;+ ; ; @file_comments ; Rather comparable to depth2level but here, the calculated level ; is in float. ; For example, the level 5.4 correspond to a depth equal ; to gdep[5]+.4*(gdep[6]-gdep[5]) ; ; @categories ; Without loop ; ; @param TAB {in}{required} ; 2d depth array (or a structure respecting litchamp criterion) ; ; @keyword NOMASK ; To do not mask land points ; ; @returns ; An 2d array of float containing levels's values. ; ; @uses ; common ; ; @restrictions ; Accept values at !values.f_nan and mask land points at valmask. ; ; @examples ; ; IDL> a=(jpk-1)/(1.*jpi*jpj)*findgen(jpi,jpj) ; IDL> plt, 1e6*(a-floatlevel2depth(depth2floatlevel(a))),/nocontour ; ; ->champ nul a 1e-6 pres ; ; @history ; Sebastien Masson (smasson\@lodyc.jussieu.fr) ; 15/06/2000 ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- FUNCTION depth2floatlevel, tab, NOMASK=nomask ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; tempsun = systime(1) ; for key_performance @common ;------------------------------------------------------------ depthin = litchamp(tab) ; levelup = depth2level(depthin, /UPPER, /nomask) depthup = level2depth(levelup, /nomask) ; levellow = depth2level(depthin, /lower, /nomask) depthlow = level2depth(levellow, /nomask) ; calculate the distance depthlow-depthup and management of the case ; of this distance is null or equal to !values.f_nan divi = depthlow-depthup nan = where(finite(divi) EQ 0) if nan[0] NE -1 then divi[nan] = 0 nan = where(divi EQ 0) if nan[0] NE -1 then divi[nan] = !values.f_nan ; calculation of the result res = levelup+(depthin-depthup)/divi ; We mask land point at valmask if NOT keyword_set(nomask) then begin grille,mask if n_elements(valmask) EQ 0 then valmask = 1e20 terre = where((temporary(mask))[*, *, 0] EQ 0) if terre[0] NE -1 then res[terre] = valmask endif ;------------------------------------------------------------ if keyword_set(key_performance) THEN print, 'temps depth2floatlevel', systime(1)-tempsun ; return, res end