FUNCTION ncdf_struct,filename,nodata=nodata,noattributes=noattributes ; ; Read entire netcdf file into a structure. ; ; (Structure contains metadata; actual array contents are on heap, with ; pointers contained in the structure. Heap variables not created if ; "nodata" specified.) ; ; Use ncdf_struct_free to free heap memory. ; ; (Some data is duplicated for ease of access, in particular if there is ; a variable name matching a dimension name, then a pointer to the variable ; contents is accessible via the substructures corresponding to the dimension ; and every other variable that uses it.) ; ; Alan Iwi 27/6/02 ; id=ncdf_open(filename) g=ncdf_inquire(id) ndim=g.ndims nvar=g.nvars natt=g.ngatts if ndim gt 0 then begin dnames=strarr(ndim) dsizes=lonarr(ndim) for idim=0,ndim-1 do begin ncdf_diminq,id,idim,dname,dsize dnames[idim]=dname dsizes[idim]=dsize endfor endif if natt gt 0 and not keyword_set(noattributes) then begin anames=strarr(natt) for iatt=0,natt-1 do begin aname=ncdf_attname(id,/global,iatt) ainq=ncdf_attinq(id,/global,aname) ncdf_attget,id,/global,aname,aval if (ainq.datatype eq 'CHAR') then aval=string(aval) if iatt eq 0 then begin atts=create_struct(aname,aval) endif else begin atts=create_struct(atts,aname,aval) endelse anames[iatt]=aname endfor g=create_struct(g,'gatts',atts,'gattnames',anames) endif if nvar gt 0 then begin vnames=strarr(nvar) for ivar=0,nvar-1 do begin v=ncdf_varinq(id,ivar) vndim=v.ndims vnatt=v.natts if vnatt gt 0 and not keyword_set(noattributes) then begin vanames=strarr(vnatt) for iatt=0,vnatt-1 do begin aname=ncdf_attname(id,ivar,iatt) ainq=ncdf_attinq(id,ivar,aname) ncdf_attget,id,ivar,aname,aval if (ainq.datatype eq 'CHAR') then aval=string(aval) if iatt eq 0 then begin atts=create_struct(aname,aval) endif else begin atts=create_struct(atts,aname,aval) endelse vanames[iatt]=aname endfor v=create_struct(v,'atts',atts,'attnames',anames) endif vdnames=dnames[v.dim] vdsizes=dsizes[v.dim] v=create_struct(v,'dimnames',vdnames,'dimsizes',vdsizes) if not keyword_set(nodata) then begin ncdf_varget,id,ivar,vdata v=create_struct(v,'data',ptr_new(vdata), $ 'dimdata',replicate(ptr_new(),vndim)) endif if ivar eq 0 then begin vars=create_struct(vname,v) endif else begin vars=create_struct(vars,vname,v) endelse vnames[ivar]=vname endfor endif if ndim gt 0 then begin for idim=0,ndim-1 do begin dname=dnames[idim] d={name:dname,size:dsizes[idim]} if not keyword_set(nodata) and nvar gt 0 then begin matchvar=-1 for ivar=0,nvar-1 do begin if vnames[ivar] eq dname then matchvar=ivar endfor if matchvar ne -1 then $ d=create_struct(d,'data',vars.(matchvar).data) endif if idim eq 0 then begin dims=create_struct(dname,d) endif else begin dims=create_struct(dims,dname,d) endelse endfor g=create_struct(g,'dims',dims,'dimnames',dnames,'dimsizes',dsizes) endif if nvar gt 0 then begin if not keyword_set(nodata) then begin for ivar=0,nvar-1 do begin for idim=0,vars.(ivar).ndims-1 do begin vars.(ivar).dimdata[idim]=dims.(vars.(ivar).dim[idim]).data endfor endfor endif g=create_struct(g,'vars',vars,'varnames',vnames) endif ncdf_close,id return,g end