;+ ; ; @file_comments ; Draw horizontal graph (map) with CONTOUR procedure ; ; @categories ; Graphics ; ; @param TAB1 {in}{required} ; The field whose we want to make the horizontal map can be: ; 1) an array. if needed, its mean along the z and t direction ; will be automatically performed. ; 2) a structure respecting all criterions specified by ; litchamp ; ; @param PARAM2 {in}{optional}{default=min of tab1 (on ocean points)} ; Min value we want to consider in the contour's drawing. ; Note: Could also be the type of plot that can be only 'xy' for plt ; ; @param PARAM3 {in}{optional}{default=max of tab1 (on ocean points)} ; Max value we want to consider in the contour's drawing. ; Note: if param2 is defined as 'xy' then param3 is used to define the min (see param2) ; ; @param PARAM4 {in}{optional}{default='xy'} ; Type of plot (can be only 'xy' for plt). ; Note: if param2 is defined as 'xy' then param4 is used to define the max (see param3) ; ; @keyword BOXZOOM {type=vector} ; Vector indicating the geographic zone on which we want to cut the map. ; If BOXZOOM has : ; 1 element : The extraction is made on [lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2, 0.,boxzoom[0]] ; 2 elements: The extraction is made on [lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2, boxzoom[0],boxzoom[1]] ; 4 elements: The extraction is made on [Boxzoom, 0, max([gdept, gdepw])] ; 5 elements: The extraction is made on [Boxzoom[0:3], 0, Boxzoom[4]] ; 6 elements: The extraction is made on Boxzoom ; ; Where lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2 are global variables defined at the last ; domdef ! ; ; @keyword REALCONT ; Allow to draw continents defined in IDL. REALCONT can have 2 forms: ; /REALCONT: we draw continents in place of the mask ; REALCONT=2 we draw continent's contour over the mask (this allows ; to see if the mask correspond at real continents). ; ; @keyword CONTINTERVALLE ; When CONTOUR is activated, it is the value between 2 isolines ; traced by a trait. So it can be different from the one specified by INTERVALLE which, ; in this case, does not control colored isolines in color anymore. If there is noone ; specified min, we choose a contour min which goes well with the specified interval! ; If this keyword is not specified, we trace 20 isolines from the min to the max. ; ; @keyword CONTLABEL {type=integer} ; It is an integer n. When CONTOUR is activated, if n ; is different of 0, choose the label type corresponding to n cases for ; the traced by a traitisolines. To specify the type of label of the ; colored contour, use LABEL ; ; @keyword CONTMAX {default=The max of the array passed in the keyword CONTOUR (on ocean points)} ; When CONTOUR is activated, max value we want to consider in the isoline ; traced by a trait's line ; ; @keyword CONTMIN {default=The min of the array passed in the keyword CONTOUR (on ocean points)} ; When CONTOUR is activated, min value we want to consider in the isoline ; traced by a trait's line. ; ; @keyword CONTNLEVEL {default=20} ; When CONTOUR is activated, it is the number of contours ; traced by a trait for drawing (active if ; CONTLABEL=0) ; ; @keyword CONTOUR ; If we want to trace contours of a different field than the one ; whose we have the colored drawing (by example E-P in color and QSR in contours). ; It must be a field respecting same characteristics than the argument number one of plt. ; ; @keyword GRIDTYPE ; 'U','T','V','W' or 'F' ; to specify possibly the grid on which the field is joined. ; Comment: In this case, we should use a structure like field. ; ; @keyword INTERVALLE ; Value of an interval between to isoline. If there is none specified min, ; we choose a min contour which goes well with the specified interval! ; If