;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;+ ; NAME:find ; ; PURPOSE: based on file_search, but it is possible to speficy ; a set of possibles names and a different set of ; possibles directories names. ; By defaut look for files included in !path ; ; CATEGORY:find a file ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: found = find(filename) ; ; INPUTS: A scalar or array variable of string type, containing ; file names to match. Input names specifications may contain ; wildcard characters, enabling them to match multiple files ; (see file_search for more informations). By defaut and if ; necessary, find is looking for filename and also for filename ; completed with '.pro' ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; ; IODIRECTORY: A scalar or array variable of string type, containing ; directories names where we are looking for the file. by defaut ; we use !path. Different directories can be separated by ; path_sep(/search_path) (':' on unix type machine) as it is done ; to define !path. ; Note that if filename's dirname is different from '.', this ; keyword is not taken into account. ; ; FIRSTFOUND: activate this keyword to stop looking for the file as ; soon as we found one. ; ; RECURSIVE: performs recursive searching of directory hierarchies. ; In a recursive search, find looks recursively for any and all ; subdirectories in the file hierarchy rooted at the IODIRECTORY ; argument. ; ; REPERTOIRE: obsolete. keep for compatibility, use directory keyword ; ; NOPRO: activate to avoid the automatic search of filename ; completed with '.pro' ; ; UNIQUE: activate to make sure that each element of the output ; vector is unique. ; ; all file_search keywords ; ; OUTPUTS: A scalar or array variable of string type, containing the ; name (with the full path of the matching files. If no files ; exist with names matching the input arguments, find returns ; the scalar string : 'NOT FOUND' ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: none ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; IDL> print, find('*loadct') ; /usr/local/rsi/idl_6.0/lib/utilities/xloadct.pro ; /usr/local/rsi/idl_6.0/lib/loadct.pro ; IDL> print, find('*loadct', iodir=!dir,/recursive) ; /usr/local/rsi/idl_6.0/lib/loadct.pro ; /usr/local/rsi/idl_6.0/lib/utilities/xloadct.pro ; IDL> print, find('*loadct.pro') ; /usr/local/rsi/idl_6.0/lib/utilities/xloadct.pro ; /usr/local/rsi/idl_6.0/lib/loadct.pro ; IDL> print, find('*loadct',/nopro) ; NOT FOUND ; IDL> print, find('*loadct', iodir = '/usr/local/rsi/idl_6.0/lib') ; /usr/local/rsi/idl_6.0/lib/loadct.pro ; IDL> print, find('*loadct', iodir = '/usr/local/rsi/idl_6.0/lib', /test_write) ; NOT FOUND ; IDL> print, find('*loadct', iodir = '/usr/local/rsi/idl_6.0/lib', /recursive) ; /usr/local/rsi/idl_6.0/lib/loadct.pro ; /usr/local/rsi/idl_6.0/lib/utilities/xloadct.pro ; IDL> print, find('mesh*', iodirectory = [iodir, !path]) ; /Users/sebastie/DATA/ORCA2/meshmaskORCA2closea.nc ; /Users/sebastie/IDL/meshmaskclosesea.pro ; /Users/sebastie/IDL/meshmaskclosesea.pro~ ; /Users/sebastie/SAXO_RD/Obsolete/meshlec.pro ; /usr/local/rsi/idl_6.0/lib/mesh_obj.pro ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: Sebastien Masson (smasson@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; 28/4/1999 ; 6/7/1999: compatibilite mac et windows ; June 2005: Sebastien Masson: cleaning, use for file_* functions ;- ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; print, ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTION find, filein, IODIRECTORY = iodirectory, RECURSIVE = recursive $ , REPERTOIRE = repertoire, NOPRO = nopro, UNIQUE = unique $ , FIRSTFOUND = firstfound, _extra = ex ; ; define where we look for the file CASE 1 OF keyword_set(iodirectory): dirnames = iodirectory keyword_set(repertoire): dirnames = repertoire ELSE: dirnames = !path ENDCASE tmp = dirnames dirnames = 'dummy' FOR i = 0, n_elements(tmp)-1 DO $ dirnames = [dirnames, strsplit(tmp[i], path_sep(/search_path), /extract)] dirnames = dirnames[1:*] ; fileout = 'dummy' FOR i = 0, n_elements(filein)-1 DO BEGIN dir = file_dirname(filein[i]) base = file_basename(filein[i]) ; try to complete the file name with .pro if strmid(base, 0, 1, /reverse_offset) NE '*' $ AND NOT keyword_set(nopro)THEN base = base + '{.pro,}' ; use dirnames only if dir eq '.' IF dir EQ '.' THEN BEGIN if keyword_set(recursive) THEN $ found = file_search(dirnames, base, _extra = ex) $ ELSE found = file_search(dirnames + '/' + base, _extra = ex) ENDIF ELSE found = file_search(dir + '/' + base, _extra = ex) IF found[0] NE '' THEN BEGIN IF keyword_set(firstfound) THEN BEGIN IF keyword_set(unique) THEN return, found[uniq(found, sort(found))] $ ELSE return, found ENDIF fileout = [fileout, found] ENDIF ENDFOR IF n_elements(fileout) EQ 1 THEN fileout = 'NOT FOUND' $ ELSE fileout = fileout[1:*] ; IF n_elements(fileout) GT 1 THEN BEGIN IF keyword_set(unique) THEN fileout = fileout[uniq(fileout, sort(fileout))] ENDIF ELSE fileout = fileout[0] ; RETURN, fileout END