; ; definition of the domain on ORCA2 but with i/j index instead of ; longitude/latitude ; ; deferent possibilities are proposed ; ; ; 1) definition with a file ; file = 'Levitus98_1m_01_12_Temperature_Pot_ORCA2.nc' initncdf, file, xminmesh = 1, xmaxmesh = -1 $ , yminmesh = 0, ymaxmesh = -1, /xyindex, stride = [2, 2, 1] $ , iodirectory = [iodir, homedir, !path], /recursive ; ; 2) definition with the meshmask ; ; file = 'micromeshmaskORCA2.nc' ; initncdf, file, xaxisname = 'glamt', yaxisname = 'gphit' $ ; , /xyindex, zaxisname = 'gdept', stride = [2, 2, 1] $ ; , yminmesh = 0, ymaxmesh = -1, xminmesh = 1, xmaxmesh = -1 $ ; , iodirectory = [iodir, homedir, !path], /recursive ; ; 3) by calling directly computegrid ; ; if we don't know jpiglo and jpjglo, we call ncdf_meshread with /getdimensions ; ncdf_meshread, 'micromeshmaskORCA2.nc', /getdimensions $ ; , iodirectory = [iodir, homedir, !path], /recursive ;--------------------------------------------------------- ; define the grid parameters ;--------------------------------------------------------- ; computegrid, 0, 0, 1, 1, jpiglo, jpjglo, xminmesh = 1, xmaxmesh = -1 $ ; , yminmesh = 0, ymaxmesh = -1, onearth = 0, stride = [2, 2, 1] $ ; , iodirectory = [iodir, homedir, !path], /recursive