this keyword is not specified, we trace 20 isolines from the min ; to the max. ; Comment: When CONTOUR is activated, INTERVALLE only specify the interval ; between 2 colored isolines. To specify the interval ; between 2 isolines traced by a trait, use CONTINTERVALLE. ; ; @keyword INV ; Invert the color vector used to color the graph ; (without use the black, the white and the used palette) ; ; @keyword LABEL {type=integer} ; It is an integer n. If n different of 0, it choose the label's type ; corresponding to cases n. cf label ; Comment: When CONTOUR is activated, it only specify the label's type for colored isolines. ; For these ones traced by a trait, use CONTLABEL. ; ; @keyword MAP {default=Cylindrical projection} ; We use it when we want to do a projection. ; This keyword can be of two types: ; MAP=[P0lat,P0lon,Rot]. For the description of these 3 values (see the online help of MAP_SET). ; /MAP: In this case, map is automatically calculated have the value: ; map = [0, (lon1+lon2)/2., 0] ; Comment: A good way to choose the type of the projection we want to do is to have a look at IDL demo: ; IDL> demo ; Then choose "Mapping" and "Global Mapping Demo" ; Comment2: By default it is a cylindrical projection which is done (with or without the keyword map). ; If we want an other projection, MAP must be activated and we have to add the keyword: /nom_projection. ; For example, for a polar projection centered on the south pole: ; IDL> domdef,-180,180,-90,-45 ; IDL> plt, tab, /stereo,map=[-90,0,0] ; ; @keyword LABMAP {default=labmap=1} ; Corresponds to LABEL keyword of MAP_SET. ; ; @keyword MAXIN ; to specify the max value we want to plot with a keyword instead of with the ; input parameter max. If max is defined by both, parameter and keyword, the ; keyword is retained. ; ; @keyword MININ ; to specify the min value we want to plot with a keyword instead of with the ; input parameter min. If min is defined by both, parameter and keyword, the ; keyword is retained. ; ; @keyword NLEVEL {default=20} ; Number of contour to draw. Active if LABEL=0 or is not specified. ; ; @keyword NOFILL ; To make just isolines with no filling ; ; @keyword NOTRI ; To force not to use the triangulation. Beware, in this case, the ; drawing only works if the grid is undeformed (It means that each point of a longitude ; give one latitude and each point of a latitude give one longitude) except if we use ; the keyword CELL_FILL=2. ; Comment: if the field contain points !values.f_nan, then we even do a triangulation. ; ; @keyword OVERPLOT ; To make a plot over an other one. ; Comment: Contrarily to the use of CONTOUR or VECTEUR, the use of this keyword ; does not the caption and/or the color bar. ; ; @keyword STRICTFILL ; Activate this keyword to that the filling of contours be ; precisely done between the min and the max specified. Values inferior/superior at the ; specified min/max are not filled. Note that max values a considered ; as missing values so cells containing one or more corners with ; values above max will have no contours drawn through them. ; ; @keyword STYLE {default=style=0} ; Contour's style to adopt to draw isolines. See style for more informations ; ; @keyword VECTEUR {type=struct} ; It is a structure composed by 2 elements containing the 2 fields U ; and V of values of the zonal and meridian components of the vector of the fields ; to draw. These fields can be an array or a structure. ; For example: vecteur={matriceu:lec('unsurface'),matricev:lec('vnsurface')} ; Comment: name of elements of vectors are inconsequential. ; vecteur={u:lec('unsurface'),v:lec('vnsurface')} is also appropriated. ; ; @keyword _EXTRA ; Used to pass keywords ; ; @keyword CONT_NOFILL ; Activate it not to fill the point mask to let them transparent! ; Comment: Nevertheless, we trace mask's contour. ; ; @keyword USETRI ; To force using triangulation. ; ; @keyword MASKFILL ; ; @keyword DUPLICATE ; ; @keyword DECIMATETRI ; ; @uses ; common ; ; @history ; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; 7/1999 ; Sebastien Masson 08/02/2000 checkfield and ; notri keyword (or triangule = -1) . ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ; @todo seb ; Changer param "tab1",keyword "REMPLI", "UNLABSUR", "UNSUR2", ; "UNVECTSUR"+ quelques trucs dans la routine. ;- PRO plt, tab1, param2, param3, param4, REALCONT=realcont, CONTOUR=contour $ , INTERVALLE=intervalle, INV=inv, GRIDTYPE=gridtype, BOXZOOM=boxzoom $ , CONTINTERVALLE=contintervalle, LABEL=label, CONTLABEL=contlabel $ , STYLE=style, CONTMAX=contmax, CONTMIN=contmin, NLEVEL=nlevel $ , CONTNLEVEL=contnlevel $ , VECTEUR=vecteur, MAP=map, MININ=minin, MAXIN=maxin $ , NOFILL=nofill, CONT_NOFILL=cont_nofill $ , USETRI=usetri, NOTRI=notri, MASKFILL=maskfill $ , DUPLICATE=duplicate, STRICTFILL=strictfill, OVERPLOT=overplot $ , DECIMATETRI=decimatetri, LABMAP=labmap, _EXTRA=ex ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; @cm_4mesh @cm_4data IF NOT keyword_set(key_forgetold) THEN BEGIN @updatenew @updatekwd ENDIF ;-------------------------------------------------------------- tempsun = systime(1) ; To key_performance ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; I) preparation of the graphic environment and small verifications. ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; I1) verification of the grid's type associated to tab1. ;-------------------------------------------------------------- if keyword_set(gridtype) then vargrid = gridtype if keyword_set(vecteur) AND (NOT keyword_set(gridtype)) then BEGIN vargrid = litchamp(tab1, /grid) if vargrid eq '' then BEGIN vargrid = xquestion('What is the grid associated to the data to contour?', 'T', /chkwidget) vargrid = strupcase(vargrid) endif ENDIF ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; I2) Reading of the field and checkup. ;-------------------------------------------------------------- if keyword_set(boxzoom) AND n_elements(contour) ne 4 then BEGIN savedbox = 1b saveboxparam, 'boxparam4plt.dat' END if n_elements(param2) NE 0 then type = param2 if n_elements(param3) NE 0 then min = param3 if n_elements(param4) NE 0 then max = param4 if n_elements(minin) NE 0 then min = minin if n_elements(maxin) NE 0 then max = maxin checktypeminmax, 'plt', TYPE = type, MIN = min, MAX = max, _extra = ex z2d = checkfield(tab1, 'plt', TYPE = type, BOXZOOM = boxzoom, DIREC = direc, VECTEUR = vecteur, _extra = ex) if n_elements(z2d) EQ 1 AND z2d[0] EQ -1 then BEGIN IF keyword_set(savedbox) THEN restoreboxparam, 'boxparam4plt.dat' return ENDIF IF n_elements(usetri) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN ; do we have holes in the triangulation? holeintri = n_elements(triangles_list)/3 LT (jpi-1+keyword_set(key_periodic))*(jpj-1)*2 ; -> the triangulation must be used to draw the field ; do we have a triangulation? wehavetri = triangles_list[0] NE -1 ; -> the triangulation must be used to draw the continents ; if we make a map, are we periodic and nx=jpi ? CASE strupcase(vargrid) OF 'T':nx = nxt 'W':nx = nxt 'U':nx = nxu 'V':nx = nxv 'F':nx = nxf ENDCASE mapperio = keyword_set(map)*keyword_set(key_periodic)*(nx eq jpi) usetri = (wehavetri*(wehavetri+holeintri+mapperio+keyword_set(key_irregular))) < 2 IF n_elements(notri) NE 0 THEN usetri = 0 > (2-notri) ENDIF ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; I3) reinitialization. !p.,!x.,!y. ; Comment: We do not reinitialize when we call bck plt in loop to use contour. ;-------------------------------------------------------------- if