100001 11111011 01010100 01000100 00101101 00011000 ; Some first tests before type double was added: ; print, format='(2a6,4x,2z9.8,4x,8z3.2)', $ ; !version.arch, !version.os, long(!dpi,0,2), byte(!dpi,0,8) ; x86 linux 54442d18 400921fb 18 2d 44 54 fb 21 09 40 ; sparc sunos 400921fb 54442d18 40 09 21 fb 54 44 2d 18 ; alpha vms 0fda4149 68c0a221 49 41 da 0f 21 a2 c0 68 ; (Beginning with IDL 5.1, Alpha VMS uses IEEE representation as well.) ; Modification history: ; 19 Dec 1997 Originally a news posting by David Fanning. ; (Re: bits from bytes) ; 20 Dec 1997 "Complete" rewrite: eliminate loops. ; 22 Dec 1997 Bit shift instead of exponentiation, return byte ; array, handle input arrays. ; Think about double and complex types. ; 22 Sep 1998 Complete rewrite: reduce every numerical type to ; single bytes. Check that big and little endian machines ; return exactly the same results (if IEEE). ; 7 May 2003 Added newish data types, unsigned and long64. BT ;- function binary, number s = size(number) type = s[s[0] + 1] n_no = s[s[0] + 2] ; Numerical types: (will have to be completed if IDL adds double-long, ...) ; 1: byte (1-byte unsigned integer) ; 2: integer (2-byte signed integer) ; 3: long (4-byte signed integer) ; 4: floating-point (4-byte, single precision) ; 5: double-precision (8-byte, double precision) ; 6: complex (2x4-byte, single precision) ; 9: double-complex (2x8-byte, double precision) ; 12: uInt (2-byte, unsigned integer) ; 13: uLong (4-byte, unsigned integer) ; 14: Long64 (8-byte, signed integer) ; 15: uLong64 (8-byte, unsigned integer) ; Non-numerical types: ; 0: undefined, 7: string, 8: structure, 10: pointer, 11: object reference ; nbyt = [0, 1, 2, 4, 4, 8, 8, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0] ; number of bytes per type ; code = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15] nbyt = [0, 1, 2, 4, 4, 8, 8, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 4, 8, 8] ntyp = nbyt[type] if ntyp eq 0 then message, 'Invalid argument (must be numerical type).' bits = [128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1] ; = ishft(1b, 7-indgen(8)) ; For correct array handling and byte comparison, 'number' and 'bits' require ; same dimensions -> numvalue and bitvalue bitvalue = ((bits)[*, intarr(ntyp)])[*, *, intarr(n_no)] little_endian = (byte(1, 0, 1))[0] ; In case of complex type and little endian machine, swap the two float values ; before the complete second dimension is reversed at returning. if (type eq 6 or type eq 9) and little_endian then $ ; type complex numvalue = reform((byte([number], 0, 1, ntyp/2, 2, n_no))$ [intarr(8), *, [1,0], *], 8, ntyp, n_no) $ else numvalue = (byte([number], 0, 1, ntyp, n_no))[intarr(8), *, *] ; On little endian machines, the second dimension of the return value must ; be reversed. if little_endian AND type NE 1 then $ return, reverse((numvalue and bitvalue) ne 0, 2) else $ return, (numvalue and bitvalue) ne 0 end