;+ ; ; @file_comments ; compute the meridional (along the model grid) stream function in Sv using ; the following equation: total(total(e1v*e3v*vn),1), 2, /cumulative)/1.e6 ; ; @categories ; diagnostics ; ; @param z3d {in} {type=3D xyz array} ; meridional velocity ; ; @param mask2d {in} {type=2D xy array} {optional} {default=1 everywhere} ; land/sea (0/1) mask to be applied (in addtion to the 3D mask ; of the model) to mask some parts of the domain (and keep for example ; the northend atlantic). ; ; @keyword NOSTRUCTURE {default=0}{type=scalar: 0 or 1} ; activate if you do not want that msf returns a structure ; but only the array referring to the field. ; ; @keyword INDEXBOXZOOM ; Set this keyword to a named variable in which msf will return the x ; and y indexes definig the zoom-box that should be used by pltz to do ; the plot (see example) ; ; @keyword MASKOUT ; Set this keyword to a named variable in which msf will return the 2d ; array (yz) should be used by pltz to do plot the land/sea mask(see example) ; ; @returns {type=2D yz array} ; meridional stream function in Sv ; ; @uses ; cm_4mesh ; cm_4data ; grille ; litchamp ; fitintobox ; ; @restrictions ; - T and V boxzoom parameters must be the same ; - to be valid, mask must be equal to 0 at the bottom and on each ; side of the domain along x direction ; - define the common variables (of cm_4data) ; varname = 'MSF' ; varunit = 'Sv' ; vargrid = 'W' ; -> should introduce WF point... ; ; @examples ; ; IDL> initorca05 ; IDL> file = '/Volumes/pim/F31/oce/1y/F31_1y_0040_0040_grid_V.nc' ; IDL> vn = read_ncdf('vomecrty', 0, 0, /timestep, file = file) ; IDL> mm = msf(vn, mskatl, indexboxzoom = ind, maskout = ma) ; IDL> pltz, mm, -20, 20, int = 1, boxzoom = [ind, 0, 5200], /xindex $ ; , /yindex, zoom = 1000, maskdta = ma, /no_partial, style = 'so0so' ; ; @history ; Gurvan Madec, Christian Ethe, Claude Talandier and Sebastien Masson, Dec 2008 ; ; @version ; $Id$ ; ;- ; FUNCTION msf, z3d, mask2d, INDEXBOXZOOM = indexboxzoom, MASKOUT = maskout, NOSTRUCTURE = nostructure ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; @cm_4mesh @cm_4data ; CASE 1 OF firstxt NE firstxv OR lastxt NE lastxv: return, report('T and V box must be defined over the same x indexes, use /memeindices when calling domdef') firstyt NE firstyv OR lastyt NE lastyv: return, report('T and V box must be defined over the same y indexes, use /memeindices when calling domdef') ELSE: ENDCASE ; grille, -1, -1, -1, -1, nx, ny, nz, firstx, firsty, firstz, lastx, lasty, lastz, grid = 'T' ; vn = litchamp(z3d) IF size(vn, /n_dimensions) NE 3 THEN return, report('input data must be a 3D array') vn = fitintobox(temporary(vn)) ; IF n_elements(mask2d) EQ 0 THEN mask2d = replicate(1b, nx, ny) IF size(mask2d, /n_dimensions) NE 2 THEN return, report('input mask2d must be a 2D array') msk = fitintobox(mask2d) msk = (temporary(msk))[*]#replicate(1b, nz) msk = (vmask())[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty, firstz:lastz] * temporary(msk) ; IF total(msk[*, *, nz-1]) NE 0 THEN return, report('The bottom of the box (defined by lastzt) must be set to land value (=0)') IF (total(msk[0, *, *]) NE 0 OR total(msk[nx-1, *, *]) NE 0) AND NOT (keyword_set(key_periodic) AND nx EQ jpi) THEN $ return, report('for non-periodic domains, eastern and western bondaries must be land point') IF keyword_set(key_partialstep) AND total(msk[*, ny-1, *]) NE 0 THEN flagdata = 1 ; ; IF keyword_set(key_partialstep) THEN BEGIN ; Rebuild the T-point 3D partial steps array from 2D bottom e3t_ps ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; level of the bottom of the ocean bottom = total(tmask[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty, firstz:lastz], 3) bottom = 0L > ( long(temporary(bottom)) - 1L ) ; the bottom of the ocean in 3D index is: bottom = lindgen(nx*ny) + temporary(bottom)*nx*ny ; 3D e3t array e3t_3D = replicate(1, nx*ny) # e3t[firstz:lastz] ; apply e3t_ps to e3t_3D at the bottom of the ocean e3t_3D[temporary(bottom)] = e3t_ps[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty] ; 3D e3t_3D array e3t_3D = reform(e3t_3D, nx, ny, nz, /overwrite) ; Rebuild the V-point 3D partial steps array from T-point 3D e3t_3D array tmp = shift(e3t_3D, 0, -1, 0) e3v_3D = [ [ (temporary(e3t_3D))[*] ], [ (temporary(tmp))[*] ] ] e3v_3D = min(temporary(e3v_3D), dimension = 2) ; 3D e1v array e1_3D = (e1v[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty])[*] # replicate(1., nz) ; e1v*e3v e13 = temporary(e1_3D) * temporary(e3v_3D) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN e13 = (e1v[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty])[*] # e3t[firstz:lastz] ENDELSE ; ; mask the array vn = temporary(vn) * msk IF arg_present(maskout) THEN BEGIN msk = total(temporary(msk), 1) maskout = temporary(msk) NE 0 maskout = shift(maskout, 0, 1) ; bottom value of W should be taken into account maskout[*, 0] = maskout[*, 1] maskout = reverse(temporary(maskout), 2) ENDIF ; ; defaut computation: ; msf = 1.e-6 * total(total(temporary(e13) * temporary(vn), 1), 2, /cumulative) ; but we force the computation from bottom to up. msf = total(temporary(vn) * temporary(e13), 1) ; -> yz array msf = reverse(temporary(msf), 2) msf = 1.e-6 * total(temporary(msf), 2, /cumulative) msf = -1.*reverse(temporary(msf), 2) IF keyword_set(flagdata) THEN msf[ny-1, *] = !values.f_nan ; set msf to 0 in the largest continent... no done... ; update data informations varname = 'MSF' varunit = 'Sv' vargrid = 'W' ; -> should introduce WF point... ; ; we must define a domain related to the section ; ; are we using an ORCA grid??? IF (jpiglo EQ 182 AND jpjglo EQ 149) OR (jpiglo EQ 722 AND jpjglo EQ 511) $ OR (jpiglo EQ 1442 AND jpjglo EQ 1021) OR (jpiglo EQ 4322 AND jpjglo EQ 3059) THEN BEGIN ; find the i index with the northest latitude ind = (where(gphit[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty] EQ max(gphit[firstx:lastx, firsty:lasty])))[0] mod nx ENDIF ELSE ind = 0 ; indexboxzoom = [ind, ind, firsty, lasty] ; IF keyword_set(nostructure) THEN return, msf IF keyword_set(key_forgetold) THEN BEGIN return, {arr:temporary(msf), grid:vargrid, unit:varunit, experiment:varexp, name:varname} ENDIF ELSE BEGIN return, {tab:temporary(msf), grille:vargrid, unite:varunit, experience:varexp, nom:varname} ENDELSE END