n_elements(contour) ne 4 AND NOT keyword_set(overplot) then reinitplt, /z, /invert ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; I4) attribution of the mask and of longitude and latitude arrays. ;--------------------------------------------------------------- IF strupcase(vargrid) EQ 'W' THEN profond = firstzw NE 0 $ ELSE profond = firstzt NE 0 ; do we need to extract now the triangulation that will be used for ; contouring the field? if keyword_set(profond) $ OR (usetri EQ 0 AND (vargrid EQ 'T' OR vargrid EQ 'W')) $ OR (usetri NE 2 AND (vargrid NE 'T' AND vargrid NE 'W')) THEN BEGIN grille, mask, glam, gphi, gdep, nx, ny, nz $ , firstx, firsty, firstz, lastx $ , lasty, lastz, /forplt, _extra = ex ENDIF ELSE BEGIN grille, mask, glam, gphi, gdep, nx, ny, nz $ , firstx, firsty, firstz, lastx, lasty $ , lastz, TRI = trifield, /forplt, _extra = ex ENDELSE ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; I5 determination of the mi:min and of the ma:max of z2d in the same way ; as max: max and min: min for the drawing. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- masknan = finite(z2d) nan = total(masknan) NE n_elements(z2d) ; Do we need to do an autoscale ??? autoscale = testvar(var = min) EQ testvar(var = max) AND NOT keyword_set(intervalle) determineminmax, z2d, mask, mi, ma, glam, gphi, MININ = min, MAXIN = max $ , nan = nan, INTERVALLE = intervalle, usetri = usetri, _extra = ex if n_elements(z2d) EQ 1 AND z2d[0] EQ -1 THEN GOTO, sortie ; We do an autoscale if needed. if autoscale then autoscale, min, max, intervalle ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; II) We put the drawing in its place on the window or the page ; and possible opening of the window or of the page. ;-------------------------------------------------------------- if n_elements(contour) NE 4 AND NOT keyword_set(overplot) THEN $ placedessin, 'plt', posfenetre, posbar $ , CONTOUR = contour, VECTEUR = vecteur, MAP = map, DIREC = direc, _extra = ex ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; III) Covering of the drawing (labels,style,axis) ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; III1) Choice of labels ;----------------------------------------------------------- if keyword_set(intervalle) AND NOT keyword_set(label) then label = 1 if keyword_set(label) eq 0 then cas = 0 else cas = label label, cas, min, max, ncontour, level_z2d, colnumb, NLEVEL = nlevel $ , INTERVALLE = intervalle, strictfill = strictfill ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; III2) Choice of style ;----------------------------------------------------------- if not keyword_set(style) then style = 0 style, style, level_z2d, linestyle, thick if keyword_set(inv) then colnumb = reverse(colnumb) ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; III3) Definition of axis ;---------------------------------------------------------- if NOT keyword_set(overplot) THEN axe, 'xy', _EXTRA = ex ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; IV) Drawing ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; extrapolation of field on lands and setup of min, max values ;-------------------------------------------------------------- IF keyword_set(nan) THEN BEGIN IF NOT keyword_set(nofill) THEN z2d[where(masknan EQ 0)] = max ENDIF ELSE masknan = 1 IF keyword_set(strictfill) THEN BEGIN tmp = z2d ge max IF total(tmp GE 1) THEN BEGIN tmp = 1b - byte(extrapolate(tmp, tmp, 1, x_periodic = keyword_set(key_periodic)*(nx EQ jpi) )) trifield = triangule(temporary(tmp)*mask, coinmonte = coinmontemask $ , coindescend = coindescendmask, keep_cont = 0) indicezoommask = (lindgen(jpi, jpj))[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty] ENDIF ENDIF ; filling the mask