;+ ; ; @file_comments ; get the x/y dimension Id and x/y axes from a netcdf file ; ; @categories ; Read NetCDF file ; ; @param fileid {in}{required}{type=scalar} ; the id of the netcdf file ; ; @param dimidx {out}{type=scalar (long)} ; id of the x dimension ; ; @param dimidy {out}{type=scalar (long)} ; id of the y dimension ; ; @param xaxis {out}{type=1D or 2D array} ; the x axis ; ; @param yaxis {out}{type=1D or 2D array} ; the y axis ; ; @keyword ROMSGRID {out}{type=scalar: 0 or 1} ; gives back if we are using a ROMS grid (1) or not (0) ; ; @keyword START1 {default=0}{type=scalar: 0 or 1} ; Index the axis from 1 instead of 0 when using /xyindex ; ; @keyword XDIMNAME {default='longitude', 'lon', 'x', 'longitude*', 'lon*', 'x*', '*longitude*', '*lon*' or '*x*'}{type=scalar string} ; A string giving the name of the x dimension or/and a named variable ; in which x dimension name is returned. ; ; @keyword YDIMNAME {default='latitude', 'lat', 'y', 'latitude*', 'lat*', 'y*', 'eta_*', '*latitude*', '*lat*', '*y*'}{type=scalar string} ; A string giving the name of the y dimension or/and a named variable ; in which y dimension name is returned. ; ; @keyword XAXISNAME {default='x', 'longitude', 'nav_lon', 'lon', 'lon_rho' or 'NbLongitudes'}{type=scalar string} ; A string giving the name of the variable in the file ; that contains the x axis or/and a named variable ; in which this variable name is returned. ; ; @keyword YAXISNAME {default='y', 'latitude', 'nav_lat','lat', 'lat_rho' or 'NbLatitudes'}{type=scalar string} ; A string giving the name of the variable in the file ; that contains the y axis or/and a named variable ; in which this variable name is returned. ; ; @keyword XYINDEX {default=0}{type=scalar: 0 or 1} ; To define the x/y axis with index instead of using ; the values contained in X/YAXISNAME. ; x/yaxis = keyword_set(start1) + findgen(jpi/jpj) ; ; @keyword _EXTRA ; Used to be able to call ncdf_getaxis with _extra ; ; @history ; March 2007: Sebastien Masson (smasson\@locean-ipsl.upmc.fr) ; ; ; @version ; $Id$ ;- PRO ncdf_getaxis, fileid, dimidx, dimidy, xaxis, yaxis $ , XAXISNAME=xaxisname, YAXISNAME=yaxisname $ , XDIMNAME=xdimname, YDIMNAME=ydimname $ , XYINDEX=xyindex, START1=start1 $ , ROMSGRID=romsgrid, _EXTRA=ex ; compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs ; ; should we open the file? IF size(fileid, /type) EQ 7 THEN cdfid = ncdf_open(fileid) ELSE cdfid = fileid ; what is inside the file inside = ncdf_inquire(cdfid) ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; name of all dimensions namedim = strarr(inside.ndims) for dimiq = 0, inside.ndims-1 do begin ncdf_diminq, cdfid, dimiq, tmpname, value namedim[dimiq] = strlowcase(tmpname) ENDFOR ;---------------------------------------------------------- ; name of the variables namevar = strarr(inside.nvars) for varid = 0, inside.nvars-1 do begin invar = ncdf_varinq(cdfid, varid) namevar[varid] = strlowcase(invar.name) ENDFOR ;---------------------------------------------------------- ; find the xaxis ; try to get the variable that contains the xaxis if keyword_set(xaxisname) then xaxisname = strlowcase(xaxisname) ELSE