values ; we fill only masknan or we fill mask*masknan? IF keyword_set(nan) AND keyword_set(cont_nofill) THEN $ z2d = remplit(z2d, nite = 1+(vargrid NE 'T' AND vargrid NE 'W') $ , mask = masknan, _extra = ex) $ ELSE z2d = remplit(z2d, nite = (1 + (vargrid NE 'T' AND vargrid NE 'W') $ + keyword_set(nan)) $ *(1-keyword_set(cont_nofill)) $ *(1-(n_elements(maskfill) NE 0)) $ , mask = mask*masknan, _extra = ex) IF keyword_set(strictfill) EQ 0 AND n_elements(maskfill) EQ 0 then $ z2d = min > z2d < max if n_elements(maskfill) NE 0 then BEGIN z2d = temporary(z2d)*mask*masknan if maskfill NE 0 then z2d = temporary(z2d) + maskfill*(1-mask*masknan) ENDIF ;---------------------------------------------------------- ; check mask and triangulation according to the grid type and NaN ;---------------------------------------------------------- ; If we make a drawing at depth, we must redefine a triangulation ; on the zoom because the land/sea mask at depth may differ from ; the one at the surface. ; As this triangulation will be used to draw the land/sea mask with ; the good shape, we use tmask to compute it even if the data are not ; located on the T grid if (keyword_set(profond) OR keyword_set(cont_nofill)) $ AND ((usetri GE 1 AND (vargrid EQ 'T' OR vargrid EQ 'W')) $ OR (usetri EQ 2 AND (vargrid NE 'T' AND vargrid NE 'W'))) then BEGIN trifield = triangule(tmask[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty, firstz] $ , coinmonte = coinmontemask $ , coindescend = coindescendmask $ , keep_cont = cont_nofill, _extra = ex) indicezoommask = (lindgen(jpi, jpj))[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty] ENDIF ; triangulation for nan mask if keyword_set(nan) then BEGIN trinan = triangule(masknan, /keep_cont, coinmonte = coinmontenan $ , coindescend = coindescendnan) indicezoomnan = (lindgen(jpi, jpj))[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty] ENDIF ; IF n_elements(twin_corners_up) EQ 0 THEN coinmontemask = -1 ELSE coinmontemask = twin_corners_up ; IF n_elements(twin_corners_dn) EQ 0 THEN coindescendmask = -1 ELSE coindescendmask = twin_corners_dn if vargrid EQ 'T' OR vargrid EQ 'W' then BEGIN glammsk = glam gphimsk = gphi ENDIF ELSE begin ; decoupe terre: To draw the coast in a clean way, we try to take additionally ; points to draw the land. Like that, we do not see gap between T and U/V/F grid. ; It is what decoupeterre do. We also redefine trimsk. maskorg = mask decoupeterre, mask, glammsk, gphimsk, type = 'xy'$ , TRI = trimsk, usetri = usetri, indicezoom = indicezoommask $ , coinmonte = coinmontemask, coindescend = coindescendmask $ , _EXTRA = ex ENDELSE ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; IV1) Choice of type of drawing. ;------------------------------------------------------------ typetrace = 'classique' if keyword_set(map) AND key_onearth then BEGIN ; Call of mapset when we want to do projections. IF n_elements(map) NE 3 THEN map = [0, ((lon1+lon2)/2.) MOD 360, 0] typetrace = 'projection' map_lat = map[0] map_lon = map[1] map_rot = map[2] if chkstru(ex, 'TITLE') then begin maptitre = ex.title ex.title = '' endif map_set, map_lat, map_lon, map_rot, _extra = ex, position = posfenetre, /iso $ , limit = [lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2], /noborder if n_elements(maptitre) ne 0 then ex.title = maptitre if n_elements(trifield) GE 2 then trifield = ciseauxtri(trifield, glam, gphi, _EXTRA = ex) if n_elements(trimsk) GE 2 then trimsk = ciseauxtri(trimsk, glammsk, gphimsk, _EXTRA = ex) if n_elements(trinan) GE 2 then BEGIN trinan = ciseauxtri(trinan, glam, gphi, _EXTRA = ex) if trinan[0] EQ -1 then undefine, trinan endif ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;To axes of coordinates be considerate. if !x.type EQ 0 AND n_elements(contour) LE 4 then $ plot, [0], [0], /nodata, xstyle = 5, ystyle = 5, title = '', subtitle = '', /noerase if keyword_set(key_periodic) then BEGIN ; In this case, triangulation is closed in x and cover all the sphere. ; We have to cut it at the level where we cut the sphere to make the drawing. if n_elements(trifield) GE 2 then trifield = ciseauxtri(trifield, glam, gphi, _EXTRA = ex) if n_elements(trimsk) GE 2 then trimsk = ciseauxtri(trimsk, glammsk, gphimsk, _EXTRA = ex) if n_elements(trinan) GE 2 then trinan = ciseauxtri(trinan, glam, gphi, _EXTRA = ex) ENDIF endelse ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; IV2) Contours and coloring ;------------------------------------------------------------ if keyword_set(duplicate) then BEGIN ; pour marina uniquement ATTENTION C'EST TRES MAL CODE lon = glam[*, 0] decalage = max(lon)-min(lon)+(lon-shift(lon, 1))[n_elements(lon)-1] !x.range[1] = !x.range[1]+(duplicate-1)*decalage for i = 1, duplicate-1 do BEGIN z2d = [z2d, z2d] gphi = [gphi, gphi] mask = [mask, mask] gphimsk = [gphimsk, gphimsk] glam = [glam, glam+i*decalage] glammsk = [glammsk, glammsk] ENDFOR endif ; save, glam, gphi, trifield, file = 'tri.dat' if keyword_set(decimatetri) then BEGIN tempsdeux = systime(1) ; To key_performance IF n_elements(trimsk) EQ 0 THEN trimsk = trifield Verts = transpose([[(temporary(glam))[*]], [(temporary(gphi))[*]] $ , [(temporary(z2d))[*]]]) Conn = [replicate(3, 1, n_elements(trifield)/3), trifield] Result = mesh_decimate(temporary(verts), (temporary(Conn))[*] $ , connout, vertices = Vertsout $ , percent_vertices = decimatetri) connout = reform(connout, 4, n_elements(connout)/4, /over) trifield = (temporary(connout))[1:3, *] glam = reform(Vertsout[0, *]) gphi = reform(Vertsout[1, *]) z2d = reform(Vertsout[2, *]) undefine, Vertsout print, 'temps decimatetri', systime(1)-tempsdeux ENDIF pltbase, z2d, glam, gphi $ , mask, glammsk, gphimsk, trichamp = trifield, trimsk = trimsk, /forplt $ , level_z2d, colnumb, contour = contour, usetri = usetri, realcont = realcont $ , overplot = keyword_set(overplot)+keyword_set(map) $ , c_linestyle = linestyle, c_labels = 1-(indgen(n_elements(level_z2d)) MOD 2) $ , c_thick = thick, nofill = nofill, cont_nofill = cont_nofill, nan = nan $ , coinmontemask = coinmontemask, coindescendmask = coindescendmask $ , coinmontenan = coinmontenan, coindescendnan = coindescendnan $ , indicezoommask = indicezoommask, indicezoomnan = indicezoomnan $ , maskorg = maskorg, masknan = masknan, trinan = trinan, _extra = ex ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; IV3) Recall of plt in loop when contour is activated. ;------------------------------------------------------------ if n_elements(contour) eq 4 then BEGIN ; c''est la 2eme fois que je passe ds pltt contour = {mietma:[mi, ma], unit:varunit, inter:intervalle} ; je renvoie le min, le max et l''unite return endif if keyword_set(contour) THEN BEGIN pourlegende = [1, 1, 1, 1] oldattributs = saveatt() oldcolnumb = colnumb plt, contour, contmin, contmax, CONTOUR = pourlegende, /NOERASE $ , USETRI = usetri, CONT_NOFILL = cont_nofill $ , INTERVALLE = contintervalle, LABEL = contlabel, STYLE = style $ , NLEVEL = contnlevel, DUPLICATE = duplicate, STRICTFILL = strictfill $ , MASKFILL = maskfill, _extra = ex restoreatt, oldattributs colnumb = oldcolnumb ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; V) Small functions ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; V1) Possible add of vectors in double exposure. ;------------------------------------------------------------ if keyword_set(vecteur) then BEGIN oldattributs = saveatt() ajoutvect, vecteur, vectlegende, CONT_NOFILL=cont_nofill, _extra = ex restoreatt, oldattributs ENDIF ; if