xaxisname = 'x' xvarid = (where(namevar EQ xaxisname OR namevar EQ 'longitude' $ OR namevar EQ 'nav_lon' OR namevar EQ 'lon' $ OR namevar EQ 'lon_rho' OR namevar EQ 'nblongitudes'))[0] ; no xaxis variable found, we will build a fake xaxis based on the size of the x dimension ; -> we must find the x dimension IF xvarid EQ -1 THEN BEGIN dummy = report(['xaxis variable was not found within the default names:' $ , '''longitude'', ''nav_lon'', ''lon'', ''lon_rho'', ''nblongitudes''' $ , ' we use a fake xaxis based on x dimension size (or use XAXISNAME keyword)'], /simple) xaxisname = 'Not Found' ; try to get the dimension corresponding to x ; roms file? dimidx = where(namedim EQ 'xi_rho' OR namedim EQ 'xi_u' OR namedim EQ 'xi_v' OR namedim EQ 'xi_psi') IF dimidx[0] EQ -1 THEN BEGIN ; we are looking for a x dimension with a name matching one of the following regular expression: if keyword_set(xdimname) then testname = strlowcase(xdimname) $ ELSE testname = ['longitude', 'lon', 'x', 'longitude*', 'lon*', 'x*', '*longitude*', '*lon*', '*x*'] cnt = -1 ii = 0 WHILE cnt NE 1 AND ii LT n_elements(testname) DO BEGIN dimidx = where(strmatch(namedim, testname[ii]) EQ 1, cnt) ii = ii+1 ENDWHILE CASE cnt OF 0:begin dummy = report(['none of the dimensions name matches one of the following regular expression:' $ , '''longitude'', ''lon'', ''x'', ''longitude*'', ''lon*'', ''x*'', ''*longitude*'', ''*lon*'', ''*x*''' $ , ' => we cannot find the x dimension, use XDIMNAME keyword'], /simple) stop END 1:dimidx = dimidx[0] ELSE:begin dummy = report(['several (and not one unique) dimensions name matches the following regular expression:' $ , '''longitude'', ''lon'', ''x'', ''longitude*'', ''lon*'', ''x*'', ''*longitude*'', ''*lon*'', ''*x*''' $ , ' => we cannot find the x dimension, use XDIMNAME keyword'], /simple) stop ENDELSE ENDCASE romsgrid = 0b ENDIF ELSE romsgrid = 1b ENDIF ELSE BEGIN romsgrid = strmid(namevar[xvarid], 0, 4) EQ 'lon_' xinq = ncdf_varinq(cdfid, xvarid) xaxisname = xinq.name dimidx = xinq.dim[0] IF xinq.ndims GE 2 THEN ncdf_diminq, cdfid, xinq.dim[1], blabla, jpjfromx ENDELSE IF arg_present(xdimname) THEN ncdf_diminq, cdfid, dimidx, xdimname, jpifromx ; IF arg_present(xaxis) THEN BEGIN ncdf_diminq, cdfid, dimidx, blabla, jpifromx ; should we read or compute the xaxis? IF keyword_set(xyindex) OR xvarid EQ -1 THEN BEGIN xaxis = keyword_set(start1) + findgen(jpifromx) xyindex = 1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; read the xaxis ncdf_varget, cdfid, xvarid, xaxis ncdf_getatt, cdfid, xvarid, ADD_OFFSET = add_offset, SCALE_FACTOR = scale_factor IF scale_factor NE 1. THEN xaxis = temporary(xaxis) * scale_factor IF add_offset NE 0. THEN xaxis = temporary(xaxis) + add_offset ; make sure of the shape of xaxis IF n_elements(jpjfromx) NE 0 THEN xaxis = reform(xaxis, jpifromx, jpjfromx, /over) ENDELSE ENDIF ;---------------------------------------------------------- ; find the yaxis ; try to get the variable that contains the yaxis if keyword_set(yaxisname) then yaxisname = strlowcase(yaxisname) ELSE yaxisname = 'y' yvarid = (where(namevar EQ yaxisname OR namevar EQ 'latitude' $ OR namevar EQ 'nav_lat' OR namevar EQ 'lat' $ OR namevar EQ 'lat_rho' OR namevar EQ 'nblatitudes'))[0] yvarid = yvarid[0] ; no yaxis variable found, we will build a fake yaxis based on the size of the y dimension ; -> we must find the y dimension if yvarid EQ -1 then begin dummy = report(['yaxis variable was not found within the default names:' $ , '''latitude'', ''nav_lat'', ''lat'', ''lat_rho'', ''nblatitudes''' $ , ' we use a fake yaxis based on y dimension size (or use YAXISNAME keyword)'], /simple) yaxisname = 'Not Found' ; try to get the dimension corresponding to y ; roms file? dimidy = where(namedim EQ 'eta_rho' OR namedim EQ 'eta_u' OR namedim EQ 'eta_v' OR namedim EQ 'eta_psi') IF dimidy[0] EQ -1 THEN BEGIN ; we are looking for a y dimension with a name matching one of the following regular expression: if keyword_set(ydimname) then testname = strlowcase(ydimname) $ ELSE testname = ['latitude', 'lat', 'y', 'latitude*', 'lat*', 'y*', 'eta_*', '*latitude*', '*lat*', '*y*'] cnt = -1 ii = 0 WHILE cnt NE 1 AND ii LT n_elements(testname) DO BEGIN dimidy = where(strmatch(namedim, testname[ii]) EQ 1, cnt) ii = ii+1 ENDWHILE CASE cnt OF 0:begin dummy = report(['none of the dimensions name matches one of the following regular expression:' $ , '''latitude'', ''lat'', ''y'', ''latitude*'', ''lat*'', ''y*'', ''eta_*'', ''*latitude*'', ''*lat*'', ''*y*''' $ , ' => we cannot find the y dimension, use YDIMNAME keyword'], /simple) stop END 1:dimidy = dimidy[0] ELSE:begin dummy = report(['several (and not one unique) dimensions name matches the following regular expression:' $ , '''latitude'', ''lat'', ''y'', ''latitude*'', ''lat*'', ''y*'', ''eta_*'', ''*latitude*'', ''*lat*'', ''*y*''' $ , ' => we cannot find the y dimension, use YDIMNAME keyword'], /simple) stop ENDELSE ENDCASE ENDIF ENDIF ELSE BEGIN yinq = ncdf_varinq(cdfid, yvarid) yaxisname = yinq.name IF yinq.ndims GE 2 THEN BEGIN ncdf_diminq, cdfid, yinq.dim[0], blabla, jpifromy dimidy = yinq.dim[1] ENDIF ELSE dimidy = yinq.dim[0] ENDELSE IF arg_present(ydimname) THEN ncdf_diminq, cdfid, dimidy, ydimname, jpjfromy ; IF arg_present(yaxis) THEN BEGIN IF n_elements(jpifromy) NE 0 THEN BEGIN IF jpifromy NE jpifromx THEN BEGIN dummy = report('x/y axes do not have the same x dimension...') stop ENDIF ENDIF ncdf_diminq, cdfid, dimidy, blabla, jpjfromy IF n_elements(jpjfromx) NE 0 THEN BEGIN IF jpjfromy NE jpjfromx THEN BEGIN dummy = report(' x/y axes do not have the same y dimension...') stop ENDIF ENDIF ; should we read or compute the xaxis? IF keyword_set(xyindex) OR yvarid EQ -1 THEN BEGIN yaxis = keyword_set(start1) + findgen(jpjfromy) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; read the yaxis ncdf_varget, cdfid, yvarid, yaxis ncdf_getatt, cdfid, yvarid, ADD_OFFSET = add_offset, SCALE_FACTOR = scale_factor IF scale_factor NE 1. THEN yaxis = temporary(yaxis) * scale_factor IF add_offset NE 0. THEN yaxis = temporary(yaxis) + add_offset ; make sure of the shape of xaxis IF n_elements(jpifromy) NE 0 THEN yaxis = reform(yaxis, jpifromy, jpjfromy, /over) ENDELSE ENDIF IF size(fileid, /type) EQ 7 THEN ncdf_close, cdfid return END