keyword_set(overplot) then GOTO, fini ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; V2) Trace the line of change of date, the equator and the Greenwich meridian, ... ;------------------------------------------------------------ if NOT keyword_set(map) AND key_onearth then meridienparallele, 'xy' ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; V3) To trace IDL's continents ;------------------------------------------------------------ if keyword_set(realcont) then BEGIN ; si noerase est passe de _extra, on s''assure qu''il est a 1 if chkstru(ex, 'NOERASE') then begin oldnoerase = ex.noerase ex.noerase = 1 ENDIF if chkstru(ex, 'coast_thick') then mlinethick = ex.coast_thick ELSE mlinethick = 1 if chkstru(ex, 'coast_color') then mcolor = ex.coast_color ELSE mcolor = 0 IF NOT keyword_set(map) THEN $ map_set, 0, ((lon1+lon2)/2.) MOD 360, 0, position = posfenetre $ , limit = [lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2], /NOERASE, /noborder, color = 0 $ , _extra = ex if realcont NE 2 AND NOT keyword_set(cont_nofill) then BEGIN if chkstru(ex, 'cont_color') then cntcol = ex.coast_color $ ELSE cntcol = (!d.n_colors - 1) < 255 map_continents, /fill_continents, color = cntcol, _extra = ex, /noerase ENDIF map_continents, /continents, color = mcolor, MLINETHICK = mlinethick, /noerase, _extra = ex if chkstru(ex, 'NOERASE') THEN ex.noerase = oldnoerase ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; V4) caption + display of these. ;------------------------------------------------------------ legende, mi, ma, 'xy', CONTOUR = pourlegende, VECTLEGENDE = vectlegende, INTERVALLE = intervalle, DIREC = direc, _EXTRA = ex if n_elements(ex) NE 0 then BEGIN ; To keep frame's axes in black if (where(tag_names(ex) EQ 'COLOR'))[0] NE -1 then ex.COLOR = coast_color endif ; case typetrace of 'classique': $ plot, [0], [0], /nodata, /noerase, color = 0, xstyle = 1, ystyle = 1, _extra = ex 'projection': BEGIN if chkstru(ex, 'NOERASE') then begin oldnoerase = ex.noerase ex.noerase = 1 endif if chkstru(ex, 'SUBTITLE') then !p.subtitle = ex.SUBTITLE if n_elements(maptitre) ne 0 then ex.title = maptitre map_set, map_lat, map_lon, map_rot, _extra = ex, /iso, limit = [lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2]$ , /NOERASE, /noborder, title = !p.title, color = 0 ; map_proj_info, numproj, /current ; map_proj_info, numproj, name = nomproj ; if nomproj EQ 'Mercator' OR nomproj EQ 'Cylindrical' OR nomproj EQ 'LambertConic'$ ; OR nomproj EQ 'Gnomic' OR nomproj EQ 'AlbersEqualAreaConic' $ ; OR nomproj EQ 'TransverseMercator' OR nomproj EQ 'MillerCylindrical' $ ; OR nomproj EQ 'LambertConicEllipsoid' then map_grid, box_axes=1,latdel=10,londel=10 $ ; ELSE map_grid, charsize = 0.75, /label,latalign = 1,lonalign ; = 1,latdel = 10,londel = 30 IF n_elements(labmap) EQ 0 THEN labmap = 1 map_grid, charsize = 0.75, label = labmap, latalign = 1, lonalign = 1, latdel = 10, londel = 30, color = 0, _extra = ex if chkstru(ex, 'NOERASE') THEN ex.noerase = oldnoerase end endcase ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; V5) Colorbar. ;------------------------------------------------------------ colnumb = colnumb[0:ncontour-1-keyword_set(strictfill)] barrecouleur, colnumb, min, max, (ncontour-keyword_set(strictfill))/2 $ , position = posbar, _extra = ex ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; VI) Possible print. ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ fini: terminedessin, _extra = ex ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ sortie: if keyword_set(savedbox) THEN restoreboxparam, 'boxparam4plt.dat' if keyword_set(key_performance) NE 0 THEN print, 'temps plt', systime(1)-tempsun ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ return end